Communication errors cited in 100% of cases. Carrots and sticks' needed to engender cultural change. Staff members must be mentally engaged and accept accountability.
Communication errors cited in 100% of cases. Carrots and sticks' needed to engender cultural change. Staff members must be mentally engaged and accept accountability.
'Triple Aim' is at the heart of several ACO initiatives. All aims must be valued equally and concurrently. ACOs will look different in various locations, populations.
The Cleveland (OH) Clinic study results show that smokers have significantly more complications post-surgery than non-smokers, including a higher death rate. Since Aug. 25, 2010, Medicare has reimbursed physicians who provide counseling for outpatients and hospitalized patients to prevent tobacco use. The ASA encourages anesthesiologists to ask all patients about their tobacco use, advise those who do use to stop, and refer patients to other resources that can get them the assistance, such as the toll-free number (800) QUIT NOW.
Participants learn from each other, sharing successes and failures. Founders of collaborative embrace public reporting. Initiatives have different levels of engagement.
Continuity of care a critical consideration. Advanced learning assessment conducted within 24 hours of admission. "Teach back" method employed with patients, family members.
Among those standards The Joint Commission reports offer the most difficult compliance challenges for hospitals, the three that have the greatest impact on EDs involve complete lab records, complete and accurate patient records, and egress. Install an electronic medical record, and verify that results have been reviewed. If you use a paper system, ensure that all final printed results are filed in the paper record. Involve clinicians who understand the standards in the selection of equipment.