Objectives Endoscopic endonasal anterior skull base surgery has expanding use in the pediatric population, but the anatomy of pediatric patients can lead to limitations. This study aims to characterize the important anatomical implications of the pediatric skull base using computed tomography (CT) scans. Design This study is designed as retrospective analysis. Setting The study setting comprises of tertiary academic medical center. Participants In total, 506 patients aged 0 to 18 who had undergone maxillofacial and or head CTs between 2009 to 2016 were involved. Methods Measurements included piriform aperture width, nare to sella distance (NSD), sphenoid pneumatization, olfactory fossa depth, lateral lamella cribriform plate angles, and intercarotid distances (ICD) at the superior clivus and cavernous sinus. These patients were then subdivided into three age groups adjusting for sex. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) models were fit comparing between all age groups and by sex. Results Piriform aperture width, NSD, sphenoid sinus pneumatization as measured using lateral aeration and anterior sellar wall thickness, olfactory fossa depth, and ICD at the cavernous sinus were significantly different among all age groups ( p <0.0001). Our results show that mean piriform aperture width increased with each age group. The mean olfactory fossa depth also had consistent age dependent growth. In addition, ICD at the cavernous sinus showed age dependent changes. When comparing by sexes, females consistently showed smaller measurements. Conclusion The process of skull base development is age and sex dependent. During preoperative evaluation of pediatric patients for skull base surgery piriform aperture width, sphenoid pneumatization in both the anterior posterior and lateral directions, and ICD at the cavernous sinus should be carefully reviewed.
Introduction The wide range of anatomical variability of the structures of the middle cranial fossa (MCF) and the lack of reliable surgical landmarks contribute to a high level of complications in the surgical treatment of vestibular schwannomas. We hypothesized that the cranial phenotype influences the shape of the MCF, the orientation of the pyramid of the temporal bone, and the relative topography of the internal acoustic canal (IAC). Methods The skull base structures were studied on 54 embalmed cadavers and 60 magnetic resonance images of the head and neck by photo modeling, dissection, and three-dimensional analysis techniques. By the value of the cranial index, all specimens were subdivided into dolichocephalic, mesocephalic, and brachycephalic groups for comparison of variables. Results The length of the superior border of the temporal pyramid (SB), the apex to squama distance, and the width of the MCF all peaked in the brachycephalic group. The value of the angle between the SB and the axis of the acoustic canal varied from 33 to 58 degrees; it peaked in the dolichocephalic group and showed its smaller value in the brachycephalic one. The pyramid to squama angle had reversed distribution and dominated in the brachycephalic group. Conclusion The cranial phenotype influences the shape of the MCF, temporal pyramid, and IAC. Presented in this article data help specialists operating on the vestibular schwannoma to localize the IAC based on the individual shape of a skull.
Objective The endoscopic-assisted supraorbital approach (eSOA) constitutes a minimally invasive strategy for removing anterior skull base meningiomas (ASBM). We present the largest retrospective single-institution and long-term follow-up study of eSOA for ASBM resection, providing further insight regarding indication, surgical considerations, complications, and outcome. Methods We evaluated data of 176 patients operated on ASBM via the eSOA over 22 years. Results Sixty-five tuberculum sellae (TS), 36 anterior clinoid (AC), 28 olfactory groove (OG), 27 planum sphenoidale, 11 lesser sphenoid wing, seven optic sheath, and two lateral orbitary roof meningiomas were assessed. Median surgery duration was 3.35 ± 1.42 hours, being significantly longer for OG and AC meningiomas ( p <0.05). Complete resection was achieved in 91%. Complications included hyposmia (7.4%), supraorbital hypoesthesia (5.1%), cerebrospinal fluid fistula (5%), orbicularis oculi paresis (2.8%), visual disturbances (2.2%), meningitis (1.7%) and hematoma and wound infection (1.1%). One patient died due to intraoperative carotid injury, other due to pulmonary embolism. Median follow-up was 4.8 years with a tumor recurrence rate of 10.8%. Second surgery was chosen in 12 cases (10 via the previous SOA and two via pterional approach), whereas two patients received radiotherapy and in five patients a wait-and-see strategy was adopted. Conclusion The eSOA represents an effective option for ASBM resection, enabling high complete resection rates and long-term disease control. Neuroendoscopy is fundamental for improving tumor resection while reducing brain and optic nerve retraction. Potential limitations and prolonged surgical duration may arise from the small craniotomy and reduced maneuverability, especially for large or strongly adherent lesions.