Purpose: Serum caffeine concentration is an indicator of caffeine intoxication; however, it is difficult to measure it in most emergency departments. We developed a simple estimation method using a point-of-care test kit for urinary caffeine.
Methods: Caffeine-spiked human serum (100, 50, 25, and 10 µg/mL) was diluted 10-, 20-, 50-, and 100-fold with phosphate-buffered saline and applied to the kit. After 5 min incubation, the kit was scanned by a flatbed scanner and the membrane image was processed with ImageJ.
Results: When the 20-fold diluted serum was applied, serum samples with initial caffeine concentration ≤ 25 and ≥ 50 µg/mL were caffeine-negative and -positive, respectively. When the 100-fold diluted serum was applied, none of the caffeine-spiked serum samples gave positive results. Therefore, we proposed the following test procedure: (i) 20-fold diluted serum was initially tested and (ii) 100-fold diluted serum was additionally tested when the initial result was caffeine positive. Using this procedure, caffeine concentration is expected to be classified into three levels: ≤ 25, > 25- ≤ 100, and > 100 µg/mL, which almost correspond to no or mild, severe, and potentially fatal intoxication, respectively. The test procedure was validated using postmortem heart blood from two cases of fatal caffeine intoxication (caffeine concentration: 276 and 175 µg/mL) and two cases of other intoxication.
Conclusions: Our developed method using point-of-care urinary caffeine test kits enabled simple estimation of serum caffeine concentration.