New research on falls and multi-tasking can bolster providers’ fall reduction strategies.
New research on falls and multi-tasking can bolster providers’ fall reduction strategies.
Debunking common medicare myths can help providers guide patients through complicated post-acute care coverage.
Providers must deal with new payment models governed by multiple statutes.
Assessing the finance department’s strengths and weaknesses can help achieve solvency.
Accountable clinical processes aligned with EHR workflow can boost risk management efforts.
Accurate assessment of residents’ functional abilities will help providers avoid pitfalls and establish outcomes.
Stronger economy and shifting demographics put providers in bind in search for workers.
If the right leader is not hired, the company is doomed to crumble from the top down, taking good employees with it.
The growing state legalization of the drug in the face of a federal ban poses a dilemma for providers.
Educating employees, making sure they demonstrate proper lift techniques, and providing adequate equipment are key in fostering safety.