Let be a prime number, and positive integers coprime with . We provide the explicit continued fraction expansion of the th root of in the power series field . We determine its irrationality exponent.
Let be a prime number, and positive integers coprime with . We provide the explicit continued fraction expansion of the th root of in the power series field . We determine its irrationality exponent.
Let be any positive and non-square integer. We prove an upper bound for the first two moments of the length of the period of the continued fraction expansion for . This allows to improve the existing results for the large deviations of .
We investigate strong divisibility sequences and produce lower and upper bounds for the density of integers in the sequence that only have (somewhat) large prime factors. We focus on the special cases of Fibonacci numbers and elliptic divisibility sequences, discussing the limitations of our methods. At the end of the paper, there is an appendix by Sandro Bettin on divisor closed sets that we use to study the density of prime terms that appear in strong divisibility sequences.
Assuming the Riemann hypothesis, we investigate the shifted moments of the zeta function
Let be a convex body in in which a ball rolls freely and which slides freely in a ball. Let be the intersection of i.i.d. random half-spaces containing chosen according to a certain prescribed probability distribution. We prove an asymptotic upper bound on the variance of the mean width of as . We achieve this result by first proving an asymptotic upper bound on the variance of the weighted volume of random polytopes generated by i.i.d. random points selected according to certain probability distributions, then, using polarity, we transfer this to the circumscribed model.
We give a construction of a convex set with cardinality such that contains a convex subset with cardinality . We also consider the following variant of this problem: given a convex set , what is the size of the largest matching such that the set
Let be a matrix. In this paper, we investigate the set of badly approximable targets for , where is the -torus. It is well known that is a winning set for Schmidt's game and hence is a dense subset of full Hausdorff dimension. We investigate the relationship between the measure of and Diophantine properties of . On the one hand, we give the first examples of a nonsingular such that has full measure with respect to some nontrivial algebraic measure on the torus. For this, we use transference theorems due to Jarnik and Khintchine, and the parametric geometry of numbers in the sense of Roy. On the other hand, we give a novel Diophantine condition on that slightly strengthens nonsingularity, and show that under the assumption that satisfies this condition, is a null-set with respect to any nontrivial algebraic measure on the torus. For this, we use naive homogeneous dynamics, harmonic analysis, and a novel concept that we refer to as mixing convergence of measures.
Let be a prime power and be the rational function field over , the field with elements. Let be a Drinfeld module over and be a nonzero prime ideal of . Over the constant -extension of , we introduce the fine Selmer group associated to the -primary torsion of . We show that it is a cofinitely generated module over . This proves an analogue of Iwasawa's conjecture in this setting, and provides context for the further study of the objects that have been introduced in this article.
A Hajnal–Máté graph is an uncountably chromatic graph on satisfying a certain natural sparseness condition. We investigate Hajnal–Máté graphs and generalizations thereof, focusing on the existence of Hajnal–Máté graphs in models resulting from adding a single Cohen real. In particular, answering a question of Dániel Soukup, we show that such models necessarily contain triangle-free Hajnal–Máté graphs. In the process, we isolate a weakening of club guessing called disjoint-type guessing that we feel is of interest in its own right. We show that disjoint-type guessing is independent of and, if disjoint-type guessing holds in the ground model, then the forcing extension by a single Cohen real contains Hajnal–Máté graphs such that the chromatic numbers of finite subgraphs of grow arbitrarily slowly.