Int J Trauma Nurs 2002;8:67-9.
Int J Trauma Nurs 2002;8:67-9.
Trauma centers are challenged to share beds with a larger hospital population of critical care patients. Often, this means that patients may be shifted between units when beds are not immediately available in the specialty unit that fits their diagnosis. They are admitted to the first intensive care unit bed that becomes available. This practice results in patients with special care needs being cared for by nursing staff who do not perceive themselves as trained to provide those needs. This practice is referred to as displaced specialty unit (DSU) admission. A review of 2-year data from one large trauma center revealed a total of 1072 DSU patients, of whom 50% were medical patients. A questionnaire given to intensive care unit nurses found that caring for DSU patients did affect their perceptions of their ability to care for such patients and affected their sense of job satisfaction. Strategies to improve nurses' comfort level and competency in treating diverse critical care patients were recommended and implemented. (Int J Trauma Nurs 2002;8:76-80.)
Trauma can cause visible, often profound physical injuries for patients. The emotional and social drain that families and health care providers experience can also be life-altering. REBUILD is a program designed by a level 1 trauma center that incorporates former patients and their families in a support group to aid previous and new patients, their families, and care providers by sharing mutual experiences and learning from each other. Health care providers have found that participating in the program has been personally gratifying and professionally beneficial by preventing burn-out. (Int J Trauma Nurs 2002;8:70-5.)
Int J Trauma Nurs 2002;8:86-8.
Child abuse continues to go undetected by hospital-based health care providers because clues may exist exclusively in the child's home. Emergency personnel are in the unique position of being able to assess the home environment. An educational intervention was developed to increase the prehospital providers' awareness of how to assess, report, and document suspected child maltreatment based on findings in the home. (Int J Trauma Nurs 2002;8:81-3.)