Health plans that look alike to patients don't all have to meet the same standards for quality of care, benefits, and solvency. A recent GHAA 50-state survey looks at the regulation of one of the newer health plan models--the PHO.
Health plans that look alike to patients don't all have to meet the same standards for quality of care, benefits, and solvency. A recent GHAA 50-state survey looks at the regulation of one of the newer health plan models--the PHO.
Medical savings accounts (MSAs) have emerged as one of the key health care proposals under consideration in the 104th Congress. These tax-free accounts, which are viewed as an alternative to traditional "comprehensive" health care coverage, would allow individuals and their employers to set aside money to pay for major health care expenses. Depending on how they are designed, MSAs could have significant implications for HMOs and other managed care arrangements.