Aim: CH1641 was discovered in 1970 as a scrapie isolate that was unlike all other classical strains of scrapie isolated so far. We performed bio-assays of CH1641 in mice in order to further characterise this specific isolate.
Methods: We inoculated the original CH1641 isolate into ovine and bovine prion protein (PrP) transgenic mice as well as wild-type mice. In addition, we performed cross- and back passages between the various mouse lines to examine if one identical prion strain was isolated in all mouse lines or whether multiple prion strains exist in CH1641.
Results: We report the first successful transmission of CH1641 to wild-type RIII mice and via RIII mice to wild-type VM mice. Unexpectedly, analysis of the protease-resistant prion protein (PrPres ) in wild-type mice showed a classical scrapie banding pattern differing from the banding pattern of the original CH1641 isolate. Cross- and back passages of CH1641 between the various mouse lines confirmed that the same prion strain had been isolated in all mouse lines.
Conclusions: The CH1641 isolate consists of a single prion strain but its molecular banding pattern of PrPres differs between wild-type mice and PrP transgenic mice. Consequently, molecular banding patterns of PrPres should be used with caution in strain typing since they do not solely depend on the properties of the prion strain but also on the host prion protein.
Aims: According to Braak's hypothesis, it is plausible that Parkinson's disease (PD) originates in the enteric nervous system (ENS) and spreads to the brain through the vagus nerve. In this work, we studied whether inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) in humans can progress with the emergence of pathogenic α-synuclein (α-syn) in the gastrointestinal tract and midbrain dopaminergic neurons.
Methods: We have analysed the gut and the ventral midbrain from subjects previously diagnosed with IBD and form a DSS-based rat model of gut inflammation in terms of α-syn pathology.
Results: Our data support the existence of pathogenic α-syn in both the gut and the brain, thus reinforcing the potential role of the ENS as a contributing factor in PD aetiology. Additionally, we have analysed the effect of a DSS-based rat model of gut inflammation to demonstrate (i) the appearance of P-α-syn inclusions in both Auerbach's and Meissner's plexuses (gut), (ii) an increase in α-syn expression in the ventral mesencephalon (brain) and (iii) the degeneration of nigral dopaminergic neurons, which all are considered classical hallmarks in PD.
Conclusion: These results strongly support the plausibility of Braak's hypothesis and emphasise the significance of peripheral inflammation and the gut-brain axis in initiating α-syn aggregation and transport to the substantia nigra, resulting in neurodegeneration.
Aims: Tau is a key player in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and other Tauopathies. Tau pathology in the brain directly correlates with neurodegeneration in AD. The recent identification of a rapid variant of AD demands an urgent need to uncover underlying mechanisms leading to differential progression in AD. Accordingly, we aimed to dissect the underlying differential mechanisms of toxicity associated with the Tau protein in AD subtypes and to find out subtype-dependent biomarkers and therapeutic targets.
Methods: To identify and characterise subtype-specific Tau-associated mechanisms of pathology, we performed comparative interactome mapping of Tau protein in classical AD (cAD) and rapidly progressive AD (rpAD) cases using co-immunoprecipitation coupled with quantitative mass spectrometry. The mass spectrometry data were extensively analysed using several bioinformatics approaches.
Results: The comparative interactome mapping of Tau protein revealed distinct and unique interactors (DPYSL4, ARHGEF2, TUBA4A and UQCRC2) in subtypes of AD. Interestingly, an analysis of the Tau-interacting proteins indicated enrichment of mitochondrial organisation processes, including negative regulation of mitochondrion organisation, mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilisation involved in programmed cell death, regulation of autophagy of mitochondrion and necroptotic processes, specifically in the rpAD interactome. While, in cAD, the top enriched processes were related to oxidation-reduction process, transport and monocarboxylic acid metabolism.
Conclusions: Overall, our results provide a comprehensive map of Tau-interacting protein networks in a subtype-dependent manner and shed light on differential functions/pathways in AD subtypes. This comprehensive map of the Tau-interactome has provided subsets of disease-related proteins that can serve as novel biomarkers/biomarker panels and new drug targets.