Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different methods of ligation in tie configurations on friction in dry and wet conditions.
Methods: Four methods of ligations were used: regular round tie, figure eight, twist, and diagonal. Materials used were Alastik (3M Unitek), Power O module (ORMCO), O-ring ligatures (JES), stainless steel ligatures (TP Orthodontics), 0.019 × 0.025-inch straight-length stainless steel archwires and stainless steel MBT 0.022-inch slot brackets (3M Unitek).
Results: Figure eight ligation had the highest friction, followed by round, twist, and diagonal ligation, in the descending order. Comparisons were statistically significant with a 100-g load. Dry group samples had higher friction than the wet group. These comparisons were statistically significant with a 50-g load.
Conclusions: The study concluded that figure eight ligation had the highest friction, and diagonal ligation produced the least friction. Among the dry and wet groups, lubrication showed significant reduction in friction.