Introduction: To combat ethnic inequalities in health, medical students should be prepared to treat all patients. Denmark has become an increasingly diverse society and therefore needs a medical curriculum that reflects the change in population composition. This study aimed to assess if the dermatology curriculum in Denmark prepared medical students to diagnose dermatological diseases in patients with skin of colour (SoC).
Methods: From 20 September to 12 October 2022, a survey was distributed to medical students and junior doctors who had completed the dermatology curriculum at one of the medical schools in Denmark between 2010-2022. The participants were recruited mainly via Facebook. The statistical data were analysed in STATA, and free-text responses were analysed using thematic analysis.
Results: A total of 592 medical students (n = 285) and junior doctors (n = 307) completed the survey. In SoC, 43.9% and 32.6% felt confident to a poor or very poor degree in diagnosing dermatological diseases versus 5.9% and 2.5% in white skin. Among others, the respondents suggested to increase visual examples in the curriculum and integrate SoC in exams to increase their confidence level when diagnosing in SoC.
Conclusion: Danish medical students and junior doctors are significantly less confident when diagnosing dermatological diseases in SoC than in white skin. Revision of the dermatology curriculum is needed to increase the students' confidence level and knowledge of SoC to prepare them to treat all patients, ultimately reducing ethnic inequalities in health.
Funding: None.
Trial registration: Not relevant.