Objectives: The aim was to study the physiological effects of induced ventricular fibrillation and subsequent circulatory arrest for defibrillation threshold testing on the brain using the EEG, jugular bulb oxymetry and near-infrared spectroscopy.
Methods: Thirteen patients undergoing surgery for implantable cardioverter-defibrillator implantation or replacement under general anesthesia were included. We continuously monitored the jugular bulb oxygen saturation (SjO2), regional oxygen saturation (rSO2) and the EEG.
Results: 59 episodes of circulatory arrest were studied. In all cases the rSO2 fell instantly while the EEG changed within 12 +/- 4 seconds after induction. The EEG indicated ischemic changes, ranging from occurrence of rhythmic delta activity to cessation of all electrical activity. On successful defibrillation the rSO2 increased to values in excess of pre-arrest levels and restored towards baseline; the SjO2 initially fell followed by a similar overshoot. Recovery times increased in proportion to arrest duration.
Conclusion: Short lasting episodes of circulatory arrest have serious, but transient effects on brain function. The rSO2 is an effective non-invasive tool for monitoring cerebral oxygenation during DFT-testing.