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The future of university credentials: A book review 未来的大学证书:书评
Pub Date : 2018-12-04 DOI: 10.1002/cbe2.1176
Thomas Gauthier

APA Citation: Gallagher, S. R. (2016). The future of university credentials: New developments at the intersection of higher education and hiring. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press. 254 Pages.

Contemporary universities must balance themselves on a tightrope of progress. On one side of the rope, the university is faced with providing the civic mission of higher education, and on the other side of the rope, lies the practical and more contemporary mission of higher education, which focuses on job skills and competency. This balancing act, at times, seems to create a tenuous relationship between higher education and society. Institutions operate within and as agents of society, but the relationship becomes tenuous because some higher education institutions, like other institutions, become complacent and experience difficulty in their effort to change (Burke, 2013; Nodine & Johnstone, 2015). Gallagher (2016) articulates the urgency with which higher education institutions need to reexamine their credentials and make changes to regain their position in society.

In the introduction of the book, the author discussed the “credentialing ecosystem” (p. 1). This term is used to indicate that university credentials must evolve and that universities must be willing and able to change, adapt, and update their credentials to satisfy the changing professional industries around them. The introduction is dedicated to discussing how university credentials influence employment. It is evident in the text that the term credential refers to students earning a degree or some other type of educational attainment. However, the definition of the term takes on a different meaning depending on the context being discussed. For example, the term is used in a more general form when employers refer to the institution's overall credentials.

Chapter 1 offers a discussion about how higher education became a prominent attribute in the United States. In the opening paragraph of the chapter, Gallagher (2016) implicitly focuses the reader on the purpose of higher education, “Rather than focusing on educating the elite, the higher education sector was starting to become more vocational in its focus, expanding to educate the masses” (p. 23). Later in Chapter 1, the author explains the intention of the 2-year associate degree, essentially universities wanted to focus on upper-level coursework and felt that undergraduate college curricula would align better with less advanced coursework.

Chapter 1 includes the book's thesis, aligning higher education credentials to industry skills and job market demand. In order for employers to value the education, universities offer and subsequently hire their graduates; the employer wants to be assured that applicants have the credentials associated with the skills nec

引文:Gallagher, S. R.(2016)。大学证书的未来:高等教育和招聘交叉领域的新发展。剑桥,马萨诸塞州:哈佛教育出版社,254页。当代大学必须在进步的钢索上保持平衡。一方面,大学面临着提供高等教育的公民使命,另一方面,高等教育的实用和更现代的使命,重点是工作技能和能力。有时,这种平衡行为似乎在高等教育和社会之间建立了一种脆弱的关系。机构在社会内部运作,并作为社会的代理人,但这种关系变得脆弱,因为一些高等教育机构,像其他机构一样,变得自满,在努力改变时遇到困难(Burke, 2013;Nodine,约翰斯通,2015)。Gallagher(2016)阐明了高等教育机构需要重新审视其资质并做出改变以重新获得社会地位的紧迫性。在本书的引言中,作者讨论了“证书生态系统”(第1页)。这个术语用来表明大学证书必须发展,大学必须愿意和能够改变、适应和更新他们的证书,以满足周围不断变化的专业行业。引言专门讨论大学文凭如何影响就业。很明显,在文中,证书一词指的是获得学位或其他类型的教育成就的学生。然而,根据所讨论的上下文,该术语的定义具有不同的含义。例如,当雇主指的是该机构的整体证书时,这个词就会以更一般的形式使用。第一章讨论了高等教育如何成为美国的一个突出属性。在本章的开头段落中,Gallagher(2016)含蓄地将读者的注意力集中在高等教育的目的上,“高等教育部门不再专注于教育精英,而是开始变得更加职业化,扩大到教育大众”(第23页)。在第一章的后面,作者解释了两年制副学士学位的意图,本质上大学想要专注于高级课程,并且认为本科学院课程可以更好地与不那么高级的课程相结合。第一章包括本书的主题,将高等教育证书与行业技能和就业市场需求结合起来。为了让雇主重视教育,大学提供并随后雇用他们的毕业生;雇主希望确保申请人拥有必要的技能证书,以缩小高等教育机构和专业行业之间的技能差距(Hora, Benbow, &奥尔森,2016)。作者将这一主题和章节标记为“就业市场对大学文凭的需求”(第33页)。本章的这一部分为读者提供了在就业能力的背景下,以学士学位告终的4年制教育和包括职业培训的2年制副学士学位之间的差异。Gallagher(2016)在第二章中讨论了大学文凭如何成为就业资格。目前,就业市场对大学证书的需求往往包括能力为基础的教育(CBE)和基于项目的学习经验,以确保大学毕业生在他们正在学习的学科中拥有基础和真实的经验(Stokes, 2015)。第二章讨论了关于接受教育的好处与获得实际工作经验的好处的长期争论。作者通过雇主的角度和他们的教育证书的价值,为读者提供了这个讨论,通过雇员招聘过程的背景。关于雇主如何评估教育证书,Gallagher(2016)指出,“学位似乎在专业人员职业生涯的早期最有价值,当时候选人缺乏重要的经验和可量化的结果”(第49页)。在讨论知识与技能的关系时,Gallagher(2016)提到了“人力资本理论”(第54页)。虽然讨论了人力资本理论的前提,但并没有为本书的目的对理论进行定义。其他高等教育文献(Abel &deiz, 2011;Almendarez, 2010;Tan, 2014)已经更清楚地定义了人力资本理论,对该理论的理解可以让读者更好地理解Gallagher在本章这一部分的讨论。随着第二章的继续,作者讨论了高等教育证书的属性,如硬技能和软技能。 此外,作者还断言“雇主特别看重软技能”(第59页),他将其定义为“批判性思维、解决问题、沟通和领导能力”(第59页)。在本章的后面,作者讨论了声誉和声望,他将其与雇主和高等教育机构的社会观点联系起来,并将其与“证书”一词的更一般含义联系起来。第3章和第4章通过远程学习和在线学位的背景讨论了大学证书。在第三章中,作者讨论了在线教育的发展和各种可用的认证。本章的一个重要方面是讨论远程教育时代的经验教训。在整个第3章中,作者阐述了几个公共的、营利的和协作的在线教育模式,这些模式失败了,因为这些模式的设计没有包含“健全的商业模式、尽职调查、市场研究和衡量方法”的价值(第84页)。大学学到了重要的一课;为了通过远程平台向消费者提供有价值的证书,教育模式必须具有创新性和可衡量性,并理解“在线学位/证书市场是消费者驱动的市场,对消费者有价值的是便携式证书”(第81页)。事实上,便携式证书是社区大学似乎利用的一个概念(Wyner, 2014),而大学“了解到合作培训市场虽然引人注目,但很难规划和服务”(Gallagher, 2016,第85页)。第四章对现代网络教育进行了探讨。在本章中,作者阐述了远程教育似乎正在获得可信度的概念,但对这种教育轨道的看法似乎各不相同。在第四章中,作者指出了几所为学生提供在线学习机会的大学。例如,作者介绍了马萨诸塞大学及其在线平台UMass online,根据Gallagher(2016)的说法,该平台为该机构创造了约1100万美元的收入,而且似乎还在增长。此外,作者还介绍了波士顿大学、北卡罗来纳州立大学、内布拉斯加州大学和许多其他大学。第五章继续讨论互联网时代,但这一章的重点是大学如何验证其在线教育平台的证书。从电子档案到专门用于跟踪在线评估各个方面的软件,很明显,学院和大学花费了大量的资金和时间来验证他们的远程课程。在第5章的后面,读者将了解到一个重要的当代概念,即基于能力的招聘。这一讨论是第六章的一个借口,其中包括对能力本位教育(CBE)的讨论。以能力为基础的招聘是雇主为确保申请人拥有他们所申请的工作所需的软硬技能和能力所做的努力。这种类型的招聘模式比过去的招聘模式更深入,它要求求职者证明他们通过教育或经验获得了能力。考虑到这种招聘趋势,作者做出了以下声明来支持CBE项目:“随着雇主……加强他们的筛选和面试过程,并转向基于能力的招聘,事实上,这可能会显示出基于能力的教育方法和更详细的成绩单,数字和其他方式的更大价值”(第134页)。第6章向读者介绍了各种创新教育模式,包括CBE。本章首先讨论了创新时代的大学认证和质量保证框架。作者再次阐述了几个使用特定策略来提供这种保证的机构。例如,西顿霍尔大学和密歇根州立大学使用数字徽章来指示学生完成课程作业或参加特定活动。然而,作者指出,根据他的研究,雇主很少将徽章视为成就的指标。如前所述,第三章指出,通过新的教育模式提供的证书需要是可衡量的,以便雇主认为这些证书是有价值的。雇主无法衡量通过徽章证书获得的技能,“还有一个问题是,给定的学习或技能何时上升到徽章的水平,或者徽章或一系列徽章何时上升到证书或其他东西”(Gallagher, 2016,第147页)。因此,雇主们对徽章持怀疑态度,因为与通过获得证书或学位获得的可衡量的技能或知识不同,获得徽章所需的技能或知识的客观衡量标准因机构而异。
{"title":"The future of university credentials: A book review","authors":"Thomas Gauthier","doi":"10.1002/cbe2.1176","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1002/cbe2.1176","url":null,"abstract":"<p>\u0000 <b>APA Citation:</b> <span>Gallagher, S. R.</span> (<span>2016</span>). <span>The future of university credentials: New developments at the intersection of higher education and hiring</span>. <span>Cambridge, MA</span>: Harvard Education Press. <span>254</span> Pages.\u0000 </p><p>Contemporary universities must balance themselves on a tightrope of progress. On one side of the rope, the university is faced with providing the civic mission of higher education, and on the other side of the rope, lies the practical and more contemporary mission of higher education, which focuses on job skills and competency. This balancing act, at times, seems to create a tenuous relationship between higher education and society. Institutions operate within and as agents of society, but the relationship becomes tenuous because some higher education institutions, like other institutions, become complacent and experience difficulty in their effort to change (Burke, <span>2013</span>; Nodine &amp; Johnstone, <span>2015</span>). Gallagher (<span>2016</span>) articulates the urgency with which higher education institutions need to reexamine their credentials and make changes to regain their position in society.</p><p>In the introduction of the book, the author discussed the “credentialing ecosystem” (p. 1). This term is used to indicate that university credentials must evolve and that universities must be willing and able to change, adapt, and update their credentials to satisfy the changing professional industries around them. The introduction is dedicated to discussing how university credentials influence employment. It is evident in the text that the term credential refers to students earning a degree or some other type of educational attainment. However, the definition of the term takes on a different meaning depending on the context being discussed. For example, the term is used in a more general form when employers refer to the institution's overall credentials.</p><p>Chapter 1 offers a discussion about how higher education became a prominent attribute in the United States. In the opening paragraph of the chapter, Gallagher (<span>2016</span>) implicitly focuses the reader on the purpose of higher education, “Rather than focusing on educating the elite, the higher education sector was starting to become more vocational in its focus, expanding to educate the masses” (p. 23). Later in Chapter 1, the author explains the intention of the 2-year associate degree, essentially universities wanted to focus on upper-level coursework and felt that undergraduate college curricula would align better with less advanced coursework.</p><p>Chapter 1 includes the book's thesis, aligning higher education credentials to industry skills and job market demand. In order for employers to value the education, universities offer and subsequently hire their graduates; the employer wants to be assured that applicants have the credentials associated with the skills nec","PeriodicalId":101234,"journal":{"name":"The Journal of Competency-Based Education","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2018-12-04","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://sci-hub-pdf.com/10.1002/cbe2.1176","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"91816726","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"OA","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
The future of university credentials: A book review 未来的大学证书:书评
Pub Date : 2018-12-01 DOI: 10.1002/CBE2.1176
T. Gauthier
{"title":"The future of university credentials: A book review","authors":"T. Gauthier","doi":"10.1002/CBE2.1176","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1002/CBE2.1176","url":null,"abstract":"","PeriodicalId":101234,"journal":{"name":"The Journal of Competency-Based Education","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2018-12-01","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"76590177","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Development of application‐oriented competency frameworks: Empirical findings from the validation of such a framework by means of an employer survey 以应用为导向的能力框架的发展:通过雇主调查验证这种框架的实证结果
Pub Date : 2018-12-01 DOI: 10.1002/CBE2.1177
A. Baumgartner, Claude Müller, R. Fengler, F. Javet
{"title":"Development of application‐oriented competency frameworks: Empirical findings from the validation of such a framework by means of an employer survey","authors":"A. Baumgartner, Claude Müller, R. Fengler, F. Javet","doi":"10.1002/CBE2.1177","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1002/CBE2.1177","url":null,"abstract":"","PeriodicalId":101234,"journal":{"name":"The Journal of Competency-Based Education","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2018-12-01","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"89854323","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 1
Neg reg 101
Pub Date : 2018-10-26 DOI: 10.1002/cbe2.1174
Amy Laitinen

The United States Department of Education will soon begin rulemaking on issues that are near and dear (or, at least, near) to the CBE community’s heart, including the credit hour and regular and substantive interaction. The process of rulemaking, as well as what can and cannot be accomplished by rulemaking, is not always clear. In this piece, I will try to shed some light on what the process of rulemaking looks like, as well as share some thoughts on the possibilities and dangers are of the upcoming rulemaking for CBE and what the CBE community can do to help shape this important endeavor.

You may have heard of negotiated rulemaking (sometimes also called “neg reg”) but what is it? Most simply, it is a way that federal agencies get public input from a variety of stakeholders who are likely to be affected by rules (aka regulations) the agencies put out. Federal agencies get input in a number of ways, including public hearings and calls for public comments, but negotiated rulemaking is a much more choreographed and elaborate process. Any federal agency can use negotiated rulemaking to get public input, but the U.S. Department of Education (the Department) is the only one of a small number of agencies required by Congress to use this form of input for certain types of regulations.

When the Department wants or needs to make regulations having to do with federal financial aid, it cannot just write a rule and implement regulations on its own. It must work with a group of stakeholders in a highly formalized process to try and come up with a rule that everyone can agree on.

The Department starts the process by first publishing a notice saying it intends to regulate in certain areas. The notice announces the hearings or meetings in which the public can weigh in on the areas under consideration. After hearing from the community, the Department will then put out another notice spelling out what it intends to regulate on and will ask for individuals representing key stakeholder groups (e.g., institutions of various types, accreditors, students) to volunteer to serve on a committee to help draft a rule. These committee members are called negotiators, since they are working together to negotiate a rule that, ideally, will represent the collective wisdom of a variety of interests. From the people nominated (the Department cannot include someone on the negotiating committee at this stage that has not been nominated), the Department puts together a group of negotiators that it believes will represent those who will be affected by the rule, hires a neutral third party to facilitate the meetings, and puts out a schedule of meetings. These meetings are open to the public, but the public may only comment at the end of each day. Once the meetings are underway, anyone can petition the negotiating committee to be added even if they were not nominated.

The process is time-consuming and labor intensive for the Department and the community. Gener

美国教育部将很快开始制定规则,这些规则与CBE社区的核心密切相关(或至少接近),包括学时和定期和实质性的互动。规则制定的过程,以及规则制定能完成什么和不能完成什么,并不总是很清楚。在这篇文章中,我将试图阐明规则制定的过程,并分享一些关于即将到来的CBE规则制定的可能性和危险的想法,以及CBE社区可以做些什么来帮助塑造这一重要努力。你可能听说过协商规则制定(有时也被称为“neg regg”),但它是什么?最简单地说,这是联邦机构从各种利益相关者那里获得公众意见的一种方式,这些利益相关者可能会受到机构制定的规则(又名条例)的影响。联邦机构通过多种方式获得意见,包括公开听证会和征求公众意见,但协商制定规则是一个更加精心设计和复杂的过程。任何联邦机构都可以通过协商制定规则来获得公众意见,但美国教育部是国会要求的少数几个机构中唯一一个在某些类型的法规中使用这种形式的机构。当财政部想要或需要制定与联邦财政援助有关的规定时,它不能只是自己写一条规则并实施规定。它必须在一个高度正式的过程中与一组利益相关者合作,试图提出一个每个人都能同意的规则。该部门首先发布通知,表示它打算在某些领域进行监管。该通知宣布了公众可以就所考虑的领域发表意见的听证会或会议。在听取了社区的意见后,教育部将发布另一份通知,阐明它打算监管的内容,并要求代表主要利益相关者群体(例如,各种类型的机构、认证机构、学生)的个人自愿加入一个委员会,帮助起草一项规则。这些委员会成员被称为谈判者,因为他们正在共同协商一项规则,理想情况下,该规则将代表各种利益的集体智慧。从被提名的人员中(在这个阶段,国务院不能把没有被提名的人纳入谈判委员会),国务院组建一个谈判小组,它认为这些谈判小组将代表那些将受到规则影响的人,聘请一个中立的第三方来促进会议,并制定会议时间表。这些会议对公众开放,但公众只能在每天结束时发表评论。一旦会议开始,任何人都可以申请加入谈判委员会,即使他们没有被提名。这个过程对本署和社会来说既费时又费力。一般来说,谈判委员会会在几个月的时间里召开三次会议,每次会议三天(尽管这可能会有所不同),讨论规则应该包括哪些内容。在第一届会议上,新闻部通常提出语言供委员会审议。委员会将在第一届会议上讨论、辩论并提出修改国防部描述拟议变更的措辞的建议。在两届会议之间,新闻部根据同谈判人员以前的谈话和协议修改拟议的措词,并在下次会议之前同谈判人员分享新的措词,以便在下一届会议上讨论。如果所有谈判代表和商务部在所有会议结束前就措辞达成一致,这将成为拟议规则,商务部将向公众提交最后审议。但是,如果每个人都不同意,该部可以自行制定规则(考虑到谈判者和公众提出的考虑)。然后,它将公布其拟议规则,并征求公众对拟议规则的意见。一旦所有的意见都被阅读和处理,部门可以公布其规则的最终版本。2018年7月下旬,该部门公布了一份计划在未来一年进行监管的项目清单。这是一长串不同主题的清单,从认证到来年的监管活动,包括国家授权、认证、学时以及定期和实质性的互动。9月将在三个州举行公开听证会,公众也可以在9月14日之前就司法部提出的主题提出书面意见。下面,我们将围绕CBE社区感兴趣的两个问题讨论立法和监管工作的历史和可能性:(a)学分规则和(b)定期和实质性的互动。 任何参与能力教育的人都知道,学时制是联邦财政援助的基石。几乎所有学生入学强度的计算都取决于学时,这是一个影响学生有资格获得多少援助的关键指标。这根本不是学分制的初衷,它是由安德鲁·卡内基(Andrew Carnegie)在100多年前设计的,目的是确定哪些教员的工作足够多,有资格享受免费养老金计划,但它演变并僵化为目前的形式,现在似乎是不可避免的。尽管我们非常喜欢信用小时制的整个历史,我们在《破解信用小时制》一文中详细介绍了这一点,但即将进行的协商规则制定的目的是处理联邦对信用小时制的定义——这是最近的发展。尽管学时制让学生和机构获得了数千亿美元的联邦财政援助,但直到最近,如何定义学时制还完全掌握在大学及其认证机构手中。但从2009年开始,教育部的独立监察长(IG)开始强调三个地区认证机构对学时过程的监管不足。这些认证机构监管着接受联邦财政援助的所有机构的三分之一,但监察长发现,他们对学时没有既定的定义,对其机构的学时分配过程也没有充分的监督。例如,一位认证人员批准了一家机构,该机构在为期10周的课程中授予9个学分,远远超过了传统大学通常的15周课程3个学分。认证人员对课程的学分过多表示担忧;但他同意了学院随后的提议,将课程分成两门四学分半、五周的课程,没有进一步的质疑。作为对监察长报告的回应,并认识到问题的潜在范围,教育部制定了学时的监管定义,旨在保护联邦财政援助计划的完整性,并允许高等教育中出现的非时制创新。它允许三种不同的方式来定义一个小时的学分。第一个有效地重申了历史惯例:学分的授予是基于上课时间和工作时间。第二项是“学生成绩的证明”,这可能意味着很多东西,但应该是任何授予成绩和学分的过程的基础。第三种方法是评估实现学习成果的“工作量”。这种方法支持远程异步课程的逻辑;如果学生不在教室里学习,大学就不能很好地根据学生在课堂上花费的时间长短来确定学分。在定义的最后一部分,教育部承认花在学习上的工作量和花在上课上的时间不是一回事,这表明传统的15周学期可以被翻译成“在不同的时间内完成等量的工作”。工作变成了该部门在时间和学习之间的中间地带,时间是一个容易衡量但质量不好的代理,学习是一个难以衡量但质量的真实指标。该定义——由教育部通过法规制定——允许以时间和学习为基础的学分定义,但并没有从根本上改变这样一个事实,即学分几乎嵌入了监督联邦财政援助的法律的每一部分。在法律上,在CBE项目中有效地支付联邦援助存在一些障碍,但商务部不能改变法律。只有国会能做到这一点。那么,在即将举行的规则制定谈判会议上,新闻部可以就学分制做些什么呢?一种可能的情况是,它回到了一个没有联邦政府对信贷小时定义的世界。虽然这听起来很有吸引力,但它不会改变这样一个事实:信贷时间几乎被纳入联邦财政援助的各个方面。它所要做的是取消代表一个学分的时间或学习量的最低标准。这可能对许多高质量CBE项目的优秀提供者几乎没有影响。事实上,自该规定生效以来,CBE项目的数量和类型都有了令人印象深刻的增长。然而,废除这一规定或取消工作或学习的最低标准,将为不择手段的提供者提供一个机会,通过夸大学生(以及学校)获得的学分数,来获得更多的联邦佩尔助学金和贷款。 几年来,关于需要更新远程CBE课程“与教师进行定期和实质性的互动”的要求,一直存在着一种强有力的(如果是利基的)讨论。法律(不是教育部的规定)要求所有类型的远程教育项目都“与教师进行定期和实质性的互动”。没有这种互动的项目仍然有资格让学生获得经济援助,但仅限于对函授项目施加的限制。限制包括减少联邦财政援助或根本没有联邦财政援助,如果超过50%的学生或项目是通过通信提供的。我们许多从事文化文化教育的人已经深入地参与了这些讨论,努力仔细和深思熟虑地评估机会,重新设想高质量文化文化教育项目的常规和实质性互动需求。然而,对于那些试图提供创新项目的优秀演员来说,说“把它扔掉”是很诱人的,我们必须记住法律背后的起源和意图
{"title":"Neg reg 101","authors":"Amy Laitinen","doi":"10.1002/cbe2.1174","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1002/cbe2.1174","url":null,"abstract":"<p>The United States Department of Education will soon begin rulemaking on issues that are near and dear (or, at least, near) to the CBE community’s heart, including the credit hour and regular and substantive interaction. The process of rulemaking, as well as what can and cannot be accomplished by rulemaking, is not always clear. In this piece, I will try to shed some light on what the process of rulemaking looks like, as well as share some thoughts on the possibilities and dangers are of the upcoming rulemaking for CBE and what the CBE community can do to help shape this important endeavor.</p><p>You may have heard of negotiated rulemaking (sometimes also called “neg reg”) but what is it? Most simply, it is a way that federal agencies get public input from a variety of stakeholders who are likely to be affected by rules (aka regulations) the agencies put out. Federal agencies get input in a number of ways, including public hearings and calls for public comments, but negotiated rulemaking is a much more choreographed and elaborate process. Any federal agency can use negotiated rulemaking to get public input, but the U.S. Department of Education (the Department) is the only one of a small number of agencies required by Congress to use this form of input for certain types of regulations.</p><p>When the Department wants or needs to make regulations having to do with federal financial aid, it cannot just write a rule and implement regulations on its own. It must work with a group of stakeholders in a highly formalized process to try and come up with a rule that everyone can agree on.</p><p>The Department starts the process by first publishing a notice saying it intends to regulate in certain areas. The notice announces the hearings or meetings in which the public can weigh in on the areas under consideration. After hearing from the community, the Department will then put out another notice spelling out what it intends to regulate on and will ask for individuals representing key stakeholder groups (e.g., institutions of various types, accreditors, students) to volunteer to serve on a committee to help draft a rule. These committee members are called negotiators, since they are working together to negotiate a rule that, ideally, will represent the collective wisdom of a variety of interests. From the people nominated (the Department cannot include someone on the negotiating committee at this stage that has not been nominated), the Department puts together a group of negotiators that it believes will represent those who will be affected by the rule, hires a neutral third party to facilitate the meetings, and puts out a schedule of meetings. These meetings are open to the public, but the public may only comment at the end of each day. Once the meetings are underway, anyone can petition the negotiating committee to be added even if they were not nominated.</p><p>The process is time-consuming and labor intensive for the Department and the community. Gener","PeriodicalId":101234,"journal":{"name":"The Journal of Competency-Based Education","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2018-10-26","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://sci-hub-pdf.com/10.1002/cbe2.1174","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"91877027","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"OA","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Scoring models in competency-based educational assessment 基于能力的教育评估中的评分模型
Pub Date : 2018-09-04 DOI: 10.1002/cbe2.1173
Jason L. Meyers


Assessments can be broadly classified into two categories based on how they are scored: compensatory or conjunctive. Compensatory models allow for strong performance in one content area to compensate for poor performance in another content area as long as the overall score meets the performance standard. Conjunctive scoring models require examinees to meet performance standards for each specified content area or some portion of content areas.


This study used data from a large competency-based university to analyze the impact of retroactively switching from a compensatory model to one of four possible conjunctive models.


Results indicated that scoring model has a strong impact on the percent of students who are classified as being competent. The percent of students “mis-classified” as competent varied by college and the number of competencies measured by the test.


Ultimately, setting performance standards is a policy decision. Policy considerations for model selection are discussed.


This preliminary research provided some evidence that students being classified as competent under a compensatory model may not display competence in all the areas being measured by the assessments.

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引用次数: 2
Neg reg 101
Pub Date : 2018-09-01 DOI: 10.1002/cbe2.1174
Amy Laitinen
{"title":"Neg reg 101","authors":"Amy Laitinen","doi":"10.1002/cbe2.1174","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1002/cbe2.1174","url":null,"abstract":"","PeriodicalId":101234,"journal":{"name":"The Journal of Competency-Based Education","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2018-09-01","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"82191293","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Scoring models in competency-based educational assessment 基于能力的教育评估中的评分模型
Pub Date : 2018-09-01 DOI: 10.1002/CBE2.1173
Jason L. Meyers
{"title":"Scoring models in competency-based educational assessment","authors":"Jason L. Meyers","doi":"10.1002/CBE2.1173","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1002/CBE2.1173","url":null,"abstract":"","PeriodicalId":101234,"journal":{"name":"The Journal of Competency-Based Education","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2018-09-01","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"76139210","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 2
Applying service design in competency-based curriculum development 服务设计在能力课程开发中的应用
Pub Date : 2018-08-17 DOI: 10.1002/CBE2.1171
J. Scoresby, Mary A. Tkatchov, Erin Hugus, Haley Marshall
{"title":"Applying service design in competency-based curriculum development","authors":"J. Scoresby, Mary A. Tkatchov, Erin Hugus, Haley Marshall","doi":"10.1002/CBE2.1171","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1002/CBE2.1171","url":null,"abstract":"","PeriodicalId":101234,"journal":{"name":"The Journal of Competency-Based Education","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2018-08-17","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"85661241","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 1
Applying service design in competency-based curriculum development 服务设计在能力课程开发中的应用
Pub Date : 2018-08-17 DOI: 10.1002/cbe2.1171
Jon Scoresby, Mary Tkatchov, Erin Hugus, Haley Marshall

Higher education institutions are adopting competency-based education (CBE) models because they want to become more learner-centered and improve outcomes for graduates (Nodine, 2016). CBE is inherently learner-centered because it “enables personalized learning to provide flexibility and supports to ensure mastery of the highest standards possible. With clear and calibrated understanding of proficiency, learning can be tailored to each student's strengths, needs, and interests and enable student voice and choice in what, how, when, and where they learn” (CompetencyWorks, 2012). Although implementation of CBE can take a multitude of forms, the common theme is demonstrated learning rather than seat time.

Our institution has a long history in online adult education in the traditional time-based model and is venturing into CBE to provide flexible, learner-centered options for our student market. We, the CBE curriculum team, were tasked with managing CBE development across colleges within the institution. To define our expectations for CBE program development, we looked for resources available to help institutions get started in creating quality CBE programs, such as the Competency-Based Education Network; however, while there are various frameworks and standards published, they do not include detailed examples or blueprints for implementing those standards in practice. Even if a detailed blueprint did exist, no one model or framework is going to perfectly fit every institution's needs. Therefore, we realized the need to research various potential applications of CBE and our unique student market to effectively customize a quality, learner-centered, competency-based learning experience for our students.

Viewing students as customers who deserve and demand a quality learning experience and evidence to show employers that they have developed valuable skills to a level of competence upon graduation, we applied service design principles to the design and development of a CBE initiative. Service design is a methodology for creating user-centered services that takes into account the customer experience holistically, ensuring that all aspects of a service work together as one to give the customer the best possible experience (Pang, 2009). Specifically, designers systematically manage and intentionally plan the user experience by looking at all service elements that deliver the experience as part of one system (Pullman & Gross, 2004). When designing a service experience, designers must identify and make decisions about all parts of the service. The challenge is making sure that the customer experience is intentionally designed for the target customer market (Goldstein, Johnston, Duffy, & Rao, 2002). In our institution, service design was leveraged to develop CBE policies, operational processes, IT requirements, and curriculum. However, the focus of this article will

高等教育机构正在采用以能力为基础的教育(CBE)模式,因为他们希望变得更加以学习者为中心,并改善毕业生的成果(Nodine, 2016)。CBE本质上是以学习者为中心的,因为它“使个性化学习能够提供灵活性和支持,以确保尽可能掌握最高标准。”有了对熟练程度的清晰和校准的理解,学习可以根据每个学生的优势、需求和兴趣进行定制,并使学生能够在学习什么、如何学习、何时学习和在哪里学习方面发表意见和选择”(CompetencyWorks, 2012)。尽管CBE的实现可以采取多种形式,但共同的主题是展示学习而不是座位时间。我们的机构在传统的基于时间的在线成人教育模式方面有着悠久的历史,并且正在冒险进入CBE,为我们的学生市场提供灵活的,以学习者为中心的选择。作为CBE课程团队,我们的任务是管理学院内各学院的CBE发展。为了确定我们对CBE项目开发的期望,我们寻找了可用的资源来帮助机构开始创建高质量的CBE项目,例如能力为基础的教育网络;然而,尽管发布了各种框架和标准,但它们并不包括在实践中实现这些标准的详细示例或蓝图。即使存在详细的蓝图,也没有一个模型或框架能够完美地满足每个机构的需求。因此,我们意识到有必要研究CBE的各种潜在应用以及我们独特的学生市场,以有效地为我们的学生定制高质量、以学习者为中心、以能力为基础的学习体验。我们将学生视为值得并需要高质量学习经验的客户,并向雇主证明他们在毕业时已经掌握了有价值的技能,因此我们将服务设计原则应用于CBE计划的设计和开发。服务设计是一种创建以用户为中心的服务的方法,它从整体上考虑了客户体验,确保服务的各个方面协同工作,为客户提供最佳体验(Pang, 2009)。具体来说,设计师通过将提供体验的所有服务元素视为一个系统的一部分,系统地管理和有意地规划用户体验(Pullman &总,2004)。在设计服务体验时,设计人员必须识别并决定服务的所有部分。挑战在于确保客户体验是有意为目标客户市场设计的(Goldstein, Johnston, Duffy, &饶,2002)。在我们的机构中,服务设计被用来开发CBE策略、操作流程、IT需求和课程。然而,本文的重点将是我们如何利用服务设计来开发课程。由于CBE对我们学院来说是一个全新的尝试,我们没有成功实施CBE项目的具体例子,我们将自己视为一个创业团队,我们的共同目标是创新一个整体的课程开发模式,以真正满足我们学生/客户的需求。从这个角度来看,我们认为课程设计和开发是我们作为课程开发团队为具有不同需求和经验水平的成人学习者提供的服务。我们应用了Stickdorn和Schneider(2011)的服务设计五原则来创建我们的课程开发模型。服务设计的五个原则如下:以学生为服务设计的核心,我们必须将学生的学习经历视为一个系统的许多相互关联的部分。在服务设计方面,体验可以定义为“客户与服务提供者创建的上下文的不同元素交互的一段时间”(Gupta &Vajic, 2000)。表1详细说明了服务设计的五个原则在应用于课程开发模型时可能是什么样子。为了创建我们的课程开发模式,我们首先需要定义目标学生市场。大学营销小组进行了用户体验调查,根据调查结果,他们为我们大学的目标学生群体建立了人物形象。他们开发的角色描述了正在寻求职业发展的在职成年人。有些人是为了养家糊口,有些人是为了完成已经开始的学业。完成学位的灵活性和时间是我们大学这些学生群体的重要考虑因素。我们还专门为有兴趣参加以能力为基础的课程的学生创建了人物角色和旅程地图。 人物角色表明,个性化学习以及利用现有知识和经验快速完成课程的能力对这些学生来说非常重要。旅程图详细描述了学生从决定入学到毕业的CBE项目的旅程,包括所有的经历、人员、技术和过程。使用人物角色和旅程地图,我们能够将特定的学生需求和动机置于我们开发模型的中心,并确定受课程设计和开发影响的学生体验系统中与各种利益相关者的许多“接触点”。在定义这些接触点时,我们创建了一个整体课程开发模型,该模型与服务设计原则保持一致,因为它们将学生的学习体验作为一种服务。我们的模型考虑了许多利益相关者(设计师、主题专家、教师等)和过程(课程、教学、技术、培训、导向等),这些都涉及到学生学习经验的系统。我们的发展模式包括我们在课程发展模式部分描述的五个相互关联的元素。最后,在使用我们的课程开发模型创建原型课程之后,我们进行了一系列的试点来测试我们的模型并根据需要进行改进。请参阅飞行员的学生输入部分,了解飞行员的示例和见解。通过讨论、研究和试错,我们确定了课程开发过程的五个基本要素(如图1所示)。根据服务设计,我们的开发模式全面考虑了学生的体验。我们开发模式的五个要素是有意设计的,以确保学生(客户)仍然是CBE学习体验的焦点。关于以能力为基础的教育和真实的评估,已经有了大量的学术研究。虽然课程开发中的真实性、透明度和意向性并不是什么新想法,但实施一个有效的过程来开发真正以学习者为中心的高质量CBE学习体验仍然是一个有待试验的领域。高等教育在使学习和评估实践更加真实、透明和有意识方面仍有很大的进步空间。我们的团队最初着手优化我们为CBE项目的学生提供的服务;然而,我们希望通过分享我们的旅程,我们可以为CBE奖学金做出贡献,并帮助在整个高等教育中推动高质量,以学习者为中心,与现实世界相关的课程的发展。服务设计的原则帮助我们将课程设计的重点放在学生毕业后对职业准备的需求上,这样他们就可以在进入劳动力市场时感到有能力并准备好为他们的领域或行业做出贡献。利用服务设计的共同创造特性,我们设计了开发模型,以创建一种评估文化,反过来,从许多角度帮助验证整体学习体验的质量。使用服务设计模型,团队成员相互挑战,以开发有效支持学生取得有意义成果的解决方案为共同目标,重新构建他们当前的想法。
{"title":"Applying service design in competency-based curriculum development","authors":"Jon Scoresby,&nbsp;Mary Tkatchov,&nbsp;Erin Hugus,&nbsp;Haley Marshall","doi":"10.1002/cbe2.1171","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1002/cbe2.1171","url":null,"abstract":"<p>Higher education institutions are adopting competency-based education (CBE) models because they want to become more learner-centered and improve outcomes for graduates (Nodine, <span>2016</span>). CBE is inherently learner-centered because it “enables personalized learning to provide flexibility and supports to ensure mastery of the highest standards possible. With clear and calibrated understanding of proficiency, learning can be tailored to each student's strengths, needs, and interests and enable student voice and choice in what, how, when, and where they learn” (CompetencyWorks, <span>2012</span>). Although implementation of CBE can take a multitude of forms, the common theme is demonstrated learning rather than seat time.</p><p>Our institution has a long history in online adult education in the traditional time-based model and is venturing into CBE to provide flexible, learner-centered options for our student market. We, the CBE curriculum team, were tasked with managing CBE development across colleges within the institution. To define our expectations for CBE program development, we looked for resources available to help institutions get started in creating quality CBE programs, such as the Competency-Based Education Network; however, while there are various frameworks and standards published, they do not include detailed examples or blueprints for implementing those standards in practice. Even if a detailed blueprint did exist, no one model or framework is going to perfectly fit every institution's needs. Therefore, we realized the need to research various potential applications of CBE and our unique student market to effectively customize a quality, learner-centered, competency-based learning experience for our students.</p><p>Viewing students as customers who deserve and demand a quality learning experience and evidence to show employers that they have developed valuable skills to a level of competence upon graduation, we applied <i>service design</i> principles to the design and development of a CBE initiative. Service design is a methodology for creating user-centered services that takes into account the customer experience holistically, ensuring that all aspects of a service work together as one to give the customer the best possible experience (Pang, <span>2009</span>). Specifically, designers systematically manage and intentionally plan the user experience by looking at all service elements that deliver the experience as part of one system (Pullman &amp; Gross, <span>2004</span>). When designing a service experience, designers must identify and make decisions about all parts of the service. The challenge is making sure that the customer experience is intentionally designed for the target customer market (Goldstein, Johnston, Duffy, &amp; Rao, <span>2002</span>). In our institution, service design was leveraged to develop CBE policies, operational processes, IT requirements, and curriculum. However, the focus of this article will ","PeriodicalId":101234,"journal":{"name":"The Journal of Competency-Based Education","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2018-08-17","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"https://sci-hub-pdf.com/10.1002/cbe2.1171","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"91844745","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"OA","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 1
Higher education and employability: A Book Review 高等教育与就业能力:一本书评
Pub Date : 2018-08-12 DOI: 10.1002/CBE2.1172
T. Gauthier
{"title":"Higher education and employability: A Book Review","authors":"T. Gauthier","doi":"10.1002/CBE2.1172","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.1002/CBE2.1172","url":null,"abstract":"","PeriodicalId":101234,"journal":{"name":"The Journal of Competency-Based Education","volume":null,"pages":null},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2018-08-12","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"87758454","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
The Journal of Competency-Based Education
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