During the last 60 years many inherited traits in domestic outbred cats were selected and retained giving birth to new breeds characterised by singular coat or morphological phenotypes. Among them, minimal white spotting associated with blue eyes was selected by feline breeders to create the Altai, Topaz, and Celestial breeds. Various established breeds also introduced this trait in their lineages. The trait, that was confirmed as autosomal dominant by breeding data, was first described in domestic cats from Kazakhstan and Russia, in British shorthair and British longhair from Russia, and in Maine Coon cats from the Netherlands, suggesting different founding effects. Using a genome-wide association study we identified a single region on chromosome C1 that was associated with the minimal white spotting and blue eyes phenotype (also called DBE by breeders for dominant blue eyes) in the French Celestial breed. Within that region we identified Paired Box 3 (PAX3) as the strongest candidate gene, since PAX3 is a key regulator of MITF (Melanocyte-Inducing Transcription Factor) and PAX3 variants have been previously identified in various species showing white spotting with or without blue eyes including the mouse and the horse. Whole genome sequencing of a Celestial cat revealed an endogenous retrovirus LTR (long terminal repeat) insertion within PAX3 intron 4 known to contain regulatory sequences (conserved non-coding element [CNE]) involved in PAX3 expression. The insertion is in the vicinity of CNE2 and CNE3. All 52 Celestial and Celestial-mixed cats with a DBE phenotype presented the insertion, that was absent in their 22 non-DBE littermates and in 87 non-DBE cats from various breeds. The outbred Celestial founder was also heterozygous for the insertion. Additionally, the variant was found in nine DBE Maine Coon cats related to the Celestial founder and four DBE Siberian cats with an uncertain origin. Segregation of the variant in the Celestial breed is consistent with dominant inheritance and does not appear to be associated with deafness. We propose that this NC_018730.3:g.206974029_206974030insN[395] variant represents the DBECEL (Celestial Dominant Blue Eyes) allele in the domestic cat.
Commercial panels of microsatellite (STR) loci are focused on the use of DNA of the domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris) and are often inapplicable for genotyping the DNA of the gray wolf (Canis lupus lupus). We propose a CPlex test system, including one hexa- and 12 tetranucleotide autosomal STR loci, as well as two sex loci, that is equally efficient in DNA identification of biological samples of the wolf and the dog. Analysis of molecular variance between samples revealed significant differentiation values (FST = 0.0784, p < 0.001), which allows to use the panel to differentiate wolf and dog samples. Population subdivision coefficients (θ-values) were calculated for each of the 13 STR loci of the developed test system. It was shown that the values of the genotype frequency for dogs and wolves, without and with considering the θ-value, differ by three orders of magnitude (for dogs 8.9 × 10−16 and 2.1 × 10−14 and for wolves 1.9 × 10−15 and 4.5 × 10−14, respectively). The use of population subdivision coefficients will allow to identify the most reliable results of an expert identification study and the power of exclusion provided by the STR loci of the CPlex test system makes it possible to achieve a reliable level of evidence in forensic DNA analysis of both wolves and dogs. The test system has been validated for use in forensic identification of the dog and wolf based on biological traces found at crime scenes, as well as for individual identification and establishing biological relationship of animals of these species.
The common deleterious genetic defects in Holstein cattle include haplotypes 1–6 (HH1–HH6), haplotypes for cholesterol deficiency (HCD), bovine leukocyte adhesion deficiency (BLAD), complex vertebral malformation (CVM) and brachyspina syndrome (BS). Recessive inheritance patterns of these genetic defects permit the carriers to function normally, but homozygous recessive genotypes cause embryo loss or neonatal death. Therefore, rapid detection of the carriers is essential to manage these genetic defects. This study was conducted to develop a single-tube multiplex fluorescent amplification–refractory mutation system (mf-ARMS) PCR method for efficient genotyping of these 10 genetic defects and to compare its efficiency with the kompetitive allele specific PCR (KASP) genotyping assay. The mf-ARMS PCR method introduced 10 sets of tri-primers optimized with additional mismatches in the 3′ end of wild and mutant-specific primers, size differentiation between wild and mutant-specific primers, fluorescent labeling of universal primers, adjustment of annealing temperatures and optimization of primer concentrations. The genotyping of 484 Holstein cows resulted in 16.12% carriers with at least one genetic defect, while no homozygous recessive genotype was detected. This study found carrier frequencies ranging from 0.0% (HH6) to 3.72% (HH3) for individual defects. The mf-ARMS PCR method demonstrated improved detection, time and cost efficiency compared with the KASP method for these defects. Therefore, the application of mf-ARMS PCR for genotyping Holstein cattle is anticipated to decrease the frequency of lethal alleles and limit the transmission of these genetic defects.
This work aimed to identify markers and candidate genes underlying porcine digestive traits. In total, 331 pigs were genotyped by 80 K Chip data or 50 K Chip data. For apparent neutral detergent fiber digestibility, a total of 19 and 21 candidate single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) were respectively identified using a genome-wide efficient mixed-model association algorithm and linkage-disequilibrium adjusted kinship. Among them, three quantitative trait locus (QTL) regions were identified. For apparent acid detergent fiber digestibility, a total of 16 and 17 SNPs were identified by these two methods, respectively. Of these, three QTL regions were also identified. Moreover, two candidate genes (MST1 and LATS1), which are functionally related to intestinal homeostasis and health, were detected near these significant SNPs. Taken together, our results could provide a basis for deeper research on digestive traits in pigs.
Qingyuan partridge chicken is a renowned indigenous yellow broiler breed in China. Egg production traits are important economic traits for chickens. With the decreasing cost of whole genome resequencing, identifying candidate genes with more precision has become possible. In order to identify molecular markers and candidate genes associated with egg production traits, we conducted genome-wide association studies based on the resequencing data of 287 female Qingyuan partridge chickens. For each hen, age at first egg and egg laying rate were recorded and calculated, respectively. With a univariate linear mixed model, we detected one genome-wide significant single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and three chromosome-wide significant SNPs associated with egg laying rate. MTA2 is highly likely to be a functional gene for egg laying rate. Our study identifies MTA2 as the first time to be associated with egg laying rate. Findings in our study will advance our understanding of the genetic basis of egg production and have the potential to improve the efficiency of genomic selection in chickens.
Genetic research for the assessment of mastitis and milk production traits simultaneously has a long history. The main issue that arises in this context is the known existence of a positive correlation between the risk of mastitis and lactation performance due to selection. The transcriptome-wide association study (TWAS) approach endeavors to combine the expression quantitative trait loci and genome-wide association study summary statistics to decode complex traits or diseases. Accordingly, we used the farmgtex project results as a complete bovine database for mastitis and milk production. The results of colocalization and TWAS approaches were used for the detection of functional associated candidate genes with milk production and mastitis traits on multiple tissue-based transcriptome records. Also, we used the david database for gene ontology to identify significant terms and associated genes. For the identification of interaction networks, the genemania and string databases were used. Also, the available z-scores in TWAS results were used for the calculation of the correlation between tissues. Therefore, the present results confirm that LYNX1, DGAT1, C14H8orf33, and LY6E were identified as significant genes associated with milk production in eight, six, five, and five tissues, respectively. Also, FBXL6 was detected as a significant gene associated with mastitis trait. CLN3 and ZNF34 genes emerged via both the colocalization and TWAS approaches as significant genes for milk production trait. It is expected that TWAS and colocalization can improve our perception of the potential health status control mechanism in high-yielding dairy cows.
Genomic imprinting is an epigenetic regulation in mammals in which a small subset of genes is monoallelically expressed dependent on their parental origin. A large imprinted domain, SGCE/PEG10 locus, is located on human chromosome 7q21s and mouse proximal chromosome 6. However, genomic imprinting of bovine SGCE/PEG10 cluster has not been systematically studied. In this study, we investigated allele expression of 14 genes of the SGCE/PEG10 locus in bovine somatic tissues and term placenta using a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-based sequencing method. In addition to SGCE and PEG10, two conserved paternally expressed genes in human and mice, five other genes (TFPI2, GNG11, ASB4, PON1, and PON3) were paternally expressed. Three genes, BET1, COL1A2, and CASD1, exhibited tissue-specific monoallelic expression. CALCR showed monoallelic expression in tissues but biallelic expression in the placenta. Three genes, GNGT1, PPP1R9A, and PON2, showed biallelic expression in cattle. Five differentially methylated regions (DMRs) were found to be associated with the allelic expression of TFPI2, COL1A2, SGCE/PEG10, PON3, and ASB4 genes, respectively. The SGCE/PEG10 DMR is a maternally hypermethylated germline DMR, but TFPI2, COL1A2, PON3, and ASB4 DMRs are secondary DMRs. In summary, we identified five novel bovine imprinted genes (GNG11, BET1, COL1A2, CASD1, and PON1) and four secondary DMRs at the SGCE/PEG10 locus.
One of the most important processes that occur during the transformation of muscle to meat is the pH decline as a consequence of the post-mortem metabolism of muscle tissue. Abnormal pH declines lead to pork defects such as pale, soft, and exudative meat. There is genetic variance for ultimate pH and the role of some genes on this phenotype is well established. After conducting a genome-wide association study on ultimate pH using 526 purebred Duroc pigs, we identified associated regions on Sus scrofa chromosomes (SSC) 3, 8, and 15. Functional candidate genes in these regions included PRKAG3 and PHKG1. The SSC8 region, at 71.6 Mb, was novel and, although no candidate causative gene could be identified, it may have regulatory effects. Subsequent analysis on 828 pigs from the same population confirmed the impact of the three associated regions on pH and meat color. We detected no interaction between the three regions. Further investigations are necessary to unravel the functional significance of the novel genomic region at SSC8. These variants could be used as markers in marker-assisted selection for improving meat quality.