Signal transduction networks are responsible for transferring biochemical signals from the extracellular to the intracellular environment. Understanding the dynamics of these networks helps understand their biological processes. Signals are often delivered in pulses and oscillations. Therefore, understanding the dynamics of these networks under pulsatile and periodic stimuli is useful. One tool to do this is the transfer function. This tutorial outlines the basic theory behind the transfer function approach and walks through some examples of simple signal transduction networks.
Maintaining cohesion between randomly moving agents in unbounded space is an essential functionality for many real-world applications requiring distributed multi-agent systems. We develop a bio-inspired collective movement model in 1D unbounded space to ensure such functionality. Using an internal agent belief to estimate the mesoscopic state of the system, agent motion is coupled to a dynamically self-generated social ranking variable. This coupling between social information and individual movement is exploited to induce spatial self-sorting and produces an adaptive, group-relative coordinate system that stabilises random motion in unbounded space. We investigate the state-space of the model in terms of its key control parameters and find two separate regimes for the system to attain dynamical cohesive states, including a Partial Sensing regime in which the system self-selects nearest-neighbour distances so as to ensure a near-constant mean number of sensed neighbours. Overall, our approach constitutes a novel theoretical development in models of collective movement, as it considers agents who make decisions based on internal representations of their social environment that explicitly take into account spatial variation in a dynamic internal variable.
In order to grow in any given environment, bacteria need to collect information about the medium composition and implement suitable growth strategies by adjusting their regulatory and metabolic degrees of freedom. In the standard sense, optimal strategy selection is achieved when bacteria grow at the fastest rate possible in that medium. While this view of optimality is well suited for cells that have perfect knowledge about their surroundings (e.g. nutrient levels), things are more involved in uncertain or fluctuating conditions, especially when changes occur over timescales comparable to (or faster than) those required to organize a response. Information theory however provides recipes for how cells can choose the optimal growth strategy under uncertainty about the stress levels they will face. Here we analyse the theoretically optimal scenarios for a coarse-grained, experiment-inspired model of bacterial metabolism for growth in a medium described by the (static) probability density of a single variable (the 'stress level'). We show that heterogeneity in growth rates consistently emerges as the optimal response when the environment is sufficiently complex and/or when perfect adjustment of metabolic degrees of freedom is not possible (e.g. due to limited resources). In addition, outcomes close to those achievable with unlimited resources are often attained effectively with a modest amount of fine tuning. In other terms, heterogeneous population structures in complex media may be rather robust with respect to the resources available to probe the environment and adjust reaction rates.
Murmurations along with other forms of flocking have come to epitomize collective animal movements. Most studies into these stunning aerial displays have aimed to understand how coherent motion may emerge from simple behavioral rules and behavioral correlations. These studies may now need revision because recently it has been shown that flocking birds, like swarming insects, behave on the average as if they are trapped in elastic potential wells. Here I show, somewhat paradoxically, how coherent motion can be generated by variations in the intensity of multiplicative noise which causes the shape of a potential well to change, thereby shifting the positions and strengths of centres of attraction. Each bird, irrespective of its position in the flock will respond in a similar way to such changes, giving the impression that the flock behaves as one, and typically resulting in scale-free correlations. I thereby show how correlations can be an emergent property of noisy, confining potential wells. I also show how such wells can lead to high density borders, a characteristic of flocks, and I show how they can account for the complex patterns of collective escape patterns of starling flocks under predation. I suggest swarming and flocking do not constitute two distinctly different kinds of collective behavior but rather that insects are residing in relatively stable potential wells whilst birds are residing in unstable potential wells. It is shown how, dependent upon individual perceptual capabilities, bird flocks can be poised at criticality.
Considerable progress has been made in understanding insect swarms-forms of collective animal behaviour that unlike bird flocks, fish schools and animal herds do not possess global order. Nonetheless, little is known about swarm formation. Here we posit a mechanism for the formation of insect swarms that is consistent with recent empirical observations reported by (Patel and Ouellette 2022). It correctly predicts new features of swarm formation that have not been reported on previously. Our simple analytically tractable model shows how harmonic potential wells, a characteristic feature of swarming, and so swarm cohesion, arise from diffusion and local fission-fusion dynamics and how, in accord with observations, these wells deepen over time. The overall form of these potential wells is predicted to depend on the number and spatial distribution of all individuals, making them manifestly a collective phenomenon. Finally, swarms are predicted to 'cool' (that is, condense) as they form.
Mechanisms regulating cell movement are not fully understood. One feature of cell movement that determines how far cells displace from an initial position is persistence, the ability to perform movements in a direction similar to the previous movement direction. Persistence is thus determined by turning angles (TA) between two sequential displacements and can be characterized by an average TA or persistence time. Recent studies documenting T cell movement in zebrafish found that a cell's average speed and average TA are negatively correlated, suggesting a fundamental cell-intrinsic program whereby cells with a lower TA (and larger persistence time) are intrinsically faster (or faster cells turn less). In this paper we confirm the existence of the correlation between turning and speed for six different datasets on 3D movement of CD8 T cells in murine lymph nodes or liver. Interestingly, the negative correlation between TA and speed was observed in experiments in which liver-localized CD8 T cells rapidly displace due to floating with the blood flow, suggesting that other mechanisms besides cell-intrinsic program may be at play. By simulating correlated random walks using two different frameworks (one based on the von Mises-Fisher (vMF) distribution and another based on the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) process) we show that the negative correlation between speed and turning naturally arises when cell trajectories are sub-sampled, i.e. when the frequency of sampling is lower than frequency at which cells typically make movements. This effect is strongest when the sampling frequency is of the order of magnitude of the inverse of persistence time of cells and when cells vary in persistence time. The effect arises in part due to the sensitivity of estimated cell speeds to the frequency of imaging whereby less frequent imaging results in slower speeds. Interestingly, by using estimated persistence times for cells in two of our datasets and simulating cell movements using the OU process, we could partially reproduce the experimentally observed correlation between TA and speed without a cell-intrinsic program linking the two processes. Our results thus suggest that sub-sampling may contribute to (and perhaps fully explains) the observed correlation between speed and turning at least for some cell trajectory data and emphasize the role of sampling frequency in the inference of critical cellular parameters of cell motility such as speeds.
The function of many membrane-enclosed intracellular structures relies on release of diffusing particles that exit through narrow pores or channels in the membrane. The rate of release varies with pore size, density, and length of the channel. We propose a simple approximate model, validated with stochastic simulations, for estimating the effective release rate from cylinders, and other simple-shaped domains, as a function of channel parameters. The results demonstrate that, for very small pores, a low density of channels scattered over the boundary is sufficient to achieve substantial rates of particle release. Furthermore, we show that increasing the length of passive channels will both reduce release rates and lead to a less steep dependence on channel density. Our results are compared to previously-measured local calcium release rates from tubules of the endoplasmic reticulum, providing an estimate of the relevant channel density responsible for the observed calcium efflux.
How cells build and maintain dynamic structures of defined size is currently an important unsolved problem in quantitative cell biology. The flagella of the unicellular green algaChlamydomonasprovide a highly tractable model system to investigate this general question, but while the powerful genetics of this organism have revealed numerous genes required for proper flagellar length, in most cases we do not understand their mechanistic role in length control. Flagellar length can be viewed as the steady state solution of a dynamical system involving assembly and disassembly of axonemal microtubules, with assembly depending on an active transport process known as intraflagellar transport (IFT). The inherent length dependence of IFT gives rise to a family of simple models for length regulation that can account for many previously described phenomena such as the ability of flagella to maintain equal lengths. But these models requires that the cell has a way to measure flagellar length in order to adjust IFT rates accordingly. Several models for length sensing have been modeled theoretically and evaluated experimentally, allowing them to be ruled out. Current data support a model in which the diffusive return of the kinesin motor driving IFT provides a length dependence that ultimately is the basis for length regulation. By combining models of length sensing with a more detailed representation of cargo transport and availability, it is now becoming possible to formulate concrete hypotheses to explain length altering mutants.
Biological environments such as the cytoplasm are comprised of many different molecules, which makes explicit modeling intractable. In the spirit of Wigner, one may be tempted to assume interactions to derive from a random distribution. Via this approximation, the system can be efficiently treated in the mean-field, and general statements about expected behavior of such systems can be made. Here, I study systems of particles interacting via random potentials, outside of mean-field approximations. These systems exhibit a phase transition temperature, under which part of the components precipitate. The nature of this transition appears to be non-universal, and to depend intimately on the underlying distribution of interactions. Above the phase transition temperature, the system can be efficiently treated using a Bethe approximation, which shows a dependence on extreme value statistics. Relaxation timescales of this system tend to be slow, but can be made arbitrarily fast by increasing the number of neighbors of each particle.