The impacts of long-term warming on soil physical structure and soil organic carbon (SOC) pools are currently disputed and uncertain. We conducted an eleven-year warming experiment in wheatland field in Henan, China. We found that long-term warming significantly increased soil bulk density by 4.5%, and significantly decreased total porosity and non-capillary porosity by 3.4% and 5.0%, respectively. Besides, long-term warming decreased the >2 mm fraction proportion and increased <0.053 mm fraction proportion of dry and wet aggregates. The mean weight diameter value for dry and wet aggregates in long-term warming treatment was significantly decreased by 7.0% and 6.7%, respectively. Moreover, long-term warming significantly decreased the total SOC, very labile pool (F1) and labile pool (F2) content by 10.6%, 30.6%, and 43.6%, and significantly increased the less labile pool (F3) and non-labile pool (F4) content by 94.2% and 21.1%, respectively. Long-term warming increased the passive carbon pool percentage but decreased the active carbon pool (ACP) percentage. Our results suggest that long-term warming negatively affected the soil's physical structure and impaired soil ACP accumulation. The findings of this study help improve our understanding of the response of farmland soils in northern China to climate change and provide scientific basis for establishing carbon management measures in farmland.
Land degradation and declining productivity in the Ethiopian Highlands are primarily caused by soil fertility decline due to erosion, nutrient depletion, and soil acidity. An integrated soil fertility management (ISFM) project operating over a six-year period aimed to combat this and boost yields through participatory demonstrations. Despite high levels of yield variability expected from a farmer-managed observational study over a wide area, results show that crop yields increased with increased use of ISFM. Detailed statistical analysis using multiple linear regression models explained the contribution of individual practices. Use of improved varieties and line-seeding rather than broadcasting were consistently and highly significant. The contribution of inorganic blended fertiliser was less clear, probably due to low soil organic matter and use on acidic soils, although response to nitrogen was highly significant. The contribution of organic fertilisers was less than expected, possibly due to soil disturbance from farmer practices of multiple ploughing. Responses to crop residue management and agroforestry practices were significant on most crops reflecting their importance in improving soil water management, soil organic matter and recycling nutrients. Response to lime application on acid soils was highly significant confirming the importance of correcting acidity. Unexplained differences are attributed to the additive effects of using several ISFM treatments as well as unrecorded beneficial farmer management practices. It can be concluded that ISFM can play an essential role in improving productivity, addressing food insecurity and the challenges of climate change. Further expansion will require advocacy, awareness-raising, field-level extension and involvement of the private sector.