M-CAID in Ann Arbor, MI, uses disease management and pharmacy management to reduce costs, boost quality, and enhance the viability of its capitated contracts.
M-CAID in Ann Arbor, MI, uses disease management and pharmacy management to reduce costs, boost quality, and enhance the viability of its capitated contracts.
Hospitalists managing inpatient care at Alta Bates Medical Center hospitals have been able to reduce commercial length of stay to 3.8 days from 6.2 days and Medicare length of stays to 4.2 days from 7.1 since 1999. Here's how.....
As the use of disease management and preventive care expands, people ages 45 or older are seeing their doctor more often, according to a CDC survey. With an aging population, experts believe physicians will be challenged by patients with multiple chronic conditions and will rely more heavily on information technology innovations.
A statistician at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services talks about how well managed care controls costs for the Medicare Advantage population, and why capitation may be in for a boost as managed Medicare gains traction
Henry Ford Health System in Detroit works closely with its health plan to manage globally capitated contracts. Get the inside scoop on their best strategies.
California medical groups and IPAs are more likely than physician organizations in other states to use recommended care management processes for treating patients with chronic illnesses primarily because they have a greater number of external incentives to improve quality.
Capitated physician organizations and health plans are using case management approaches to reduce PMPM costs in patients with chronic conditions like diabetes, asthma, congestive heart failure and hypertension. Read about their ongoing efforts to address chronic disease, which accounts for up to 80% of total health care expenditures.