The aim of this work is to investigate the growth of the vasculature in the rat humeral head cartilage after the initial development of the secondary ossification centre until the adult organization. Rats aging from 5 weeks to 12 months were used. Histological observations on humeral heads were implemented with morphometrical analysis. Subsequently, vascular corrosion cast, that permits a three-dimensional observation of the vasculature, were prepared and observed by scanning electron microscopy. In young animals the epiphysis contains thin bone trabeculae and most of the epiphysis is occupied by bone marrow spaces. With age, the bone trabeculae progressively enlarge up to double their thickness. The percentage of bone tissue increases from 33.6 to 58.6% of the entire epiphysis, while the bone marrow spaces tend to increase very little in their mean dimension. Vascular corrosion casts show that the epiphyseal microcirculation is well distinguished from that of the diaphysis, and arises from the vessels present in the capsule and the periosteal networks. In young animals the only capillaries are bone marrow sinusoids and few subchondral capillaries. In adult animals small vessels run between the clusters of sinusoids forming the trabecular circulation. Capillary sprouts from sinusoids are always observed both in the young and adult animals. Thus, in adult rats different proper microcirculatory districts can be distinguished in the epiphysis: (a) the sinusoidal network, that supplies the hematopoiesis of the bone marrow and the adjacent osteogenic tissue; (b) the bone tissue microcirculation, limited to small vessels that supply the metabolism and the remodelling of the bone tissue. The reported microvascular organization and its adaptation to the epiphyseal growth represent the morphological basis for understanding the reciprocal interaction among the different tissues in developing and adult rat epiphysis.