We consider the maximum chromatic number of hypergraphs consisting of cliques that have pairwise small intersections. Designs of the appropriate parameters produce optimal constructions, but these are generally known to exist only when the number of cliques is exponential in the clique size (Glock, Kühn, Lo, and Osthus, Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 284 (2023) v+131 pp; Keevash, Preprint; Rödl, Eur. J. Combin. 6 (1985) 69–78). We construct near designs where the number of cliques is polynomial in the clique size, and show that they have large chromatic number. The case when the cliques have pairwise intersections of size at most one seems particularly challenging. Here, we give lower bounds by analyzing a random greedy hypergraph process. We also consider the related question of determining the maximum number of caps in a finite projective/affine plane and obtain nontrivial upper and lower bounds.