Inherited platelet disorders (IPDs) are a heterogeneous group of conditions that present significant challenges in diagnosis and management. Here, we report two cases of patients presenting with clinically significant bleeding but with unclear etiologies by conventional clinical laboratory testing. Further evaluation, utilizing a combination of high-dimensional multiplexed mass cytometry and genetic sequencing, revealed the underlying causes of bleeding in both cases, leading to definitive diagnoses. These cases underscore the potential utility of combined multimodal approaches in evaluating patients with bleeding disorders. Moreover, these high-parameter methods can offer substantial mechanistic insights and can enhance our understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of IPDs. Future studies involving larger patient cohorts are needed to further validate this strategy, directly comparing its diagnostic yield and accuracy with current clinical laboratory testing approaches, which can ultimately improve patient care.
To document the results of outpatient hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) from the peripheral blood (PB) of sibling donors without anti-thymocyte globulin (ATG) in the conditioning regimen.
Patients from a low-income population with severe AA who received a PB, unmanipulated sibling HLA-identical HSCT between 2000 and 2020 at a single institution were studied. Survival was the primary outcome.
Forty-one transplants were performed. Time between diagnosis and transplant was five months (1–104). Median age was 37 (range, 4–61) years; 25 (61 %) recipients were males and 32 (78 %) had treatment failure, 9 (22 %) have not received treatment. ATG was administered in 5 (12.2 %) cases; the graft source was PB in 38 (92.7 %) transplants. Twenty-six (63.4 %) transplants were carried out in the outpatient setting. Infections developed in 14 (34.1 %) patients. Primary graft failure (GF) occurred in 3 (7.3 %) patients. The 15-year OS was 81 %, EFS was 77.4 %. Patients with high pre-HSCT transfusion burden had lower OS (p = 0.035) and EFS (p = 0.026). Previous treatment failure and age were not associated with lower OS (p = 0.115, p = 0.069) or EFS (p = 0.088, p = 0.5, respectively).
HLA-identical T-cell replete outpatient HSCT from the PB of sibling donors for AA patients using ATG-free conditioning offers excellent long-term survival.
The red cell distribution width (RDW) is a standard variable reported in the complete blood count. It has been found to have a consistent relationship to life expectancy in older individuals, prognosis in patients with cardiovascular disease, outcome in those with hematological and non-hematological neoplasms and in a variety of medical circumstances such as non-cardiovascular or cancer related critical illness and postoperative outcome from various procedures. This report reviews some of the key medical publications establishing these relationships with RDW. The precise pathobiological processes that explain the predictive value of the RDW in this wide array of circumstances or why an alteration in erythropoiesis (exaggerated red cell size variation) occurs is uncertain. The possible role of inflammation has been one hypothesis considered, but not established.
Despite several existing laboratory-based studies of hemoglobin (Hb) E (HBB:c.79 G > A)/ β (nucleotide (NT) -28 A > G) (HBB:c.-78 A > G) -thalassemia, no reports have ever provided clinical severity information as well as dependency of blood transfusion. Previously, a comparative study of community- and hospital-recruited Hb E/β-thalassemia subjects was conducted in the lower northern Thailand between June 2020 and December 2021. A mobile medical team visited each community hospital on-site, collecting clinical severity parameters, and conducting Hb and DNA analyses. The control included Hb E/β-thalassemia patients undergoing transfusions. Subgroup study of adult Hb E/β (NT -28 A > G) -thalassemia subjects was subsequently conducted. Additional pediatric individuals were recruited from prenatal diagnosis databases. Twenty adult and nine pediatric subjects were enrolled; all were classified as having mild disease severity. Twenty-two individuals (75.9 %) were asymptomatic. Six adults (20.7 %) required blood transfusion. The mean Hb level of subjects without transfusion (23 [79.3 %]) was 10.77 ± 1.10 g/dL. Hb analysis revealed a distinct EFA pattern with low Hb F fraction. The positive impact of genetic modifiers could not be statistically demonstrated except rs7482144-XmnI. These findings could provide essential information for parents carrying fetuses with Hb E/β (NT -28 A > G) -thalassemia.
Recent evidence suggests that systemic conditions, particularly those associated with inflammation, can affect erythrocyte deformability in the absence of haematological conditions. In this exploratory study, we investigated the relationship between systemic inflammatory status and erythrocyte deformability (using osmotic gradient ektacytometry) in a heterogenous study population consisting of individuals with no medical concerns, chronic conditions, and acute illness, providing a wide range of systemic inflammation severity.
22 participants were included in a prospective observational study. Maximum Elongation Index (EImax) in ektacytometry served as the readout for erythrocyte deformability. Inflammatory status was assessed using C-reactive protein (CRP) and self-reported symptoms associated with inflammatory activation (Sickness Questionnaire Scores, SicknessQ).
In a univariate linear regression, both CRP and SicknessQ scores significantly predicted EImax (CRP: F(1,20) = 7.751, p < 0.05 (0.011), R2 = 0.279; SicknessQ: F(1,18) = 4.831, p < 0.05 (0.041), R2 = 0.212). Sensitivity analyses with multivariable linear regression correcting for age showed concordant findings.
Results suggest a linear relationship between erythrocyte deformability and biochemical and clinical markers of systemic inflammation. Replication of findings in a larger study, and mechanisms and clinical consequences need further in investigation.
Telomere length related studies are limited in pediatric marrow failure cases due to difficulty in establishing population specific age related normograms. Moreover, there is paucity of data related to clinical relevance of telomere length in idiopathic aplastic anemia (IAA) and non telomere biology inherited bone marrow failure syndrome (IBMFS) cases. Methodology: Hence, in current study we investigated Relative telomere length (RTL) by RQ-PCR in 83 samples as: healthy controls (n = 44), IAA (n = 15) and IBMFS (n = 24). In addition, we performed chromosomal breakage studies and targeted NGS to screen for pathogenic variants. Results & Conclusion: Median RTL was significantly different between control vs. IBMFS (p-0.002), IAA vs. IBMFS (p-0.0075) and DC vs. non-DC IBMFS (p-0.011) but not between control vs. IAA (p-0.46). RTL analysis had clinical utility in differentiating BMF cases as 75 % (9/12) of DC had short/very short telomeres compared to only 17 % (2/12) of non-DC IBMFS, 7 % (1/15) of IAA and 7 % (3/44) of controls (p < 0.001).