Introduction: For patients with locally advanced pancreatic cancer (LAPC), who are candidates for radiation therapy, dose-escalated radiation therapy (RT) offers unique benefits over traditional radiation techniques. In this review, we present a historical perspective of dose-escalated RT for LAPC. We also outline advances in SBRT delivery, one form of dose escalation and a framework for selecting patients for treatment with SBRT.
Results: Techniques for delivering SBRT to patients with LAPC have evolved considerably, now allowing for dose-escalation and superior respiratory motion management. At the same time, advancements in systemic therapy, particularly the use of induction multiagent chemotherapy, have called into question which patients would benefit most from radiation therapy. Multidisciplinary assessment of patients with LAPC is critical to guide management and select patients for local therapy. Results from ongoing trials will establish if there is a role of dose-escalated SBRT after induction chemotherapy for carefully selected patients.
Conclusion: Patients with LAPC have more therapeutic options than ever before. Careful selection for SBRT may enhance patient outcomes, pending the maturation of pivotal clinical trials.