Background and aims: The ultimate goal of endodontic therapy is to prevent periradicular disease or to promote the healing of the periradicular lesions. The use of nontoxic, biocompatible, and bioactive materials designed for root canal obturation is preferred due to their increased potential to induce healing and bone regeneration, thereby restoring the functionality of the tooth and the adjacent tissues. The aim of this study was to analyze the biomineralization ability of an experimental endodontic sealer based on synthesized nanoparticles of calcium silicates.
Methods: Six plastic moulds were filled with the freshly prepared experimental endodontic sealer and kept for 3 days at room temperature in a moist environment. After hardening, four samples were subsequently immersed in simulated body fluid (SBF) and introduced in incubator at 37°C and 100% relative humidity; two of them were kept for 7 days and the other two for 14 days. Two samples were not immersed in SBF and were used for comparison. The biomineralization potential was assessed by XRPD, SEM and EDS analysis.
Results: Following immersion in SBF, XRPD analysis identified apatite crystals for experimental material both after 7 and 14 days. SEM images displayed the specific microstructure for bioceramic materials alongside with the presence of apatite crystals on their surface. EDS identified the presence of phosphorus and calcium elements, underlining the biomineralization potential of the experimental material.
Conclusion: Interaction between experimental material and SBF succeeded in inducing precipitation of apatite on its surface, evidenced by XRDP, SEM and EDS analysis.