Bone anabolic drugs used for the pharmacologic treatment of osteoporosis have the potential to enhance alveolar bone regeneration to improve implant success. There are no US Food and Drug Administration–approved drugs indicated to improve oral bone density around teeth or implants.
The authors summarized expert opinions on a novel coordinated treatment approach leveraging the effects of systemic bone anabolic drugs to enhance dental implant therapy in patients with osteoporosis and a dual referral model for physicians and dentists to address the clinical needs of patients with osteoporosis from a comprehensive perspective of oral-systemic health. Interviews of key opinion leaders were conducted with a bone health specialist group consisting of specialists in orthopedic surgery, internal medicine, geriatrics, endocrinology, and clinical densitometry and a surgical dental specialist group consisting of periodontists and oral surgeons.
Overall, both groups shared positive feedback on the idea of strategically timing administration of anabolic osteoporosis drugs with dental treatment. Both groups expressed interest in the dual referral model.
The feedback of key opinion leaders supported the coordinated bone anabolic therapy concept and identified a need for improved interdisciplinary collaboration, education, and communication to realize the synergies of physician-dentist clinical cooperation.
Practical Implications
Strategic timing of osteoporosis therapy could improve skeletal bone health and reduce fracture risk while offering adjunctive dental benefits.