The Castiglione delle Stiviere Psychiatric Hospital Center is part of the Carlo Poma Medical Center of Mantova. From 1939 to December 31, 2008, Castiglione delle Stiviere had the status of Forensic Psychiatric Hospital (FPH), and to this day it represents excellence on the national penitentiary medicine scene and stands as a model for the other five forensic psychiatric hospitals, managed by the Ministry of Justice and run as prison hospitals. The special character of Castiglione delle Stiviere derives from the fact that it is an exclusively medical facility, without prison guards, and offers a dignified environment for psychiatric patients who have committed crimes. The “Rainbow” Division of the Castiglione FPH is the sole FPH facility in Italy for women, and therefore is considered a national observatory for female psychiatric patients who have committed crimes. The mission of Castiglione delle Stiviere FPH is to restore mental health via the clinical improvement of symptoms, to lessen or eliminate the danger to society, and thus to make possible a “safe”, and high quality release of the interned patients. All of its work is based on the general principles of dignity, respect, responsibility, autonomy, and liberty. The Hospital Center offers numerous facilities for activities: a painting workshop, library, indoor gymnasium, sport center, coffee bar, outdoor pool, computer lab, woodworking and furniture restoration workshop, bookbinding and printing workshop, and sewing room. The objectives are: to understand and respond to patient needs, to individualize the course of treatment and rehabilitation, to avoid relapses and repeat offenses, and thereby to bring about authentic recovery.
The psychiatric patient who has committed a crime needs to regain a space and an identity within his or her community of origin. The FPH promotes this by offering psycho-educational experiences that restore self-esteem, and interpersonal and social skills, and, where possible, new professional and work skills.