The efficacy of morphine by either lumbar extradural route or caudal extradural route and their adverse effects for postoperative analgesia were studied by comparing with the control group without morphine administration. 105 patients, 79 males and 26 females, aged 18 to 70 years, scheduled for hemorrhoidectomy surgery were selected. They were randomly assigned into three groups, i.e group I: without morphine use as control group (n = 35), group II: lumbar extradural morphine group (n = 35) and group III: caudal extradural morphine group (n = 35). Patients in group I received general anesthesia by face mask after induction by intravenous anesthetics and maintained with potent halogenated inhalation agents (isoflurane) through face mask. Patients in group II received lumbar extradural blockade through the L4-L5 intervertebral space, and those in group III received caudal extradural blockade through the sacrococcygeal junction (sacral hiatus) for intraoperative anesthesia and analgesia. Drugs included 0.5% bupivacaine 10ml + 2% xylocaine 10ml + 2mg morphine HCl + 0.1mg epinephrine were given either into the lumbar extradural space or into the caudal extradural space. No more narcotic has been given throughout the whole intraoperative course. All of these patients were followed up 24 hours later after the end of anesthesia. There were 11 patients (31.4%) in the control group, 26 patients (74.3%) in the lumbar extradural morphine group, and 25 patients (71.4%) in the caudal extradural morphine group who did not need additional narcotic for pain relief for more than 24 hours postoperatively.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)