Pre-scientific medicines are immensely widespread involving about 80% of the world's population. This is a consequence of the connection between many pre-scientific medicines and religion, whereby many people resort to personal, domestic and popular medicines initially, because of the lack of any suitably scientifically trained staff. The environment, soil and climate, diversifies the various systems of pre-scientific medicine so that it is necessary to distinguish between those in arid zones, equatorial forests, cold climates and at great heights.
The study of pre-scientific medicines has great implications for scientific research. Vast areas of research are available just in drugs, whether of animal, vegetable or mineral origin. Then there are the physical treatments, attention to the five sense-organs (melotherapy, coreotherapy, chromatotherapy, osmatictherapy, gustative and tactile sensations) which involve provocation of reflexes and releases of hormones, which can explain the success of many pre-scientific medicines. Then there are interesting therapies based on the psychic factors such as occurs in possession worship, trances, dreams, stress and emotional shocks. Certainly pre-scientific therapies have their own curative efficacy that stems from the phenomena described above.
Pre-scientific medicines are no less important in the social field: the possibilities for information exchange between traditional and scientific medicine and the attempts to introduce pre-scientific medicines to other peoples who lack suitable scientific health assistance, because of the absence of enough technically trained personnel, make pre-scientific medicines extremely valuable.