Objectives: The objective of this study was to engage national experts in geriatric psychiatry and oncology in qualitative interviews to develop consensus regarding how older adult cancer survivors (OACS) experience depressive symptoms, and how best to assess OACs for depression.
Methods: Expert clinicians in geriatric oncology disciplines were interviewed about approaches to assessing depression in OACs. Interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed, and conducted until thematic saturation was achieved. Thematic Content Analysis was utilized to identify key themes.
Results: Experts (N = 8) were board certified geriatric psychiatrists and oncologists with specialization in geriatric medicine. Two conceptual domains were identified: Key indicators of depression in OACs (e.g. anhedonia; loss of meaning and purpose; loneliness and social withdrawal) and unique considerations for depression assessment in OACs (e.g. alternative phrasing to "depression," disentangling mood and cancer or treatment-related side effects).
Conclusions: The approaches identified tended to depart from traditional diagnostic criteria for depression.
Clinical implications: Results provide additional insight into the limitations of existing depression measures for OACs. The themes and practices identified in the present study suggest that a revised measure of depression for OACs may be useful. Future research will continue to shed light on best practices for depression assessment in OACs.