Case name: Trambly v. The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska, No. 4:20-CV-3094 (D. Neb. 03/27/24).
Case name: Trambly v. The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska, No. 4:20-CV-3094 (D. Neb. 03/27/24).
Robert Townsend is the Director of Humanities, Arts, and Culture at the American Academy of Arts in Sciences, where he helps manage, among other projects, the Humanities Indicators, a long-term non-partisan research on the state of the humanities, which includes “career outcomes of humanities majors in each state and the District of Columbia.”
Case name: Buck-Yael v. Washington University, No. 4:23CV492 (E.D. Mo. 03/28/24).
Case name: Thomas v. Coppin State University, et al. No. 1:20-cv-00054 (D. Md. 01/25/24).
Community colleges can offer access to “social mobility” via bachelor's degree “attainment for students and communities who have not had accessible and affordable pathways,” write the authors of two new companion studies, but, they find, these pathways are “ineffective, inequitable, and not improving fast enough.”
Case name: Bush v. Frederick County Public Schools, No. 23-1127 (4th Cir. 02/15/24).
To me, AI is named Alexa, and she lives in my house. She tells me whether it will rain today, reminds me when to take the trash to the curb, and lets me know when my Amazon packages arrive. She tells me when to take cookies out of the oven and warns me when there is going to be bad weather in my neighborhood.
Case name: Brock v. Walden University & Affiliates, No. 22-125 (W.D. La. 01/31/24).
Case name: Humphries v. Barber, No. 4:20-CV-00064 (M.D. Penn. 01/25/24).
Ten years after the launch of the Guided Pathways program that offers reforms for community colleges, a new study by Columbia University's Community College Research Center assesses whether or not “guided pathways practices implemented at 62 community and technical colleges in three states—Tennessee, Ohio, and Washington—are associated with improvements in student outcomes during the first year of college.”