The physiotherapist is one of the first professionals who work with girls and boys with Down syndrome (DS) from birth. Due to the inherent characteristics of DS, should perform a preventative role from physiotherapy.
Material and methods
There has been studied a population of 14 persons with DS, 6 were girls and 8 were boys, with an average of age between 10 and 11 years. All of them have received as minimum 4 years of treatment physical therapy during his step along the early attention in Granadown. The postural analysis was observations and was realized in three planes of the space.
10 (71.42%) had a lateral tilt of the head, 11 (78.57%) elevation of one of the two shoulders, 8 (57.14%) alterations of the pelvic girdle , 13 (92.85%) suffering from calcaneal valgus, 4 (28.57%) had chest abnormalities, 8 (57.14%) knee valgus, 2 (14.28%) had hallux valgus, 11 (78.57%) antepulsion head, 10 (71.42%) antepulsion right shoulder, 10 (71.42%) cervical kyphosis, 6 (42.85%) dorsal kyphosis, 3 (21.42%) back plane, 11 (78.57%) lumbar lordosis, 9 (64.28%) were hypotonic abdominal muscles and 8 (57.14%) shortening of the hamstrings.
We see the need to conduct longitudinal studies where it is evident from the long-term effectiveness of physiotherapy treatments in early attention. We should conduct periodic reviews in order to prevent alterations of the spine and to counsel families about the type of exercises and activities to be undertaken to prevent future children orthopedic deformities.