The effects of radiation on the structural performance of fusion reactor structures is recognized as a major issue for the development of fusion reactor technology. Neutron irradiation changes the mechanical properties of structural components resulting in a general degradation of these properties. In addition to the mechanical loads (pressure and weight) and the thermal strains, non-uniform inelastic strain fields are induced by radiation swelling and creep in fusion structures. In this paper, we describe a new computer code, STAIRE, for ress nalysis ncluding adiation ffects. This code is based on standard beam theory for pipe-bends. The theory is modified in two areas: (1) consideration of the pipes' cross-section deformation as the radius of curvature changes; and (2) inclusion of inelastic radiation and thermal strains (swelling and creep). An efficient analytical/numerical approach is developed for the solution of indeterminate beam problems. As an application of the method, the stress distribution and deflections of toroidal blanket pipes in the Mirror Advanced Reactor Study (MARS) are evaluated. Swelling strains are identified as a major source of stress and deformation in the proposed blanket design, and possible solutions to the problem are outlined.