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Comparative analysis of aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 expression in polyps and adenocarcinoma of the distal colon 乙醛脱氢酶1在远端结肠息肉和腺癌组织中表达的比较分析
Pub Date : 2020-12-28 DOI: 10.26641/2307-0404.2020.4.221242
M. Shyshkin, T. O. Khrystenko
Comparative analysis of aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 expression in polyps and adenocarcinoma of the distal colon. Shyshkin M.A., Khrystenko T.O. Aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 (ALDH1) is one of the most widely used cancer stem cells markers, even though the question of its significance for certain stages of colorectal carcinogenesis is still unclear. The aim of this study was to compare ALDH1 immunohistochemical expression levels in polyps and adenocarcinoma of the distal colon. Histopathological and immunohistochemical studies of biopsies from 40 patients (biopsies of polyps and histologically non-changed mucosa of the distal colon), as well as surgical material of colorectal adenocarcinoma from 30 patients were carried out. It was established that distal colonic polyps are characterized by cytoplasmic expression of ALDH1 with the median of relative area that is equal to 25.63 (18.26; 30.42)% stromal cells. ALDH1 expression by epitheliocytes is revealed exclusively in dysplastic polyps with the median of the area that is equal to 22.13 (17.22; 30.05)%. Colorectal adenocarcinoma is characterized by cytoplasmic expression of ALDH1 with the medians of the area that are equal to 40,22 (22,54; 47,77)% stromal cells and 32,12 (23.64; 40.28)% cancer cells. The area of ALDH1+ cells varies depending on the pTNM stage of the carcinoma, herewith the median of ALDH1+ stromal cells is significantly increasing during the tumor progression from the I to the III stages that displays increasing in number of stromal cells which are involved in oncogenic signaling pathways activation. The median of ALDH1+ cancer cells is significantly increasing during the tumor progression from the III to the IV stages that shows increasing number of cancer cells that acquire properties of stem cells on advanced stages of colorectal adenocarcinoma. Comparative analysis of the parameters obtained for polyps and carcinoma indicates that the median of ALDH1+ stromal cells area in polyps is 2 times smaller than the median of ALDH1+ stromal cells area in carcinoma, and the median of ALDH1+ epitheliocytes area in polyps is 1.5 times smaller than the median of ALDH1+ cancer cells area. Реферат. Порівняльний аналіз експресії альдегіддегідрогенази 1 в поліпах і аденокарциномі дистальної товстої кишки. Шишкін М.А., Христенко Т.О. Альдегіддегідрогеназа 1 (ALDH1) є одним з найчастіше використовуваних маркерів ракових стовбурових клітин, проте питання щодо його значущості відносно окремих етапів колоректального канцерогенезу лишається до кінця не вивченим. Метою цього дослідження стало порівняння рівнів імуногістохімічної експресії ALDH1 в поліпах і аденокарциномі дистальної товстої кишки. Проведено патоморфологічне та імуногістохімічне дослідження біопсійного матеріалу 40 пацієнтів (біоптати поліпів і гістологічно незміненої слизової оболонки дистальної товстої кишки), а також операційного матеріалу колоректальної аденокарциноми 30 пацієнтів. Установлено, що поліпи дистальної товстої кишки характеризу
乙醛脱氢酶1在远端结肠息肉和腺癌组织中表达的比较分析。醛脱氢酶1 (ALDH1)是应用最广泛的癌症干细胞标志物之一,尽管其在结直肠癌发生的某些阶段的意义尚不清楚。本研究的目的是比较远端结肠息肉和腺癌中ALDH1免疫组化表达水平。对40例患者的活检(息肉活检及结肠远端未改变粘膜活检)和30例结肠腺癌的手术材料进行了组织病理学和免疫组化研究。结果表明,远端结肠息肉以ALDH1的细胞质表达为特征,其相对面积中位数为25.63 (18.26;30.42)%间质细胞。ALDH1仅在发育不良的息肉中表达,面积中位数为22.13 (17.22;30.05) %。结直肠腺癌的特征是ALDH1的细胞质表达,该区域的中位数为40,22 (22,54;基质细胞47.77 %,基质细胞32.12 % (23.64;40.28)%癌细胞。ALDH1+细胞的面积取决于肿瘤的pTNM分期,其中ALDH1+基质细胞的中位数在肿瘤从I期进展到III期期间显著增加,表明参与致癌信号通路激活的基质细胞数量增加。在III期至IV期肿瘤进展过程中,ALDH1+癌细胞的中位数显著增加,表明在晚期结直肠癌中获得干细胞特性的癌细胞数量增加。息肉与癌参数对比分析发现,息肉中ALDH1+间质细胞面积的中位数比癌中ALDH1+间质细胞面积的中位数小2倍,息肉中ALDH1+上皮细胞面积的中位数比ALDH1+癌细胞面积的中位数小1.5倍。Реферат。Порівняльнийаналізекспресіїальдегіддегідрогенази1вполіпахіаденокарциномідистальноїтовстоїкишки。ШишкінМА。, Христенко Т.О。Альдегіддегідрогеназа1 (ALDH1)єоднимзнайчастішевикористовуванихмаркерівраковихстовбуровихклітин,протепитаннящодойогозначущостівідносноокремихетапівколоректальногоканцерогенезулишаєтьсядокінцяневивченим。МетоюцьогодослідженнясталопорівняннярівнівімуногістохімічноїекспресіїALDH1вполіпахіаденокарциномідистальноїтовстоїкишки。Проведенопатоморфологічнетаімуногістохімічнедослідженнябіопсійногоматеріалу40пацієнтів(біоптатиполіпівігістологічнонезміненоїслизовоїоболонкидистальноїтовстоїкишки),атакожопераційногоматеріалуколоректальноїаденокарциноми30пацієнтів。Установлено,щополіпидистальноїтовстоїкишкихарактеризуютьсяцитоплазматичноюекспресієюALDH1змедіаноювідносноїплощі25日63(18日26日;30日,42)%клітинстроми,атакож,щоекспресіямаркераепітеліоцитамивиявляєтьсявиключновдиспластичнозміненихполіпахзмедіаноюплощі22日13(17、22;30日05)%。КолоректальнааденокарциномаМЕДИЧНІПЕРСПЕКТИВИ/ MEDICNI PERSPEKTIVI 103103 95 20 /Том第二十五章/ 4характеризуєтьсяцитоплазматичноюекспресієюALDH1змедіанамиплощі40岁,22(22日,54;47,77)% клітин строми та 32,12 (23,64;40,28)% ракових клітин。ПоказникплощіALDH1 +клітинваріюєзалежновідстадіїкарциномизаpTNM,прицьомумедіанаплощіALDH1 +клітинстромидостовірнозбільшуєтьсяприпрогресіїпухлинивід我д第三остадії,щовідображаєзбільшеннякількостіклітинстроми,залученихдоактиваціїтуморогеннихсигнальнихшляхів。МедіанаплощіALDH1 +раковихклітиндостовірнозбільшуєтьсяприпрогресіїпухлинивід三世д第四остадії,щовідображаєзбільшеннякількостіраковихклітин,щонабуваютьвластивостейстовбурових,напросунутихстадіяхколоректальноїаденокарциноми。Порівняльнийаналізпоказникі,вотриманихдляполіпівікарциноми,вказуєнате,щомедіанаплощіALDH1 +клітинстромиполіпівв2разименшазамедіануплощіALDH1 +клітинстромикарциноми,амедіанаплощіALDH1 +епітеліоцитівполіпівв1 5разаменшазамедіануплощіALDH1 +раковихклітин。在过去的十年中,已经积累了大量支持癌症干细胞(CSCs)假说的数据。CSCs是存在于癌症中的细胞,具有正常干细胞的特性,包括自我更新的能力和向同一肿瘤中存在的任何类型细胞分化的能力[5]。在结直肠癌(CRA)中最常用的CSC标志物是醛脱氢酶1 (ALDH1)[7]。ALDH1是一种氧化还原酶,可氧化多种内源性和外源性醛。ALDH1的主要功能是保护氧化应激下的细胞。
{"title":"Comparative analysis of aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 expression in polyps and adenocarcinoma of the distal colon","authors":"M. Shyshkin, T. O. Khrystenko","doi":"10.26641/2307-0404.2020.4.221242","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.26641/2307-0404.2020.4.221242","url":null,"abstract":"Comparative analysis of aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 expression in polyps and adenocarcinoma of the distal colon. Shyshkin M.A., Khrystenko T.O. Aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 (ALDH1) is one of the most widely used cancer stem cells markers, even though the question of its significance for certain stages of colorectal carcinogenesis is still unclear. The aim of this study was to compare ALDH1 immunohistochemical expression levels in polyps and adenocarcinoma of the distal colon. Histopathological and immunohistochemical studies of biopsies from 40 patients (biopsies of polyps and histologically non-changed mucosa of the distal colon), as well as surgical material of colorectal adenocarcinoma from 30 patients were carried out. It was established that distal colonic polyps are characterized by cytoplasmic expression of ALDH1 with the median of relative area that is equal to 25.63 (18.26; 30.42)% stromal cells. ALDH1 expression by epitheliocytes is revealed exclusively in dysplastic polyps with the median of the area that is equal to 22.13 (17.22; 30.05)%. Colorectal adenocarcinoma is characterized by cytoplasmic expression of ALDH1 with the medians of the area that are equal to 40,22 (22,54; 47,77)% stromal cells and 32,12 (23.64; 40.28)% cancer cells. The area of ALDH1+ cells varies depending on the pTNM stage of the carcinoma, herewith the median of ALDH1+ stromal cells is significantly increasing during the tumor progression from the I to the III stages that displays increasing in number of stromal cells which are involved in oncogenic signaling pathways activation. The median of ALDH1+ cancer cells is significantly increasing during the tumor progression from the III to the IV stages that shows increasing number of cancer cells that acquire properties of stem cells on advanced stages of colorectal adenocarcinoma. Comparative analysis of the parameters obtained for polyps and carcinoma indicates that the median of ALDH1+ stromal cells area in polyps is 2 times smaller than the median of ALDH1+ stromal cells area in carcinoma, and the median of ALDH1+ epitheliocytes area in polyps is 1.5 times smaller than the median of ALDH1+ cancer cells area. Реферат. Порівняльний аналіз експресії альдегіддегідрогенази 1 в поліпах і аденокарциномі дистальної товстої кишки. Шишкін М.А., Христенко Т.О. Альдегіддегідрогеназа 1 (ALDH1) є одним з найчастіше використовуваних маркерів ракових стовбурових клітин, проте питання щодо його значущості відносно окремих етапів колоректального канцерогенезу лишається до кінця не вивченим. Метою цього дослідження стало порівняння рівнів імуногістохімічної експресії ALDH1 в поліпах і аденокарциномі дистальної товстої кишки. Проведено патоморфологічне та імуногістохімічне дослідження біопсійного матеріалу 40 пацієнтів (біоптати поліпів і гістологічно незміненої слизової оболонки дистальної товстої кишки), а також операційного матеріалу колоректальної аденокарциноми 30 пацієнтів. Установлено, що поліпи дистальної товстої кишки характеризу","PeriodicalId":18652,"journal":{"name":"Medicni perspektivi (Medical perspectives)","volume":"30 1","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2020-12-28","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"75648535","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Neuroprotective properties of n-phenylacetyl-l-prolylglycine ethyl ester nasal gel in an experimental model of multiple sclerosis equivalent n-苯乙酰-l-丙氨酸乙酯鼻凝胶对多发性硬化症等效实验模型的神经保护作用
Pub Date : 2020-12-28 DOI: 10.26641/2307-0404.2020.4.221226
B. Burlaka, I. Belenichev, O. Nefedov, O. Aliyeva, N. Bukhtiyarova
The purpose of this research is to study the specific activity of our developed nasal dosage form with n-phenylacetyl-l-prolylglycine ethyl ester. The experiments were performed on 260 white outbred rats weighing 190-220 g. Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) was induced by a single subcutaneous inoculation of an encephalitogenic mixture (EHM) in Complete Freund's Adjuvant (CFA) based on 100 mg of homologous spinal cord homogenate; 0.2 ml of CFA (the content of killed mycobacteria 5 mg/ml) and 0.2 ml of physiological saline per animal. There were five groups of animals in the study: 1) intact; 2) control - untreated with EAE, received saline solution; 3) animals with EAE that received basic treatment - methylprednisolone (MP), 3.4 mg/kg, intraperitoneally slowly in saline no more than 1/10 of the CBV rat; 4) animals with EAE treated with MP + Noopept, at a dose of 10 mg/kg; 5) animals with EAE treated with MP + Citicoline (Ceraxon, Ferrer Internacional S.A., Spain) D003U1 series, 500 mg/kg, intragastrically. The in­tegrative functions of rats’ brain with EAE were studied using the “Open Field” method with an arena of own production with dimensions 80x80x35 cm. The study of memory was carried out using the radial labyrinth LE760 (AgnTho's, Sweden). Capture and image recording was carried out using a color video camera SSC-DC378P (Sony, Japan). Video file analysis was performed using Smartv 3.0 software (Harvard Apparatus, USA). As a result of the stu­dies on experimental model of multiple sclerosis with a nasal gel containing ethyl ester of n-phenylacetyl-l-pro­lylglycine revealed the presence of normotimic activity, antidepressant and anxiolytic effects, an increase in the total activity of the central nervous system. The results obtained indicate a high neuroprotective and nootropic activity of the Noopept intranasal gel. By the degree of influence on reducing the number of errors in working memory, the Noopept gel sig­nificantly exceeds monotherapy with methylprednisolone and combination therapy with methylprednisolone and citi­coline. A further study of the effect of the developed nasal gel on the morphofunctional indices of sensorimotor cortical neurons under experimental multiple sclerosis, as well as on the content of HSP70 in the animal brain, is promising.
本研究的目的是研究我们研制的鼻剂型与n-苯乙酰-l-脯氨酸乙酯的比活性。实验以体重190 ~ 220 g的纯种大鼠260只为实验对象。以100 mg同源脊髓匀浆为基础,单次皮下接种含完全弗氏佐剂(CFA)的致脑混合物(EHM)诱导实验性过敏性脑脊髓炎(EAE);每只动物注射CFA 0.2 ml(死亡分枝杆菌含量5 mg/ml)和生理盐水0.2 ml。研究中有五组动物:1)完整的;2)对照组:未经EAE治疗,给予生理盐水溶液;3)接受基础治疗的EAE动物-甲基强的松龙(MP), 3.4 mg/kg,在生理盐水中缓慢腹腔注射,不超过CBV大鼠的1/10;4) MP + Noopept治疗EAE动物,剂量为10 mg/kg;5)用MP +胞胆碱(Ceraxon, Ferrer international s.a., Spain) D003U1系列,500 mg/kg灌胃治疗EAE动物。采用80x80x35 cm自建竞技场“开场”法研究大鼠脑电发射整合功能。记忆研究使用LE760 (AgnTho's,瑞典)径向迷宫进行。使用彩色摄像机SSC-DC378P (Sony, Japan)进行捕获和图像记录。使用Smartv 3.0软件(Harvard Apparatus, USA)进行视频文件分析。通过对多发性硬化症实验模型的研究发现,含有n-苯乙酰基-l-前酰甘氨酸乙酯的鼻凝胶具有正调节活性,抗抑郁和抗焦虑作用,增加中枢神经系统的总活性。结果表明,诺普鼻内凝胶具有高度的神经保护和益智活性。就减少工作记忆错误次数的影响程度而言,诺普凝胶明显超过了甲基强的松龙单药治疗以及甲基强的松龙和citicoline联合治疗。进一步研究该鼻凝胶对实验性多发性硬化症动物感觉运动皮质神经元形态功能指标的影响,以及对动物脑内HSP70含量的影响,是有希望的。
{"title":"Neuroprotective properties of n-phenylacetyl-l-prolylglycine ethyl ester nasal gel in an experimental model of multiple sclerosis equivalent","authors":"B. Burlaka, I. Belenichev, O. Nefedov, O. Aliyeva, N. Bukhtiyarova","doi":"10.26641/2307-0404.2020.4.221226","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.26641/2307-0404.2020.4.221226","url":null,"abstract":"The purpose of this research is to study the specific activity of our developed nasal dosage form with n-phenylacetyl-l-prolylglycine ethyl ester. The experiments were performed on 260 white outbred rats weighing 190-220 g. Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) was induced by a single subcutaneous inoculation of an encephalitogenic mixture (EHM) in Complete Freund's Adjuvant (CFA) based on 100 mg of homologous spinal cord homogenate; 0.2 ml of CFA (the content of killed mycobacteria 5 mg/ml) and 0.2 ml of physiological saline per animal. There were five groups of animals in the study: 1) intact; 2) control - untreated with EAE, received saline solution; 3) animals with EAE that received basic treatment - methylprednisolone (MP), 3.4 mg/kg, intraperitoneally slowly in saline no more than 1/10 of the CBV rat; 4) animals with EAE treated with MP + Noopept, at a dose of 10 mg/kg; 5) animals with EAE treated with MP + Citicoline (Ceraxon, Ferrer Internacional S.A., Spain) D003U1 series, 500 mg/kg, intragastrically. The in­tegrative functions of rats’ brain with EAE were studied using the “Open Field” method with an arena of own production with dimensions 80x80x35 cm. The study of memory was carried out using the radial labyrinth LE760 (AgnTho's, Sweden). Capture and image recording was carried out using a color video camera SSC-DC378P (Sony, Japan). Video file analysis was performed using Smartv 3.0 software (Harvard Apparatus, USA). As a result of the stu­dies on experimental model of multiple sclerosis with a nasal gel containing ethyl ester of n-phenylacetyl-l-pro­lylglycine revealed the presence of normotimic activity, antidepressant and anxiolytic effects, an increase in the total activity of the central nervous system. The results obtained indicate a high neuroprotective and nootropic activity of the Noopept intranasal gel. By the degree of influence on reducing the number of errors in working memory, the Noopept gel sig­nificantly exceeds monotherapy with methylprednisolone and combination therapy with methylprednisolone and citi­coline. A further study of the effect of the developed nasal gel on the morphofunctional indices of sensorimotor cortical neurons under experimental multiple sclerosis, as well as on the content of HSP70 in the animal brain, is promising.","PeriodicalId":18652,"journal":{"name":"Medicni perspektivi (Medical perspectives)","volume":"6 1","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2020-12-28","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"79577490","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 2
Estimates of potentially preventable hospitalizations for ambulatory care sensitive conditions in Ukraine 乌克兰可能可预防的门诊敏感疾病住院情况估计
Pub Date : 2020-12-28 DOI: 10.26641/2307-0404.2020.4.221711
V. Lekhan, L. Kriachkova, O. Doroshenko, L. O. Gritsenko
The purpose: this study aims to identify the most relevant diseases that can be treated outpatient (Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions, or ACSCs) and to define the scope of potentially preventable hospitalizations (PPHs) for such conditions (Ambulatory Care Sensitive Hospitalizations, or ACSH), for Ukrainian adults (above 18 years old), subject to improvement of primary care efficiency. The study has been carried out in four phases, using the World Health Organization’s (WHO) guidance on ACSCs for the European Region, which was adapted to the national context. The data was taken from the official statistical reporting and analyzed by 104 reviewers. The assessment of the PPHs is conducted based on responses of the subgroup of reviewers – 6 experts and 61 primary care physicians, which confirmed the levels of competencies. The most significant rates of potentially preventable hospitalizations (PPHs) are registered for hypertension, pneumonia, angina, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and diabetes, which coincide with ACSCs that are most prevalent for Ukrainian adults. The overall rate of PPHs for adult population of Ukraine with ACSCs is 28.2% as defined by physicians and 32.9% as defined by experts, which may reduce the hospitalization rate for all ACSCs (as percent of all patients with ACSCs) from 8.2% to 6.1% (according to reviews of physicians) or to 5.7% (according to experts’ reviews). The study has shown an important scope for better managing of ACSCs in Ukrainian adults. The results of the study can be used to inform the continued health system transformation, specifically for the development of interventions to prevent avoidable hospitalizations for ACSCs in Ukraine, which can lead to more efficient use of resources in the health system and further strengthening of the primary care.
{"title":"Estimates of potentially preventable hospitalizations for ambulatory care sensitive conditions in Ukraine","authors":"V. Lekhan, L. Kriachkova, O. Doroshenko, L. O. Gritsenko","doi":"10.26641/2307-0404.2020.4.221711","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.26641/2307-0404.2020.4.221711","url":null,"abstract":"The purpose: this study aims to identify the most relevant diseases that can be treated outpatient (Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions, or ACSCs) and to define the scope of potentially preventable hospitalizations (PPHs) for such conditions (Ambulatory Care Sensitive Hospitalizations, or ACSH), for Ukrainian adults (above 18 years old), subject to improvement of primary care efficiency. The study has been carried out in four phases, using the World Health Organization’s (WHO) guidance on ACSCs for the European Region, which was adapted to the national context. The data was taken from the official statistical reporting and analyzed by 104 reviewers. The assessment of the PPHs is conducted based on responses of the subgroup of reviewers – 6 experts and 61 primary care physicians, which confirmed the levels of competencies. The most significant rates of potentially preventable hospitalizations (PPHs) are registered for hypertension, pneumonia, angina, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and diabetes, which coincide with ACSCs that are most prevalent for Ukrainian adults. The overall rate of PPHs for adult population of Ukraine with ACSCs is 28.2% as defined by physicians and 32.9% as defined by experts, which may reduce the hospitalization rate for all ACSCs (as percent of all patients with ACSCs) from 8.2% to 6.1% (according to reviews of physicians) or to 5.7% (according to experts’ reviews). The study has shown an important scope for better managing of ACSCs in Ukrainian adults. The results of the study can be used to inform the continued health system transformation, specifically for the development of interventions to prevent avoidable hospitalizations for ACSCs in Ukraine, which can lead to more efficient use of resources in the health system and further strengthening of the primary care.","PeriodicalId":18652,"journal":{"name":"Medicni perspektivi (Medical perspectives)","volume":"10 9 1","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2020-12-28","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"83854479","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 2
Results of stress-strain states study in prosthetics of different types of atrophy of edentulous mandible 不同类型无牙下颌骨萎缩修复体的应力-应变状态研究
Pub Date : 2020-12-28 DOI: 10.26641/2307-0404.2020.4.221411
O. Fastovets, S. O. Sapalov, V. O. Shtepa
Complete dentures remain still popular due to the economic component of such prosthetic treatment. However, additional fixation on intraosseous implants provides a greater clinical and functional effectiveness and a greater level of satisfaction with the results of prosthetics in edentulous patients. At the moment, the biomechanical aspects of complete denture prosthetics and prosthetics with fixation on implants, taking into account the degree of atrophy of the edentulous jaws, are not complete understood. Such studies make it possible to create recommendations on the choice of prosthetic tactics for edentulous patients. The aim of the research was to study the distribution of stress-strain states in prosthetics of the edentulous mandible with complete dentures and with designs supported on intraosseous implants, taking into account the type of atrophy. It was carried out computer simulation of 8 virtual finite element models of mandible with different types of atrophy. According to Keller they were 4 models: of the biomechanical system simulation "complete denture – mandible" and 4 ones – "denture – intraosseous implants – mandible". In each of the models, a chewing load of 100 N was simulated (symmetrically and asymmetrically). The ANSIS 12.1 finite element analysis was used to calculate the stress-strain states in the described calculation systems. It was estimated the distribution of stresses in cortical bone and displacements of the dentures on the prosthetic bed. Under using complete dentures, the maximum stresses in the bone tissue of the prosthetic bed were observed for the third type of mandible atrophy with all types of power load, the smallest ones – for the fourth type. Additional fixation of removable dentures in simulation models of biomechanical systems “denture – intraosseous implants – mandible” lead to a significant increase in stresses in the alveolar bone. The maximum stresses were observed in the area of the marginal bone, while their greatest values were in the well-expressed alveolar part of the mandible for first and third types by Keller. The movements of bases of complete dentures were insignificant and fluctuated within hundredths of a millimeter for all types of atrophy. The use of intraosseous implants for fixation of dentures caused increase in movements by several times. Besides, displacement fields were characteristic: they were uniform for complete dentures but in the use of implants – not. The expressed alveolar process in the first and third types of atrophy of the edentulous mandible caused an increase in the displacements of the distal sections of the dentures on both sides with a symmetrical force load and on one side – with an asymmetric one. It can be assumed that such a distribution of stress-strain states accelerates atrophy of prosthetic bed tissues. As a result of prosthetics of complete defects of lower dentitions, both with traditional complete dentures and with additional support on implants, differ
由于这种假肢治疗的经济成分,全假牙仍然很受欢迎。然而,在无牙患者中,骨内种植体的额外固定提供了更大的临床和功能有效性以及对修复结果的更高满意度。目前,考虑到无牙颌萎缩程度的全口义齿修复体和种植体固定修复体的生物力学方面还没有完全了解。这样的研究可以为无牙患者提供选择义肢策略的建议。本研究的目的是研究在考虑萎缩类型的情况下,采用全口义齿和骨内种植体支持设计的无牙下颌骨修复体的应力-应变状态分布。对不同类型下颌骨萎缩的8个虚拟有限元模型进行了计算机仿真。根据Keller的说法,他们有4个模型:生物力学系统模拟“全口义齿-下颌骨”和4个模型-“义齿-骨内种植体-下颌骨”。在每个模型中,模拟100 N的咀嚼负荷(对称和不对称)。采用ansys 12.1有限元分析软件对所述计算系统的应力-应变状态进行了计算。估计骨皮质应力分布和义齿在义齿床上的位移。在使用全口义齿时,在各种功率负荷下,第三类下颌骨萎缩的义肢床骨组织应力最大,第四类下颌骨萎缩的应力最小。在生物力学系统模拟模型“义齿-骨内种植体-下颌骨”中额外固定可摘义齿会导致牙槽骨应力显著增加。根据Keller的研究,第一型和第三型的最大应力出现在下颌边缘骨区,最大应力出现在表达良好的牙槽区。对于所有类型的萎缩,全口义齿基托的运动都不明显,波动在百分之一毫米以内。使用骨内种植体固定义齿可使活动增加数倍。此外,位移场具有一定的特点:全口义齿的位移场均匀,种植体的位移场不均匀。第一、三型无牙下颌骨萎缩的牙槽突表达导致义齿远端两侧对称力负荷和一侧不对称力负荷的位移增加。可以认为这种应力-应变状态的分布加速了假体床组织的萎缩。由于下牙列完全缺损的修复体,无论是传统的全口义齿还是在种植体上附加支持,在咀嚼行为的不同阶段,假体床骨内的应力-应变状态会发生不同的分布,其特征由Keller分类所描述的牙槽部分形状决定。结果使我们能够开发一种算法,根据下颌骨萎缩的类型,确定无牙患者的义肢类型。
{"title":"Results of stress-strain states study in prosthetics of different types of atrophy of edentulous mandible","authors":"O. Fastovets, S. O. Sapalov, V. O. Shtepa","doi":"10.26641/2307-0404.2020.4.221411","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.26641/2307-0404.2020.4.221411","url":null,"abstract":"Complete dentures remain still popular due to the economic component of such prosthetic treatment. However, additional fixation on intraosseous implants provides a greater clinical and functional effectiveness and a greater level of satisfaction with the results of prosthetics in edentulous patients. At the moment, the biomechanical aspects of complete denture prosthetics and prosthetics with fixation on implants, taking into account the degree of atrophy of the edentulous jaws, are not complete understood. Such studies make it possible to create recommendations on the choice of prosthetic tactics for edentulous patients. The aim of the research was to study the distribution of stress-strain states in prosthetics of the edentulous mandible with complete dentures and with designs supported on intraosseous implants, taking into account the type of atrophy. It was carried out computer simulation of 8 virtual finite element models of mandible with different types of atrophy. According to Keller they were 4 models: of the biomechanical system simulation \"complete denture – mandible\" and 4 ones – \"denture – intraosseous implants – mandible\". In each of the models, a chewing load of 100 N was simulated (symmetrically and asymmetrically). The ANSIS 12.1 finite element analysis was used to calculate the stress-strain states in the described calculation systems. It was estimated the distribution of stresses in cortical bone and displacements of the dentures on the prosthetic bed. Under using complete dentures, the maximum stresses in the bone tissue of the prosthetic bed were observed for the third type of mandible atrophy with all types of power load, the smallest ones – for the fourth type. Additional fixation of removable dentures in simulation models of biomechanical systems “denture – intraosseous implants – mandible” lead to a significant increase in stresses in the alveolar bone. The maximum stresses were observed in the area of the marginal bone, while their greatest values were in the well-expressed alveolar part of the mandible for first and third types by Keller. The movements of bases of complete dentures were insignificant and fluctuated within hundredths of a millimeter for all types of atrophy. The use of intraosseous implants for fixation of dentures caused increase in movements by several times. Besides, displacement fields were characteristic: they were uniform for complete dentures but in the use of implants – not. The expressed alveolar process in the first and third types of atrophy of the edentulous mandible caused an increase in the displacements of the distal sections of the dentures on both sides with a symmetrical force load and on one side – with an asymmetric one. It can be assumed that such a distribution of stress-strain states accelerates atrophy of prosthetic bed tissues. As a result of prosthetics of complete defects of lower dentitions, both with traditional complete dentures and with additional support on implants, differ","PeriodicalId":18652,"journal":{"name":"Medicni perspektivi (Medical perspectives)","volume":"1 1","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2020-12-28","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"88329990","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 3
Clinical and laboratory predictors of antitoxic immunity against diphtheria and tetanus in adults with HIV infection 成人HIV感染者白喉和破伤风抗毒免疫的临床和实验室预测指标
Pub Date : 2020-10-05 DOI: 10.26641/2307-0404.2020.3.214846
H. Revenko, V. Mavrutenkov, Z. Chykarenko
Clinical and laboratory predictors of antitoxic immunity against diphtheria and tetanus in adults with HIV infection. Revenko H.O., Mavrutenkov V.V., Chykarenko Z.O. Antiretroviral therapy has made HIV infection a chronic controlled disease, where aspects of the immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases have acquired important clinical significance. The goal of the study was to determine the clinical and laboratory predictors of antitoxic immunity against diphtheria and tetanus in HIV-infected adults. The study included 90 HIV-infected patients aged 22 to 60 years (main group). The control group consisted of 49 immunocompetent volunteers of the corresponding age. The levels of anti-diphtheria and anti-tetanus antibodies were determined by ELISA using the diagnostic test systems RIDASCREEN Diphtheria IgG and RIDASCREEN Tetanus IgG (R-Biopharm AG, Germany). Statistical processing was performed using the licensed software product STATISTICA v.6.1. Significant differences were found between the titers of antitoxic antibodies in HIV-infected and immunocompetent adults. According to the correlation analysis, the decrease in the titers of antidiphtheria antibodies was revealed with an increase in the age of the HIV-infected patient (rs=-0.21; p=0.05). The fact of smoking (rs=-0.31; p=0.003), lowered body weight (BMI<18.5 kg/m) (rs=-0.29; p=0.006), the presence of arterial hypertension (rs=-0.38; p<0.001), a history of bone fractures over the past 5 years (rs=-0.38; p<0.001), anemia (rs=-0.21; p=0.049), thrombocytopenia (rs=-0.44; p<0.001), accelerated ESR (rs=-0.61; p<0.001), the presence of hairy leukoplakia of the tongue (rs=-0.23; p=0.027), frequent infections caused by herpes simplex (rs=0.52; p=0.003) and varicella zoster virus (rs=-0.34; p=0.013) are associated with low levels of antidiphtheria antibodies. A direct relationship was found between the intensity of anti-diphtheria immunity and patients receiving OST (rs=+0.54; p=0.003) and with a history of injuries with impaired skin integrity (rs=+0.31; p=0.003). Decreased anti-tetanus immunity in HIV-infected patients was also associated with smoking (rs=-0.48; p<0.001), decreased BMI (rs=-0.71; p<0.001), anemia (rs=-0.33; p=0.002), thrombocytopenia (rs=-0.75; p<0.001), a history of bone fractures over the past 5 years (rs=-0.67; p<0.001); the total number of HIV-associated opportunistic diseases (rs=-0.42; p<0.001), including the presence of oropharyngeal candidiasis (rs=-0.23; p=0.032) and hairy leukoplakia of the tongue (rs=-0.57; p<0.001), history of Herpes Zoster in the past (rs=-0.48; p<0.001), with frequent relapses of diseases caused by herpes simplex viruses (rs=-0.78; p<0.001) and repeated episodes of herpes zoster (rs=-0.74; p<0.001), as well as with pathology of the skin (rs=-0.55; p<0.001). Protective predictors of anti-tetanus antitoxic immunity strength were established: male gender (rs=+0.22; p=0.039), parenterally acquired HIV infection (rs=+0.21; p=0.05), HIV-infected patients rec
成人HIV感染者白喉和破伤风抗毒免疫的临床和实验室预测指标抗逆转录病毒治疗使艾滋病毒感染成为一种慢性控制疾病,其中传染病的免疫预防方面具有重要的临床意义。该研究的目的是确定艾滋病毒感染成人白喉和破伤风抗毒性免疫的临床和实验室预测因素。该研究包括90名年龄在22岁至60岁之间的艾滋病毒感染者(主要组)。对照组为49名相应年龄的免疫功能正常的志愿者。采用诊断检测系统RIDASCREEN白喉IgG和RIDASCREEN破伤风IgG (R-Biopharm AG,德国),ELISA检测抗白喉和抗破伤风抗体水平。统计处理使用许可软件产品STATISTICA v.6.1进行。在hiv感染者和免疫功能正常的成年人中,抗毒性抗体滴度存在显著差异。相关性分析显示,抗白喉抗体滴度随hiv感染者年龄的增加而降低(rs=-0.21;p = 0.05)。吸烟的事实(rs=-0.31;p=0.003),体重降低(BMI<18.5 kg/m) (rs=-0.29;P =0.006),动脉高血压的存在(rs=-0.38;P <0.001),过去5年内有骨折史(rs=-0.38;P <0.001),贫血(rs=-0.21;P =0.049),血小板减少症(rs=-0.44;p<0.001),加速ESR (rs=-0.61;P <0.001),舌头毛状白斑的存在(rs=-0.23;P =0.027),单纯疱疹引起的频繁感染(rs=0.52;P =0.003)和水痘带状疱疹病毒(rs=-0.34;P =0.013)与低水平的抗白喉抗体相关。抗白喉免疫强度与接受OST的患者之间存在直接关系(rs=+0.54;P =0.003),有皮肤完整性受损的损伤史(rs=+0.31;p = 0.003)。艾滋病毒感染患者抗破伤风免疫力下降也与吸烟有关(rs=-0.48;p<0.001), BMI下降(rs=-0.71;P <0.001),贫血(rs=-0.33;P =0.002),血小板减少症(rs=-0.75;P <0.001),过去5年内有骨折史(rs=-0.67;p < 0.001);艾滋病毒相关机会性疾病总数(rs=-0.42;P <0.001),包括口咽念珠菌病的存在(rs=-0.23;P =0.032)和舌毛状白斑(rs=-0.57;p<0.001),既往带状疱疹病史(rs=-0.48;P <0.001),单纯疱疹病毒引起的疾病频繁复发(rs=-0.78;P <0.001)和带状疱疹反复发作(rs=-0.74;P <0.001),以及与皮肤病理(rs=-0.55;p < 0.001)。建立了破伤风抗毒性免疫强度的保护性预测因子:男性(rs=+0.22;p=0.039),肠外获得性HIV感染(rs=+0.21;p=0.05), hiv感染者接受OST (rs=+0.40;p = 0.041)。与血红蛋白水平降低有直接关系(rs=+0.41;P <0.001),血液中淋巴细胞相对数量增加(rs=+0.21;P =0.05),以及生活在农村地区(rs=+0.40;P <0.001)和存在皮肤完整性受损的损伤(rs=+0.84;p < 0.001)。确定了艾滋病毒感染成人的白喉和破伤风抗毒性免疫强度的临床和实验室预测指标,这使我们能够为这一类患者创建个人“疫苗接种路线图”。Реферат。——КлініколабораторніпредикторинапруженостіантитоксичногоімунітетупротидифтеріїтаправцявдорослихосібзВІЛ——інфекцією。РевенкоГО。, Маврутенков В.В。, Чикаренко З.О。Антиретровіруснатерапіяпривеладотого,щоВІЛ——інфекціясталахронічноюкерованоюхворобою,деаспектиімунопрофілактикиінфекційнихзахворюваньнабуливажливогоклінічногозначення。МетоюдослідженнябуловизначитиклінічніталабораторніпредикторинапруженостіантитоксичногоімунітетупротидифтеріїтаправцяуВІЛ——інфікованихдорослихосіб。Обстеженняпроведенов90ВІЛ——інфікованихпацієнтіввікомвід22д60ороків(основнагрупа)。Групуконтролюстановили49імунокомпетентнихдобровольціввідповідноговіку。
{"title":"Clinical and laboratory predictors of antitoxic immunity against diphtheria and tetanus in adults with HIV infection","authors":"H. Revenko, V. Mavrutenkov, Z. Chykarenko","doi":"10.26641/2307-0404.2020.3.214846","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.26641/2307-0404.2020.3.214846","url":null,"abstract":"Clinical and laboratory predictors of antitoxic immunity against diphtheria and tetanus in adults with HIV infection. Revenko H.O., Mavrutenkov V.V., Chykarenko Z.O. Antiretroviral therapy has made HIV infection a chronic controlled disease, where aspects of the immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases have acquired important clinical significance. The goal of the study was to determine the clinical and laboratory predictors of antitoxic immunity against diphtheria and tetanus in HIV-infected adults. The study included 90 HIV-infected patients aged 22 to 60 years (main group). The control group consisted of 49 immunocompetent volunteers of the corresponding age. The levels of anti-diphtheria and anti-tetanus antibodies were determined by ELISA using the diagnostic test systems RIDASCREEN Diphtheria IgG and RIDASCREEN Tetanus IgG (R-Biopharm AG, Germany). Statistical processing was performed using the licensed software product STATISTICA v.6.1. Significant differences were found between the titers of antitoxic antibodies in HIV-infected and immunocompetent adults. According to the correlation analysis, the decrease in the titers of antidiphtheria antibodies was revealed with an increase in the age of the HIV-infected patient (rs=-0.21; p=0.05). The fact of smoking (rs=-0.31; p=0.003), lowered body weight (BMI<18.5 kg/m) (rs=-0.29; p=0.006), the presence of arterial hypertension (rs=-0.38; p<0.001), a history of bone fractures over the past 5 years (rs=-0.38; p<0.001), anemia (rs=-0.21; p=0.049), thrombocytopenia (rs=-0.44; p<0.001), accelerated ESR (rs=-0.61; p<0.001), the presence of hairy leukoplakia of the tongue (rs=-0.23; p=0.027), frequent infections caused by herpes simplex (rs=0.52; p=0.003) and varicella zoster virus (rs=-0.34; p=0.013) are associated with low levels of antidiphtheria antibodies. A direct relationship was found between the intensity of anti-diphtheria immunity and patients receiving OST (rs=+0.54; p=0.003) and with a history of injuries with impaired skin integrity (rs=+0.31; p=0.003). Decreased anti-tetanus immunity in HIV-infected patients was also associated with smoking (rs=-0.48; p<0.001), decreased BMI (rs=-0.71; p<0.001), anemia (rs=-0.33; p=0.002), thrombocytopenia (rs=-0.75; p<0.001), a history of bone fractures over the past 5 years (rs=-0.67; p<0.001); the total number of HIV-associated opportunistic diseases (rs=-0.42; p<0.001), including the presence of oropharyngeal candidiasis (rs=-0.23; p=0.032) and hairy leukoplakia of the tongue (rs=-0.57; p<0.001), history of Herpes Zoster in the past (rs=-0.48; p<0.001), with frequent relapses of diseases caused by herpes simplex viruses (rs=-0.78; p<0.001) and repeated episodes of herpes zoster (rs=-0.74; p<0.001), as well as with pathology of the skin (rs=-0.55; p<0.001). Protective predictors of anti-tetanus antitoxic immunity strength were established: male gender (rs=+0.22; p=0.039), parenterally acquired HIV infection (rs=+0.21; p=0.05), HIV-infected patients rec","PeriodicalId":18652,"journal":{"name":"Medicni perspektivi (Medical perspectives)","volume":"110 1","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2020-10-05","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"73570629","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Nanoparticles in the air of the working zone as a risk factor for the health of workers of various industries 工作区域空气中的纳米颗粒是各行业工人健康的危险因素
Pub Date : 2020-10-05 DOI: 10.26641/2307-0404.2020.3.214859
A. Sevalnev, L. P. Sharavara, A. Kutsak, O. Nefodov, O. A. Zemliynyi, K. I. Pisarevskyi, O. S. Shevchenko
Purpose: analysis of scientific literature, summarizing data on domestic and foreign experience of assessing the determination of nanoparticles in the air of the working zone as a risk factor for the health of workers of various industries. The article analyzes the literature data on the study of the content of fine dust and nanoparticles in the atmospheric air and air of the working zone of different industries. Numerous studies indicate that fine dust is contained in the emissions of many industrial enterprises. According to the World Health Organization by level of impact on human health, suspended particles in the air and especially in the air of the working zone belong to the priority pollutants. Evaluation of the dust content in the air of large industrial cities is particularly relevant, because of a large number of sources of dust emissions of various origins in urban areas. Various technological processes contribute to the formation of fine dust and nanoparticles which pollute the ambient air and the air of the working zone. Data on the negative impact of fine dust and nanoparticles on health of workers are presented. Attention is paid to the problem of hygienic assessment of nanoscale dust content in the working zone air. The obtained results indicate that today the issues of studying the physicochemical properties of nanoparticles, their toxicity to the body, analysis of potential risks to humans, the development of an effective and reliable system for monitoring ultrafine particles in the environment and the production environment are still relevant as for informing employees about the risks involved, reducing and preventing harmful effects on humans. The potential negative effects on workers’ health determine the need and opportunity for further research in this area.
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引用次数: 2
West Nile Fever in the central part of Ukraine 西尼罗热在乌克兰中部地区
Pub Date : 2020-10-05 DOI: 10.26641/2307-0404.2020.3.214874
T. M. Kotelevska, N. O. Pryimenko, H. M. Dubynska, T. Koval, O. M. Iziumska, I. M. Zviagolska
204 На умовах ліцензії CC BY 4.0 (nondirected altruistic) kidney donors in the United Kingdom. Transplantation. 2014;98:1182. doi: https://doi.org/10.1097/TP.0000000000000340 20. Northam H. Increasing consent to organ donation by enabling donor families and recipients to meet. Donor Families Australia News. 2017;18:10. Available from: https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/8a154b_c40154f232ad4e1 bb43c525f3c4de9ae.pdf 21. Annema C, et al. Opinions of Dutch Liver Transplant Recipients on Anonymity of Organ Donation and Direct Contact With the Donors Family. Transplantation. 2014;99(4). doi: https://doi.org/10.1097/TP.0000000000000394 22. Poole J. Donor Family and Recipient Anonymity: Time for Change. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation. 2019;38(4):S92-3. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healun.2019.01.214 23. Post M. What matters and what doesn’t: Organ, eye and tissue donor families, grief support and recipient communication. Grief Matters: The Australian Journal of Grief and Bereavement. 2015;18(1):18-22. Available from: https://search.informit.com.au/documentSummary;dn=3
204 На умовах ліцензії CC BY 4.0(非定向利他)肾脏捐赠者在英国。移植。2014;98:1182。doi: https://doi.org/10.1097/TP.0000000000000340诺瑟姆·H.通过使捐赠者家庭和接受者见面来增加对器官捐赠的同意。捐赠家庭澳大利亚新闻,2017;18:10。可从:https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/8a154b_c40154f232ad4e1 bb43c525f3c4de9ae.pdfanema C,等。荷兰肝移植受者对器官捐献匿名及与供者家属直接接触的意见。移植。2014;99(4)。doi: https://doi.org/10.1097/TP.0000000000000394捐献人家庭与受赠人匿名:是时候改变了。心脏与肺移植杂志,2019;38(4):92-3。Doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healun.2019.01.214什么重要,什么不重要:器官、眼睛和组织捐赠者的家庭,悲伤的支持和接受者的沟通。[j] .中国心理学杂志。2015;18(1):18-22。可从:https://search.informit.com.au/documentSummary;dn=3获得
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引用次数: 1
Low rates of restenosis in primary lateral carotid artery endarterectomy 颈动脉内膜切除术后再狭窄发生率低
Pub Date : 2020-10-05 DOI: 10.26641/2307-0404.2020.3.214818
A. Mackevičius, V. Mosenko, K. Laurikėnas, A. Sataviciute, T. Baltrūnas, U. Chernyaha-Royko, N. Demkova, L. Bardachenko
Low rates of restenosis in primary lateral carotid artery endarterectomy. Mackevičius A., Mosenko V., Laurikėnas K., Šatavičiūtė A., Baltrūnas T., Chernyaha-Royko U., Demkova N., Bardachenko L. Carotid artery endarterectomy (CAE) is a treatment of choice for symptomatic and asymptomatic high-grade carotid stenosis, showing great results in reducing stroke morbidity. The optimal technique of the arterial closure is, however, still under discussion, with both patch angioplasty and primary closure having numerous advantages and pitfalls. The definite evidence is still lacking. The aim of this study was to evaluate the results of the modified primary closure technique during CEA. Incidence of restenosis more than 8 months after the surgery was measured. A retrospective observational
颈动脉内膜切除术后再狭窄发生率低。mackevi ius A., Mosenko V., Laurikėnas K., Šatavičiūtė A., Baltrūnas T., Chernyaha-Royko U., Demkova N., Bardachenko L.颈动脉内膜切除术(CAE)是有症状和无症状的高度颈动脉狭窄的治疗选择,在降低卒中发病率方面显示出很大的效果。然而,动脉闭合的最佳技术仍在讨论中,贴片血管成形术和初级闭合都有许多优点和缺陷。确切的证据仍然缺乏。本研究的目的是评估改良一期缝合技术在CEA中的效果。测量术后8个月以上再狭窄发生率。回顾性观察
{"title":"Low rates of restenosis in primary lateral carotid artery endarterectomy","authors":"A. Mackevičius, V. Mosenko, K. Laurikėnas, A. Sataviciute, T. Baltrūnas, U. Chernyaha-Royko, N. Demkova, L. Bardachenko","doi":"10.26641/2307-0404.2020.3.214818","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.26641/2307-0404.2020.3.214818","url":null,"abstract":"Low rates of restenosis in primary lateral carotid artery endarterectomy. Mackevičius A., Mosenko V., Laurikėnas K., Šatavičiūtė A., Baltrūnas T., Chernyaha-Royko U., Demkova N., Bardachenko L. Carotid artery endarterectomy (CAE) is a treatment of choice for symptomatic and asymptomatic high-grade carotid stenosis, showing great results in reducing stroke morbidity. The optimal technique of the arterial closure is, however, still under discussion, with both patch angioplasty and primary closure having numerous advantages and pitfalls. The definite evidence is still lacking. The aim of this study was to evaluate the results of the modified primary closure technique during CEA. Incidence of restenosis more than 8 months after the surgery was measured. A retrospective observational","PeriodicalId":18652,"journal":{"name":"Medicni perspektivi (Medical perspectives)","volume":"84 1","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2020-10-05","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"83832734","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
When the limited pelvic lymph node dissection in prostate cancer patients can be justified? 局限性盆腔淋巴结清扫在前列腺癌患者中的应用是否合理?
Pub Date : 2020-10-05 DOI: 10.26641/2307-0404.2020.3.214848
R. Molchanov, E. Stakhovskyi, L. Kriachkova, Ye. V. Pilin, S. L. Malinovskyi
When the limited pelvic lymph node dissection in prostate cancer patients can be justified? Molchanov R.M., Stakhovskyi E.O., Kriachkova L.V., Pilin Ye.V., Malinovskyi S.L. Extended pelvic lymph node dissection (PLND) is an important diagnostic step in the surgical treatment of moderate and high risk prostate cancer (PCa) according to D'Amico criteria. However, it has a number of complications and prolonged time of surgery. Limited PLND has a more favorable complication profile, but is not used because of its low diagnostic efficacy in lowrisk RP patients, while in higher-risk groups its relevance remains controversial. The goal – to determine the diagnostic efficacy of limited PLND in radical prostatectomy in patients of moderate and high risk. A retrospective analysis included 377 PCa patients in whom the radical prostatectomy with PLND was performed in the period between 2013 and 2016. Patients' age was 63.4±6.2 y.o. 40 (10.6%) patients had low, 126 (33.4%) – moderate and 211 (56.0%) – high risk PCa. No statistically significant differences in the number of complications of PLND in open and laparoscopic МЕДИЧНІ ПЕРСПЕКТИВИ / MEDICNI PERSPEKTIVI 125 20/ Том XXV / 3 surgery (p=0.16) were found. The overall frequency of complications was 22.8% (95% CI 18.6 27.1). When comparing clinical and histological parameters in groups with and without metastases, statistically significant differences were found between the levels of total prostate specific antigen before surgery (p=0.010); the Gleason score (corresponding median values of 8.0 (8.0; 9.0) and 7.0 (6.0; 7.0); p<0.001) and local tumor status (T) – the patients with stage >T2 53.1% and 19.4%, respectively (p<0.001). In 32 (8.5%) patients metastatic lesions of lymphatic nodes were found. Of these, 28 (87.5%) were related to highrisk, 4 (12.5%) – to moderaterisk. The main prognostic criteria for lymph node metastasis are preoperative PSA level, the Gleason Score, and T-status of the tumor. According to ROC analysis, the diagnostic efficacy of limited PLND increases in patients at high and moderate risk at a total PSA level greater than 18.4 ng/ml. This can be used to justify the indications for limited PLND in patients in these groups to reduce the number of postoperative complications associated with extended procedure. Реферат. Коли обмежена тазова лімфаденектомія у хворих на рак передміхурової залози може бути виправданою? Молчанов Р.М., Стаховський Е.О., Крячкова Л.В., Пілін Є.В., Маліновський С.Л. Розширена тазова лімфаденектомія (ТЛАЕ) є важливим лікувально-діагностичним етапом при хірургічному лікуванні раку передміхурової залози (РПЗ) помірного і високого ризику за критеріями D’Amico. Проте вона має низку ускладнень і подовження часу оперативного втручання. Обмежена ТЛАЕ має більш сприятливий профіль ускладнень, проте не використовується внаслідок її низької діагностичної ефективності у хворих на РПЗ низького ризику, у той час як у групах більшого ризику її доцільність залишається дискутаб
局限性盆腔淋巴结清扫在前列腺癌患者中的应用是否合理?Molchanov r.m., Stakhovskyi e.o., Kriachkova l.v., Pilin Ye.V。根据D'Amico标准,盆腔淋巴结清扫术(PLND)是手术治疗中、高危前列腺癌(PCa)的重要诊断步骤。然而,它有许多并发症和延长手术时间。有限PLND具有更有利的并发症特征,但由于其在低风险RP患者中的诊断效率较低而未被使用,而在高风险组中其相关性仍存在争议。目的是确定有限PLND在中、高危患者根治性前列腺切除术中的诊断效果。回顾性分析了2013年至2016年期间377例行根治性前列腺切除术合并PLND的PCa患者。患者年龄为63.4±6.2岁,低危40例(10.6%),中度126例(33.4%),高危211例(56.0%)。开放式与腹腔镜下PLND的并发症数量МЕДИЧНІ ПЕРСПЕКТИВИ / MEDICNI PERSPEKTIVI 125 20/ Том XXV / 3手术比较,差异无统计学意义(p=0.16)。并发症的总发生率为22.8% (95% CI 18.6 27.1)。比较有无转移组的临床及组织学参数,术前前列腺总特异性抗原水平差异有统计学意义(p=0.010);Gleason评分(对应中位数为8.0);9.0)和7.0 (6.0;7.0);pT2分别为53.1%和19.4% (p0, 05),загальначастотаякихстановила22岁,8%(95%ДІ18日6 - 27日1)。Припорівнянніклініког,істологічнихпоказниківугрупахзібезметастазівустановленостатистичнозначущірозбіжностізатакимипоказниками,якрівеньзагальногопростатоспецифічногоантигену(ПСА)дооперативноговтручанняр= 0010);сумиГлісона(відповіднімедіаннізначення8 0 (8,0;9,0) та 7,0 (6,0;7,0)балів;p < 0001)ілокальногостатусупухлини(Т)——часткапацієнтівзістадієюбільшT2естановитьвідповідно53岁,1%та19日4% (p < 0001)。У32(8 5%)пацієнтіввиявленометастатичнеураженнялімфатичнихвузлів。Зних28(87 5%)відносилисьдогрупивисокого,4(12 5%)——помірногоризику。ОсновнимипрогностичнимикритеріямиметастазуваннявлімфатичнівузлибулипередопераційнийрівеньПСА,сумаГлісонаіТ——статуспухлини。Заданими民国-аналізу,діагностичнаефективністьобмеженоїлімфаденектоміїзростаєухворихгрупвисокогоіпомірногоризикуприрівнізагальногоПСАбільше18日4нг/мл。ЦеможебутивикористанодляобґрунтуванняпоказаньщодообмеженоїТЛАЕупацієнтівцихгрупдлязменшеннякількостіпісляопераційнихускладнень,пов”язанихізрозширеноюпроцедурою。前列腺癌(PCa)是最常见的癌症疾病之一。在美国和欧洲国家,前列腺癌在男性肿瘤疾病中排名第一。男性前列腺癌死亡率排名第二,仅次于肺癌[5]。局部前列腺癌的主要治疗方法是根治性前列腺切除术,其总体生存率和无复发生存率高,并发症相对较低[10]。盆腔淋巴结清扫术(PLND)是前列腺癌外科治疗的重要诊断步骤。PLND的主要目的是评估盆腔淋巴结(PLN)的状况,从而确定疾病进展的预后并制定最合理的治疗方案[8]。然而,最新的系统综述显示,目前还没有证据表明PLND在根治性前列腺切除术中的疗效,包括总生存率[14]。目前,是否需要应用PLND的决定是基于Briganti, Partin和Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) nomogram临床和组织病理学特征以及Roach formula及其修改[3,11]。根据目前欧洲泌尿外科协会(EAU)和美国泌尿外科协会(AUA)以及其他一些处理此类患者的组织的建议,对于中度和高危局限性前列腺癌患者,在根治性前列腺切除术的同时进行扩展PLND。在低危患者中,晚期PLND因其并发症多,手术时间长,不推荐使用,而有限PLND因其诊断效能低而不使用[2]。根据EAU的建议,扩大PLND包括切除位于闭孔窝髂外动脉和静脉前方、髂内动脉内侧和外侧的淋巴结[7]。然而,在定义扩展PLND的边界方面存在不一致,这严重影响了对手术的理解。在这种情况下,患者遭受
{"title":"When the limited pelvic lymph node dissection in prostate cancer patients can be justified?","authors":"R. Molchanov, E. Stakhovskyi, L. Kriachkova, Ye. V. Pilin, S. L. Malinovskyi","doi":"10.26641/2307-0404.2020.3.214848","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.26641/2307-0404.2020.3.214848","url":null,"abstract":"When the limited pelvic lymph node dissection in prostate cancer patients can be justified? Molchanov R.M., Stakhovskyi E.O., Kriachkova L.V., Pilin Ye.V., Malinovskyi S.L. Extended pelvic lymph node dissection (PLND) is an important diagnostic step in the surgical treatment of moderate and high risk prostate cancer (PCa) according to D'Amico criteria. However, it has a number of complications and prolonged time of surgery. Limited PLND has a more favorable complication profile, but is not used because of its low diagnostic efficacy in lowrisk RP patients, while in higher-risk groups its relevance remains controversial. The goal – to determine the diagnostic efficacy of limited PLND in radical prostatectomy in patients of moderate and high risk. A retrospective analysis included 377 PCa patients in whom the radical prostatectomy with PLND was performed in the period between 2013 and 2016. Patients' age was 63.4±6.2 y.o. 40 (10.6%) patients had low, 126 (33.4%) – moderate and 211 (56.0%) – high risk PCa. No statistically significant differences in the number of complications of PLND in open and laparoscopic МЕДИЧНІ ПЕРСПЕКТИВИ / MEDICNI PERSPEKTIVI 125 20/ Том XXV / 3 surgery (p=0.16) were found. The overall frequency of complications was 22.8% (95% CI 18.6 27.1). When comparing clinical and histological parameters in groups with and without metastases, statistically significant differences were found between the levels of total prostate specific antigen before surgery (p=0.010); the Gleason score (corresponding median values of 8.0 (8.0; 9.0) and 7.0 (6.0; 7.0); p<0.001) and local tumor status (T) – the patients with stage >T2 53.1% and 19.4%, respectively (p<0.001). In 32 (8.5%) patients metastatic lesions of lymphatic nodes were found. Of these, 28 (87.5%) were related to highrisk, 4 (12.5%) – to moderaterisk. The main prognostic criteria for lymph node metastasis are preoperative PSA level, the Gleason Score, and T-status of the tumor. According to ROC analysis, the diagnostic efficacy of limited PLND increases in patients at high and moderate risk at a total PSA level greater than 18.4 ng/ml. This can be used to justify the indications for limited PLND in patients in these groups to reduce the number of postoperative complications associated with extended procedure. Реферат. Коли обмежена тазова лімфаденектомія у хворих на рак передміхурової залози може бути виправданою? Молчанов Р.М., Стаховський Е.О., Крячкова Л.В., Пілін Є.В., Маліновський С.Л. Розширена тазова лімфаденектомія (ТЛАЕ) є важливим лікувально-діагностичним етапом при хірургічному лікуванні раку передміхурової залози (РПЗ) помірного і високого ризику за критеріями D’Amico. Проте вона має низку ускладнень і подовження часу оперативного втручання. Обмежена ТЛАЕ має більш сприятливий профіль ускладнень, проте не використовується внаслідок її низької діагностичної ефективності у хворих на РПЗ низького ризику, у той час як у групах більшого ризику її доцільність залишається дискутаб","PeriodicalId":18652,"journal":{"name":"Medicni perspektivi (Medical perspectives)","volume":"85 1","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2020-10-05","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"83919436","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Modeling of chronic generalized periodontitis in laboratory animals (literature review) 慢性广泛性牙周炎实验动物模型的建立(文献综述)
Pub Date : 2020-10-05 DOI: 10.26641/2307-0404.2020.3.214646
O. V. Kopchak, N. Marchenko, Ya. V. Yanishevska
Modeling of chronic generalized periodontitis in laboratory animals (literature review). Kopchak O.V., Marchenko N.S., Yanishevska Ya.V. Modern experiments in the study of periodontal deseas are aimed at improving the effectiveness of innovative methods of early diagnosis, treatment and prevention of this disease in patients. The conducted analysis of the literature showed that the disorder of microcirculation occupies one of the leading places in the pathogenesis of periodontitis. Disruption of the microcirculatory bed, based on the dyscirculatory changes of the capillary blood flow is accompanied by a decrease in the intensity of blood filling of vessels, their spasm. These changes, in case of chronization, include tissue disorders of the ischemic nature, up to the development of a capillary stasis. This can lead to disorder in gas exchange, trophism and pathomorphological damage to periodontal tissues. This type of change is most typical for agerelated, traumatic, vascular, and stress-induced models. Morphological lesions in the vessels, namely ischemic phenomena were most pronounced in them. Microscopically, this was manifested in the heterogeneity of the epithelial layer, the thickening of individual layers, the detachment of the epithelial lining of the mucosa. As for the basal layer, the most common was the vacuolization of cells, the appearance of a significant number of cells that lacked nuclei (pathology, indicating a decrease in functional activity, impaired regenerative properties of the cell), expansion of intercellular contacts, a sign of tissue edema. In the basal membrane (function dissociation of the epithelium from the actual lining of the mucous membrane), collagen fibers were loose, hypertrophic, their hyperplasia was observed, neutrophil leukocytes, lymphocytes, histocytes were found between the fibers, this testified to changes in cells. Some models lack a clinical picture of chronic hyperplastic periodontitis. The disorders consisted of changes in normal metabolism in periodontal tissues, decreased immune function, changes in morphological structure without induction of the inflammatory process. Реферат. Моделювання хронічного генералізованого пародонтиту в лабораторних тварин (огляд літератури). Копчак О.В., Марченко Н.С., Янішевська Я.В. Сучасні експерименти в дослідженні захворювань пародонту спрямовані на підвищення ефективності інноваційних методів ранньої діагностики, лікування та профілактики цього захворювання в пацієнтів. Проведений аналіз літератури показав, що розлад мікроциркуляції посідає одне з провідних місць у патогенезі пародонтиту. Порушення мікроциркуляторного русла, що базується на дисциркуляторних змінах капілярного кровотоку, супроводжується зниженням інтенсивності кровонаповнення судин, їх спазмом. Ці зміни у випадку хронізації призводять до тканинних порушень ішемічного характеру, аж до розвитку капіляного стазу. Це може призвести до порушення газообміну, трофіки та патоморфологічного ураження тканин
慢性广泛性牙周炎实验动物模型(文献综述)。Kopchak o.v., Marchenko n.s., Yanishevska yav。牙周病研究中的现代实验旨在提高患者早期诊断、治疗和预防这种疾病的创新方法的有效性。通过对文献的分析,发现微循环障碍在牙周炎发病中占主导地位。微循环床的破坏,基于毛细血管血流的不循环变化,伴随着血管充血强度的降低,血管痉挛。这些变化,在慢性的情况下,包括缺血性质的组织紊乱,直至毛细血管停滞的发展。这会导致气体交换紊乱、营养不良和牙周组织的病理形态学损伤。这种类型的变化在相关性、创伤性、血管性和应激性模型中最为典型。血管的形态学病变,即缺血现象最为明显。显微镜下,这表现为上皮层的异质性,个别层增厚,粘膜上皮衬里脱离。对于基底层,最常见的是细胞空泡化,出现大量缺乏细胞核的细胞(病理学上,表明功能活性下降,细胞再生能力受损),细胞间接触扩大,组织水肿的迹象。在基膜(上皮与实际粘膜壁的功能分离),胶原纤维疏松、肥大,纤维间可见中性粒细胞、白细胞、淋巴细胞、组织细胞,说明细胞发生了变化。一些模型缺乏慢性增生性牙周炎的临床表现。这些疾病包括牙周组织正常代谢的改变,免疫功能下降,形态结构的改变,但没有诱导炎症过程。Реферат。Моделюванняхронічногогенералізованогопародонтитувлабораторнихтварин(оглядлітератури)。КопчакОВ。, Марченко Н.С。, Янішевська Я.В。Сучасніекспериментивдослідженнізахворюваньпародонтуспрямованінапідвищенняефективностіінноваційнихметодівранньоїдіагностики,лікуваннятапрофілактикицьогозахворюваннявпацієнтів。Проведенийаналізлітературипоказав,щорозладмікроциркуляціїпосідаєоднезпровіднихмісцьупатогенезіпародонтиту。Порушеннямікроциркуляторногорусла,щобазуєтьсянадисциркуляторнихзмінахкапілярногокровотоку,супроводжуєтьсязниженнямінтенсивностікровонаповненнясудин,їхспазмом。Цізміниувипадкухронізаціїпризводятьдотканиннихпорушеньішемічногохарактеру、аждорозвиткукапіляногостазу。Цеможепризвестидопорушеннягазообміну,трофікитапатоморфологічногоураженнятканинпародонта。Такийхарактерзміннайбільштиповийдлявікової,травматичної,судинноїтастрес-індукованоїмоделей。Морфологічнеураженнявсудинах,асамеішемічніявища,булинайбільшвираженісамевних。Мікроскопічноцепроявлялосявнеоднорідностіепітеліальногопласту,потовщенніокремихшарів,відшаруванніепітеліальногопокровуслизовоїоболонки。Щостосувалосябазальногошару,тонайпоширенішевиявиласьвакуолізаціяклітин,появазначноїкількостіклітин,уякихбуливідсутніядерця(патологія,щовказуєназменшенняфункціональноїактивності、порушеннярегенеративнихвластивостейклітини),розширенняміжклітиннихконтакті,вознаканабрякутканин。Убазальніймембрані(функція——відмежовуванняепітеліювідвласнепластинкислизовоїоболонки)колагеновіволокнабулирихлі、гіпертрофічні,спостерігаласьїхгіперплазія,міжволокнамивиявлялинейтрофільнілейкоцити,лімфоцити,гістоцити,щосвідчилипрозміниклітинногоімунітету。Удеякихмоделейвідсутняклінічнакартинахронічногогенералізованогопародонтиту。Порушенняполягаливзмінахнормальногообмінувтканинахпародонта,зменшенніімунноїфункції,змінахморфологічноїструктурибезіндукції
{"title":"Modeling of chronic generalized periodontitis in laboratory animals (literature review)","authors":"O. V. Kopchak, N. Marchenko, Ya. V. Yanishevska","doi":"10.26641/2307-0404.2020.3.214646","DOIUrl":"https://doi.org/10.26641/2307-0404.2020.3.214646","url":null,"abstract":"Modeling of chronic generalized periodontitis in laboratory animals (literature review). Kopchak O.V., Marchenko N.S., Yanishevska Ya.V. Modern experiments in the study of periodontal deseas are aimed at improving the effectiveness of innovative methods of early diagnosis, treatment and prevention of this disease in patients. The conducted analysis of the literature showed that the disorder of microcirculation occupies one of the leading places in the pathogenesis of periodontitis. Disruption of the microcirculatory bed, based on the dyscirculatory changes of the capillary blood flow is accompanied by a decrease in the intensity of blood filling of vessels, their spasm. These changes, in case of chronization, include tissue disorders of the ischemic nature, up to the development of a capillary stasis. This can lead to disorder in gas exchange, trophism and pathomorphological damage to periodontal tissues. This type of change is most typical for agerelated, traumatic, vascular, and stress-induced models. Morphological lesions in the vessels, namely ischemic phenomena were most pronounced in them. Microscopically, this was manifested in the heterogeneity of the epithelial layer, the thickening of individual layers, the detachment of the epithelial lining of the mucosa. As for the basal layer, the most common was the vacuolization of cells, the appearance of a significant number of cells that lacked nuclei (pathology, indicating a decrease in functional activity, impaired regenerative properties of the cell), expansion of intercellular contacts, a sign of tissue edema. In the basal membrane (function dissociation of the epithelium from the actual lining of the mucous membrane), collagen fibers were loose, hypertrophic, their hyperplasia was observed, neutrophil leukocytes, lymphocytes, histocytes were found between the fibers, this testified to changes in cells. Some models lack a clinical picture of chronic hyperplastic periodontitis. The disorders consisted of changes in normal metabolism in periodontal tissues, decreased immune function, changes in morphological structure without induction of the inflammatory process. Реферат. Моделювання хронічного генералізованого пародонтиту в лабораторних тварин (огляд літератури). Копчак О.В., Марченко Н.С., Янішевська Я.В. Сучасні експерименти в дослідженні захворювань пародонту спрямовані на підвищення ефективності інноваційних методів ранньої діагностики, лікування та профілактики цього захворювання в пацієнтів. Проведений аналіз літератури показав, що розлад мікроциркуляції посідає одне з провідних місць у патогенезі пародонтиту. Порушення мікроциркуляторного русла, що базується на дисциркуляторних змінах капілярного кровотоку, супроводжується зниженням інтенсивності кровонаповнення судин, їх спазмом. Ці зміни у випадку хронізації призводять до тканинних порушень ішемічного характеру, аж до розвитку капіляного стазу. Це може призвести до порушення газообміну, трофіки та патоморфологічного ураження тканин","PeriodicalId":18652,"journal":{"name":"Medicni perspektivi (Medical perspectives)","volume":"119 1","pages":""},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"2020-10-05","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"86099514","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Medicni perspektivi (Medical perspectives)
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