Background: The field of pediatric anesthesiology faces an impending shortage of fellowship-trained physicians. Despite this projection, fewer anesthesiology residents are opting to pursue a fellowship. To better understand the current perspective and motivation of trainees to pursue a career in pediatric anesthesiology, we surveyed anesthesiology residents across the United States.
Aims: Our primary aims were to assess the understanding of the current workforce shortage as well as explore the impact of both exposure and characteristics of the anesthesia resident rotation on the decision to pursue pediatric anesthesiology fellowship.
Methods: A 25-question Qualtrics survey was distributed to members of the Pediatric Anesthesia Leadership Council and Education Committee within the Society for Pediatric Anesthesia and to anesthesiology residency program directors based in the United States.
Results: The survey received 201 responses. Of the respondents, 29% were in Clinical Anesthesia Year 3, 25% in Year 2, 19% in Year 1, and 10% in their intern year. The analysis revealed that self-reported adequate exposure to high-acuity cases and advanced procedures (arterial lines, central lines, and nerve blocks) significantly increased the likelihood of planning to pursue pediatric anesthesiology fellowship (adjusted Odd Ratio 8.47, 95% Confidence Interval, 1.65-43.4). Perceptions of faculty teaching, mentor availability, planned practice environment, and the presence of fellowship programs at the institution were not significantly associated with intentions to pursue pediatric anesthesiology fellowship.
Conclusions: The journey toward specializing in pediatric anesthesiology is influenced by a complex interplay of factors. Among these, enhanced exposure to challenging cases and advanced procedures during the residency phase is emerging as a critical element. Such exposure not only equips residents with the necessary skills and confidence to handle complex pediatric anesthesia cases but also plays a pivotal role in attracting more trainees to this essential subspecialty.