Background: The motivation to have a child may be complex with numerous influencing factors, particularly among individuals living with HIV. This study sought to understand factors influencing fertility decision-making for HIV-infected men and women in Lilongwe, Malawi.
Methods: Thirteen focus groups were conducted among HIV-infected individuals enrolled in antiretroviral treatment services.
Results: Participants identified a hierarchy of influences in fertility decisions including the importance of childbearing, patriarchal influence, family influences and concern regarding HIV transmission.
Conclusions: Addressing fertility conversations beyond the confines of a relationship may be important, as family plays a significant role in fertility choices. Childbearing remains a fundamental desire among many individuals with HIV; however, concerns regarding transmission risk need to be addressed with efforts made to overcome misconception and assist individuals in balancing what may be competing influences.
Background: The contraceptive prevalence rate in Mozambique was estimated as 11.3% in the last Demographic and Health Survey. The impact of family planning (FP) on women's health and on the reduction of maternal mortality is well known.
Methods: Acknowledging the importance of user satisfaction in the utilisation of health services, exit interviews were used to assess women's satisfaction with FP services in Mozambique. The survey, conducted in 174 health facilities, was representative at the national level, covered all provinces, and both urban and rural areas.
Results: Overall, 86% of respondents were satisfied with FP services, but issues such as insufficient supplies of oral contraceptives and the low quality of healthcare provider/client interactions were given as reasons for women's dissatisfaction.
Conclusion: Defined actions at the level of health service provision are needed to tackle the identified issues and ensure improved satisfaction with, and better utilisation of, FP services in Mozambique.
Background: Even given the liberal abortion law in Ghana, abortion complications are a large contributor to maternal morbidity and mortality. This study sought to understand why young women seeking an abortion in a legally enabling environment chose to do this outside the formal healthcare system.
Methods: Women being treated for complications arising from a self-induced abortion as well as for elective abortions at three hospitals in Ghana were interviewed. Community-based focus groups were held with women as well as men, separately. Interviews and focus group discussions were conducted until saturation was reached.
Results: A total of 18 women seeking care for complications from a self-induced abortion and 11 seeking care for an elective abortion interviewed. The women ranged in age from 13 to 35 years. There were eight focus groups; two with men and six with women. The reasons women self-induce are: (1) abortion is illegal; (2) attitudes of the healthcare workers; (3) keeping the pregnancy a secret; and (4) social network influence. The meta-theme of normalisation of self-inducing' an abortion was identified.
Discussion: When women are faced with an unplanned and unwanted pregnancy, they consult individuals in their social network whom they know have dealt with a similar situation. Misoprostol is widely available in Ghanaian cities and is successful at inducing an abortion for many women. In this way, self-inducing abortions using medication procured from pharmacists and chemical sellers has become normalised for women in Kumasi, Ghana.