Background: In India, many persons with neurological disorder (PwND) get discharged from several hospitals with significant unmet needs.
Aim: To assess the needs of persons with neurological disorders in a tertiary care hospital, Bangalore, India.
Method and materials: It was a cross-sectional descriptive study where thirty PwND availing the in-patient services at NIMHANS, Bangalore were selected through purposive sampling. Camberwell Assessment of Need - Research version was used.
Results: Large majority (90%) of the respondents have unmet needs in daytime activities, psychological distress, information about illness and sex. Majority (70%) have unmet needs in job, self-care, medicines, mobility, child care. Half (50%) of the respondents have unmet need in accommodation, intimate and social relationships, finance. Three-fourth revealed that their need for food, safety and social welfare needs have been met.
Conclusion: Patients from lower economic, educational status and urban domicile have more service needs. Present study attempts a systematic need assessment which has implication in addressing the unmet needs of PwND to improve their quality of life.