[This corrects the article DOI: 10.1159/000518128.].
[This corrects the article DOI: 10.1159/000518128.].
Introduction: Boerhaave syndrome is a rare condition associated with high morbidity and mortality. Prompt intervention greatly improves outcomes, with surgery traditionally being the mainstay of management. Recent advances in therapeutic endoscopy have led to increasing interest in endoluminal vacuum therapy (EVT), a minimally invasive technique, allowing wound debridement and drainage, encouraging granulation tissue formation. EVT has been associated with positive clinical outcomes, including lower mortality rates compared to surgery and stenting for the management of anastomotic leaks, and to a lesser extent, oesophageal perforations. EVT has been adopted into practice across Europe; however, only few cases have been reported from the UK.
Case presentations: We report three cases of Boerhaave syndrome, successfully managed with EVT, using the Eso-SPONGE ® (B.Braun Medical Ltd, Sheffield, UK). EVT involves the placement of a polyurethane sponge into the wound cavity. The cavity is initially assessed, then an overtube is introduced through which the sponge is inserted, and then the overtube is removed. Sponge position is confirmed and adjusted if necessary. The sponge is connected via a trans-nasal drain to continuous negative pressure suction and is changed every 3-5 days. Having been deemed surgically unfit, all 3 patients were referred for EVT. All patients made excellent recovery and were discharged home.
Conclusion: EVT is an effective management strategy for surgically unfit Boerhaave syndrome patients. Eso-SPONGE use aided drainage of the septic focus and closure of the defect, leading to complete recovery. Our findings support the existing evidence that EVT is a promising solution for Boerhaave syndrome.
Introduction: The esophagus and duodenum are rare sites of manifestation for extrapulmonary tuberculosis (TB). Its rarity makes the diagnosis challenging, especially when no other organ is involved, and the endoscopic findings may resemble malignancy.
Case presentation: We report a unique case of a 37-year-old woman who presented with dysphagia secondary to esophageal TB with an endoscopic appearance of a submucosal mass resembling malignancy.
Conclusion: Esophageal TB is a rare cause of dysphagia, especially in a western setting. It should always be considered as a potential etiology in patients with dysphagia.
Introduction: In recent years, the frequency of idiopathic peptic ulcers (IPUs) has increased. However, the clinicopathological characteristics of IPU have not been fully elucidated and treatment methods for recurrent and refractory cases have not yet been established.
Case presentation: A man in his forties complained of epigastric discomfort. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy revealed a gastric ulcer in the lesser curvature of the gastric angle. After Helicobacter pylori was eradicated, the gastric ulcer recurred despite the administration of a potassium competitive acid blocker (PCAB), and a diagnosis of IPU was made. Twenty-four-hour intragastric pH monitoring revealed insufficient gastric acid suppression. Misoprostol was added to the patient's treatment. Subsequently, the ulcer healed and recurrence was not observed.
Conclusion: For refractory IPU, the evaluation of pathophysiological function through 24-h gastric pH monitoring may lead to the selection of an appropriate treatment. If a proton pump inhibitor and PCAB do not improve the IPU, combination treatment with misoprostol may be considered as an option.
Introduction: Gastrointestinal tuberculosis (TB), specifically gastric TB, is a rare form of extrapulmonary TB. Diagnosis proves challenging with nonspecific signs and symptoms. In this case report, a 22-year-old male came in with complaints of recurrent hematemesis and melena.
Case presentation: We found a submucosal mass with ulceration in the stomach cardia on esophagoduodenoscopy (EGD). The endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) finding was a hypoechoic submucosal lesion with a clear margin; specimens were taken using fine needle aspiration (FNA) for further histopathological examination. The result indicated granuloma of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in pathology, suggesting that the diagnosis was gastric TB. The patient was then treated with antitubercular therapy regimen for 9 months. The previously documented mass in the stomach cardia was no longer visible on the follow-up endoscopy examination, and the patient was considered cured.
Conclusion: This case shows that gastric tuberculosis should be considered in patients with gastrointestinal symptoms, especially those living in TB endemic regions. Endoscopic examinations, such as EGD and EUS, may aid in the diagnosis of gastric tuberculosis.
Introduction: Small bowel bleeding is being diagnosed with increasing frequency with the development of capsule endoscopy.
Case presentation: We report a case of lipoma that caused hematochezia in an 80-year-old woman with ischemic heart disease receiving antiplatelet therapy and on hemodialysis for renal failure. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography scans, esophagogastroduodenoscopy, and colonoscopy failed to identify the source of hematochezia. Capsule endoscopy revealed a small bowel tumor, which was removed through laparoscopic surgery without interruption of antiplatelet agents. The small bowel tumor was pathologically diagnosed as a lipoma. There was no recurrence of the hematochezia after surgery.
Conclusion: Lipomas could cause hematochezia. With appropriate preoperative testing, comorbidity assessment, and surgical planning, we believe that surgical resection is a safe treatment option for the removal of small bowel lipomas even in patients who are on hemodialysis or are taking antiplatelet agents.
Introduction: Despite heightened risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in hospitalized patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), pharmacologic prophylaxis remains underutilized, particularly in those presenting with hematochezia. Although placement of retrievable inferior vena cava filters (rIVCF) may be considered in those with contraindications to anticoagulation and VTE risk, current recommendations from clinical guidelines are incongruent, leading to wide variation in practice.
Case presentation: This report highlights a case of rIVCF used in the management of recurrent VTEs in a patient hospitalized for persistent gastrointestinal bleeding.
Conclusion: Our case demonstrates the need for a lower threshold for initiating VTE prophylaxis in patients with active IBD, even when hematochezia is the presenting symptom. A small group of patients with recurrent VTE and clear contraindications to anticoagulation may require IVCFs, necessitating close follow-up and monitoring for filter complications.
Introduction: Involvement of the gastrointestinal system is less common in Turner's syndrome. Hepatic derangements have been reported in individuals with Turner's syndrome due to nonalcoholic steatosis, steatohepatitis, and less commonly due to viral hepatitis and alcoholic hepatitis. Portal hypertension is typically associated with cirrhosis; however, in a minor fraction of individuals, it occurs in the absence of cirrhosis. Portal hypertension is rare in Turner's syndrome and is even more rarely observed in the absence of cirrhosis in individuals with Turner's syndrome.
Case presentation: Herein, we report a case of liver biopsy-proven non-cirrhotic portal hypertension due to portosinusoidal vascular disease.
Conclusion: High index of clinical suspicion can lead to early diagnosis and treatment of portal hypertension in individuals with Turner's syndrome, reducing the burden of complications of portal hypertension.
Introduction: Patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) have limited treatment options in the context of decompensated cirrhosis. HCC occurs in patients with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and cirrhosis at 1-4% per year. Direct-acting antiviral (DAA) efficacy is decreased in the presence of HCC. We present a case where immunotherapy may have resulted in HCV clearance, when DAA therapy had been ineffective. We hypothesise that immune checkpoint inhibitors targeting the PD-1/PD-L1 pathway can reverse T-cell exhaustion and aid in the clearance of chronic HCV.
Case presentation: This case study describes a male in his 40 s identified by a re-engagement initiative for HCV, who had been unaware of his diagnosis. On further investigation he was found to have compensated for liver cirrhosis and HCC. He was treated with HCV DAA therapy (sofosbuvir/velpatasvir) and then systemic immunotherapy for HCC with atezolizumab and bevacizumab, in an attempt to downstage the disease. Hepatitis C therapy did not achieve sustained virological response, with viral relapse after the end of treatment. This, combined with ongoing alcohol use, resulted in hepatic decompensation and cessation of immunotherapy after the fifth cycle. The HCV RNA subsequently became undetectable without further DAA re-treatment.
Conclusion: To our knowledge, this is the first case of HCV clearance after DAA relapse and the timing of this event after immunotherapy suggests a causal link. We hypothesise that this may be due to the reversal of antiviral T-cell exhaustion. This would therefore support further investigation into other chronic viral infections that create tumour associated with immunosuppressive microenvironments.
Introduction: Although terlipressin is known to cause bradycardia, this adverse effect is usually described in association with hypertension and is considered a benign compensatory response mediated by arterial baroreceptors. Cardiac monitoring for patients receiving terlipressin is not routinely recommended.
Case presentation: A 77-year-old female patient with no history of coronary artery disease and no other coexisting risk factors for cardiac arrhythmias or conduction disturbances was admitted to intensive care unit with severe cholangitis, complicated by variceal bleeding. She developed severe sinus bradycardia following the use of terlipressin, which was associated with significant hypotension that required the infusion of norepinephrine. The bradycardia occurred again when terlipressin therapy was reattempted.
Conclusion: Vasopressin is known to sensitize baroreceptor reflexes by a central mechanism though its actions on V1a receptors in the area postrema, and we speculate that vasopressin analogues such as terlipressin may act in the same manner. That this effect is not widely described in terlipressin safety literature may be due to the overall younger age range of the trial population. This raises the possibility that cardiac monitoring may be warranted for elderly patients receiving terlipressin.