For N≥3, the abstract commensurators of both Aut(FN) and its Torelli subgroup IAN are isomorphic to Aut(FN) itself.
For N≥3, the abstract commensurators of both Aut(FN) and its Torelli subgroup IAN are isomorphic to Aut(FN) itself.
We consider morphisms (pi : X to mathbb{P}^{1}) of smooth projective varieties over (mathbb{C}). We show that if π has at most one singular fibre, then X is uniruled and π admits sections. We reach the same conclusions, but with genus zero multisections instead of sections, if π has at most two singular fibres, and the first Chern class of X is supported in a single fibre of π.
To achieve these result, we use action completed symplectic cohomology groups associated to compact subsets of convex symplectic domains. These groups are defined using Pardon’s virtual fundamental chains package for Hamiltonian Floer cohomology. In the above setting, we show that the vanishing of these groups implies the existence of unirulings and (multi)sections.
We show that a (operatorname{GL}(d,mathbb{R})) cocycle over a hyperbolic system with constant periodic data has a dominated splitting whenever the periodic data indicates it should. This implies global periodic data rigidity of generic Anosov automorphisms of (mathbb{T}^{d}). Further, our approach also works when the periodic data is narrow, that is, sufficiently close to constant. We can show global periodic data rigidity for certain non-linear Anosov diffeomorphisms in a neighborhood of an irreducible Anosov automorphism with simple spectrum.
Triangulated surfaces are compact Riemann surfaces equipped with a conformal triangulation by equilateral triangles. In 2004, Brooks and Makover asked how triangulated surfaces are distributed in the moduli space of Riemann surfaces as the genus tends to infinity. Mirzakhani raised this question in her 2010 ICM address. We show that in the large genus case, triangulated surfaces are well distributed in moduli space in a fairly strong sense. We do this by proving upper and lower bounds for the number of triangulated surfaces lying in a Teichmüller ball in moduli space. In particular, we show that the number of triangulated surfaces lying in a Teichmüller unit ball is at most exponential in the number of triangles, independent of the genus.
We consider first-passage percolation on (mathbb{Z}^{2}) with independent and identically distributed weights whose common distribution is absolutely continuous with a finite exponential moment. Under the assumption that the limit shape has more than 32 extreme points, we prove that geodesics with nearby starting and ending points have significant overlap, coalescing on all but small portions near their endpoints. The statement is quantified, with power-law dependence of the involved quantities on the length of the geodesics.
The result leads to a quantitative resolution of the Benjamini–Kalai–Schramm midpoint problem. It is shown that the probability that the geodesic between two given points passes through a given edge is smaller than a power of the distance between the points and the edge.
We further prove that the limit shape assumption is satisfied for a specific family of distributions.
Lastly, related to the 1965 Hammersley–Welsh highways and byways problem, we prove that the expected fraction of the square {−n,…,n}2 which is covered by infinite geodesics starting at the origin is at most an inverse power of n. This result is obtained without explicit limit shape assumptions.
We investigate positive braid Legendrian links via a Floer-theoretic approach and prove that their augmentation varieties are cluster K2 (aka. (mathcal{A})-) varieties. Using the exact Lagrangian cobordisms of Legendrian links in Ekholm et al. (J. Eur. Math. Soc. 18(11):2627–2689, 2016), we prove that a large family of exact Lagrangian fillings of positive braid Legendrian links correspond to cluster seeds of their augmentation varieties. We solve the infinite-filling problem for positive braid Legendrian links; i.e., whenever a positive braid Legendrian link is not of type ADE, it admits infinitely many exact Lagrangian fillings up to Hamiltonian isotopy.
We construct compact Lorentz manifolds without closed geodesics.
We prove that if A is a non-separable abelian tracial von Neuman algebra then its free powers A∗n,2≤n≤∞, are mutually non-isomorphic and with trivial fundamental group, (mathcal{F}(A^{*n})=1), whenever 2≤n<∞. This settles the non-separable version of the free group factor problem.
We prove the existence of a unique complete shrinking gradient Kähler-Ricci soliton with bounded scalar curvature on the blowup of (mathbb{C}times mathbb{P}^{1}) at one point. This completes the classification of such solitons in two complex dimensions.
We prove a far-reaching generalization of Rickman’s Picard theorem for a surprisingly large class of mappings, based on the recently developed theory of quasiregular values. Our results are new even in the planar case.