Teeth with deep transverse or oblique root fractures can nowadays be preserved by intra-alveolar transplantation. This method, however, has its limitation: The apical root fragment must not be too short in proportion to the crown length. This report describes a method to retain even very short roots. 14 roots have been carefully extracted. Then, the following treatment has been performed extraorally: Apectomy, lengthening of the root with a common titanium root screw and replantation of the root in an extruded position which allowed to carry out correct root filling and crown reconstruction. After an average observation period of 19 months 11 cases out of 14, i.e. 79%, were successful according to the criteria stated by Kristersson and Kvint. If the long-term results turn out as promising as the short-term findings, the concept might well be extended to other indications. One example is to stimulate the growth of a genuine periodontal "re-attachment" in intrabony pockets by extruding viable periodontal membrane areas to a more coronal level.