A survey was conducted in 2022 to identify current perceptions and preferences regarding the value of AFS membership and its associated benefits, to assess the effectiveness of AFS initiatives and communication efforts, to provide insight into the role of AFS in career development, and to document motivations for membership in other societies. The membership survey included participation from current AFS members as well as nonmembers with interests in the fisheries profession. We conducted an analysis of the 2,285 survey respondents, where the goal of the analysis was to identify global trends among all respondents as a means to improve the overall experience for society members through value-added membership benefits and initiatives. For the purposes of this analysis, survey questions that specifically addressed membership benefits or membership retention were evaluated. Most of the survey questions evaluated in this analysis included an option to provide comments that were also compiled and assessed for recurring trends. Similar to previous membership surveys, high membership and meeting registration fees were frequently cited as a possible limitation or barrier to retaining and recruiting members. Survey respondents indicated that a higher value of membership appreciation could be achieved through better communication of benefits and efforts to encourage employers to support membership and certification. Recommendations were developed from the survey responses and some have already been implemented by the Membership Committee through an Action Plan. These recommendations will be used to guide future actions to increase membership, to enhance current membership benefits, and to serve as a framework to focus and refine future actions that will be considered by the Membership Committee on behalf of AFS.