Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF) has been used to study the spectroscopy of ruthenium monofluoride (RuF) in the UNB laser-ablation molecular-jet apparatus. High-resolution spectra of three band systems have been obtained, with a linewidth (FWHM) of ∼0.004 cm−1, in the near infrared (NIR), green and blue regions at ∼ 760 nm, 548 nm and 450 nm respectively. Electronic states have been assigned based on observation of first lines in the R and P branches and the excited states are labelled A, B and C in increasing energy order. Three transitions have been assigned to the green system as spin–orbit components, B4Γ5.5 – X4Φ4.5 and B4Γ4.5 – X4Φ3.5 of the (0,0) band, and B4Γ5.5 – X4Φ4.5 of the (1,1) band of the B – X system. The single NIR and blue bands were assigned as A4Δ3.5 - X4Φ4.5 (0,0) and C4Δ3.5 - X4Φ4.5 (0,0) respectively. Rotational structure of four individual isotopologues 96RuF, 100RuF, 102RuF and 104RuF was well resolved and used to examine the rotational and vibrational isotope effects. The rotational lines were doubled by hyperfine structure due to the nuclear spin I = ½ of fluorine. The hyperfine structure due to the nuclear spin I = 5/2 of 99Ru and 101Ru was not resolved resulting in weak broadened 99RuF and 101RuF lines that were overlapped by the stronger lines of the other isotopologues and could only be assigned in the C4Δ3.5 - X4Φ4.5 (0,0) band. The fluorine hyperfine structure was used to estimate the fraction of F 2sσ and 2pπ in the Ru-centered σ and π molecular orbitals.