Lysosomal storage disorders (LSD) are a group of inherited inborn metabolism errors that are characterized by a deficiency in the lysosomal enzyme. In patients with suspected lipid storage disorders, confirmation of the diagnosis relies predominantly on the measurement of specific enzymatic activities and molecular genetic studies. New approaches to the measurement of lysosphingolipids have been developed that may serve as a rapid first-tier screening tests for the evaluation of lysosomal storage disorders. The present study evaluates the results of lysosphingolipid screening tests in patients with suspected lysosomal storage diseases. Lysosphingolipid elevation was detected in five patients examined with suspected lysosomal storage disease, and a definitive diagnosis was reached based on genetic analysis. Our data support recent evidence of the primary role of LysoSLs in the diagnosis of sphingolipidosis, and suggest that these biomarkers may be used for diagnosis and treatment monitoring in the future.