Accelerating the removal of a radionuclide from the body of a contaminated individual is the only available approach to decreasing the radiation dose from such exposures. In this study, continuous infusion of a chelating agent, DTPA, was given to dogs that had inhaled a moderately soluble aerosol, 241 AmO2, not only to accelerate clearance of the radionuclide from the lung but also to prevent its deposition in liver and bone. Treatment was begun with an intravenous injection of CaDTPA 1 h after exposure, and was continued for 64 days after exposure by implanting subcutaneously osmotic pumps containing ZnDTPA at 1 day after exposure. The results showed that the infusion therapy was effective in blocking the translocation of 99.5 per cent of the 241Am that would have been deposited in liver, and 98.3 per cent of the 241Am that would have been deposited in bone. This result was significantly better than the result achieved using repeated intravenous injections of DTPA, the method of treatment in current use for actinide contamination cases.
Monoethyl (MEE) and diethyl (DEE) esters of glutathione (GSH) had the capacity to provide some protection of normal and buthionine sulfoximine (BSO) pretreated cells against X-irradiation. Both compounds appeared to be transported through the cell membrane into the cells. MEE was intracellularly partly hydrolysed to GSH and caused a limited rise of intracellular GSH. DEE was intracellularly mainly converted into MEE and partly into GSH. DEE caused a larger rise of the intracellular GSH content than MEE; it also provided a better radioprotection. Radioprotection by the GSH esters may be explained by an increase of intracellular GSH as well as by the presence of the esters themselves. Cysteamine caused no rise of the intracellular GSH content, thus its radioprotection could not be mediated by an increase of intracellular GSH. When the radiosensitivity of GSH-depleted cells protected by cysteamine was compared with the radiosensitivity of non-GSH-depleted cells similarly protected by cysteamine, it appeared that the GSH-depleted cells remained more sensitive to irradiation. Thus, it seems that in this respect cysteamine cannot fully substitute for endogenous GSH.
A survey of data in the literature indicates that the radiosensitivity of cells to doses less than 1 Gy varies widely within cell lineages and less so between lineages. This is due in large part to the differentiation status and division capacities of the cells, and possibly also to the grouping of cells into 'viable units'. In addition, the mode of cell death is important, and cells susceptible to natural apoptosis are particularly radiosensitive. There are also quite marked differences in cell sensitivity between species.
This paper presents a microdosimetric approach to the problem of radiation response by which effects produced at low doses and dose rates can be understood as the consequences of radiation absorption events in the nucleus of a single relevant cell and in its DNA. Radiation absorption at the cellular level, i.e. in the cell nucleus as a whole, is believed to act through radicals. This kind of action is called 'non-specific' and leads to the definition of an 'elemental dose' and the 'integral response probability' of a cell population. Radiation absorption at the molecular level, i.e. in sensitive parts of the DNA, is thought to act through double-strand breaks. This kind of action is called 'specific' and leads to a 'relative local efficiency'. In general, both mechanisms occur for all types of radiation; however, it is the dose contribution of both specific and non-specific effects that determines the radiation quality of a given radiation. The implications of this approach for the specification of low-dose and low dose-rate regions are discussed.
Although the expression of radiation-induced biological effects and responses may be at either the cell, organ or organism level, induction of some of these phenomena (e.g. cancer of clastogenic and genetic effects) can have their origin in the interaction of a single charged particle with the target-containing volume (TCV) of the cell, e.g. the cell nucleus. However, the independent variable now used in both organ and cell population studies, the absorbed dose to the organ, provides no information directly on particle-TCV interactions. Even if calculated as a mean to an organized population of cells, the absorbed dose becomes a composite and confounded quantity, (FzN), in which F is the fraction of TCVs 'hit' by a particle during a given exposure, z is the mean value of z1, the energy absorbed in the TCV in a single hit, and N is the mean number of hits per affected TCV. Scientific precepts demand the avoidance of such confounded variables by achieving their isolation. The needed separation can be effected by the use of microdosimetric techniques, which make it possible to hold one component quantity constant while the others are varied. As an example, low-level radiation exposure (LLE) can be used to hold F at a constant value of 0.2 where, on average, there is but one hit per TCV. The probability of a cellular quantal response, as a function of z1 only, can then be determined by use of LLE to radiations covering a wide span of LETs. Conversely, the effect of varying only the fraction of cells hit can be studied by holding z constant. This can be accomplished by working within a narrow band of LET, but only in the LLE range. The effectiveness of preirradiation altering cell sensitivity as a function of the number of hits per TCV can be determined by working within, and somewhat above, the LLE range. In either risk assessment or the application of radiation as a pretreatment, minimal consequences can be assured only if very low-level exposure is employed in order that F will be small, and if the exposure is in a field of radiation of very low LET so that z1 will be as small as possible. That is to say, exposure conditions with low consequences cannot be specified in terms of any single quantity.
The high radiosensitivity to killing of undifferentiated primordial cells (Bergonié and Tribondeau 1906) can be described as a manifestation of the suicide of injured cells for the benefit of an organism as a whole if their suicide stimulates proliferation of healthy cells to replace them, resulting in complete elimination of injury. This process is called cell-replacement repair, to distinguish it from DNA repair which is rarely complete. 'Cell suicide', 'programmed death' and 'apoptosis' are terms used for the same type of active cell death. Cell suicide is not always altruistic. Altruistic suicide in Drosophila, mice, humans, plants, and E. coli is reviewed in this paper to illustrate its widely different facets. The hypothesis that in animals, radiation hormesis results from altruistic cell suicide is proposed. This hypothesis can explain the hormetic effect of low doses of radiation on the immune system in mice. In contrast, in plants, radiation hormesis seems to be mainly due to non-altruistic cell death. HORMESIS--'the stimulating effect of small doses of substances which in larger doses are inhibitory' (British Medical Dictionary, Caxton Publ. Co., 1961).
The terminal involution pattern of the human thymus was studied based on autopsy cases (both sexes, age range 63-91 years). Large sections through the entire thymic fat body were examined with the help of both conventional histological and immunohistochemical techniques. The findings demonstrate that thymic atrophy in old humans (a) goes far beyond the degree of involution observed in small rodents; (b) results in a system of thin, branching, in part interrupted, non-keratinizing epithelial plates containing no typical Hassall bodies; (c) concerns all components of the thymus except fat tissue which progressively replaces original thymic structures; and (d) involves various types of disorganization of individual lobules with T and B lymphocytes often located outside rather than within epithelial remnants. Effects of low-level radiation on this final regression of the human thymus are unknown.