The early pathogenesis and underlying molecular causes of motor neuron degeneration in Parkinson's Disease (PD) remains unresolved. In the model organism Drosophila melanogaster, loss of the early-onset PD gene parkin (the ortholog of human PRKN) results in impaired climbing ability, damage to the indirect flight muscles, and mitochondrial fragmentation with swelling. These stressed mitochondria have been proposed to activate innate immune pathways through release of damage associated molecular patterns (DAMPs). Parkin-mediated mitophagy is hypothesized to suppress mitochondrial damage and subsequent activation of the cGAS/STING innate immunity pathway, but the relevance of this interaction in the fly remains unresolved. Using a combination of genetics, immunoassays, and RNA sequencing, we investigated a potential role for STING in the onset of parkin-null phenotypes. Our findings demonstrate that loss of Drosophila STING in flies rescues the thorax muscle defects and the climbing ability of parkin-/- mutants. Loss of STING also suppresses the disrupted mitochondrial morphology in parkin-/- flight muscles, suggesting unexpected feedback of STING on mitochondria integrity or activation of a compensatory mitochondrial pathway. In the animals lacking both parkin and sting, PINK1 is activated and cell death pathways are suppressed. These findings support a unique, non-canonical role for Drosophila STING in the cellular and organismal response to mitochondria stress.
Embryogenesis requires coordinated gene regulatory activities early on that establish the trajectory of subsequent development, during a period called the maternal-to-zygotic transition (MZT). The MZT comprises transcriptional activation of the embryonic genome and post-transcriptional regulation of egg-inherited maternal mRNA. Investigation into the MZT in animals has focused almost exclusively on bilaterians, which include all classical models such as flies, worms, sea urchin, and vertebrates, thus limiting our capacity to understand the gene regulatory paradigms uniting the MZT across all animals. Here, we elucidate the MZT of a non-bilaterian, the cnidarian Hydractinia symbiolongicarpus. Using parallel poly(A)-selected and non poly(A)-dependent RNA-seq approaches, we find that the Hydractinia MZT is composed of regulatory activities similar to many bilaterians, including cytoplasmic readenylation of maternally contributed mRNA, delayed genome activation, and separate phases of maternal mRNA deadenylation and degradation that likely depend on both maternally and zygotically encoded clearance factors, including microRNAs. But we also observe massive upregulation of histone genes and an expanded repertoire of predicted H4K20 methyltransferases, aspects thus far particular to the Hydractinia MZT and potentially underlying a novel mode of early embryonic chromatin regulation. Thus, similar regulatory strategies with taxon-specific elaboration underlie the MZT in both bilaterian and non-bilaterian embryos, providing insight into how an essential developmental transition may have arisen in ancestral animals.
Mammalian male germ cell differentiation relies on complex RNA biogenesis events, many of which occur in non-membrane bound organelles termed RNA germ cell granules that are rich in RNA binding proteins (RBPs). Though known to be required for male germ cell differentiation, we understand little of the relationships between the numerous granule subtypes. ADAD2, a testis specific RBP, is required for normal male fertility and forms a poorly characterized granule in meiotic germ cells. This work aimed to understand the role of ADAD2 granules in male germ cell differentiation by clearly defining their molecular composition and relationship to other granules. Biochemical analyses identified RNF17, a testis specific RBP that forms meiotic male germ cell granules, as an ADAD2-interacting protein. Phenotypic analysis of Adad2 and Rnf17 mutants identified a rare post-meiotic chromatin defect, suggesting shared biological roles. ADAD2 and RNF17 were found to be dependent on one another for granularization and together form a previously unstudied set of germ cell granules. Based on co-localization studies with well-characterized granule RBPs and organelle-specific markers, a subset of the ADAD2-RNF17 granules are found to be associated with the intermitochondrial cement and piRNA biogenesis. In contrast, a second, morphologically distinct population of ADAD2-RNF17 granules co-localized with the translation regulators NANOS1 and PUM1, along with the molecular chaperone PDI. These large granules form a unique funnel-shaped structure that displays distinct protein subdomains and is tightly associated with the endoplasmic reticulum. Developmental studies suggest the different granule populations represent different phases of a granule maturation process. Lastly, a double Adad2-Rnf17 mutant model suggests the interaction between ADAD2 and RNF17, as opposed to loss of either, is the likely driver of the Adad2 and Rnf17 mutant phenotypes. These findings shed light on the relationship between germ cell granule pools and define new genetic approaches to their study.
Germline mutation is the mechanism by which genetic variation in a population is created. Inferences derived from mutation rate models are fundamental to many population genetics methods. Previous models have demonstrated that nucleotides flanking polymorphic sites-the local sequence context-explain variation in the probability that a site is polymorphic. However, limitations to these models exist as the size of the local sequence context window expands. These include a lack of robustness to data sparsity at typical sample sizes, lack of regularization to generate parsimonious models and lack of quantified uncertainty in estimated rates to facilitate comparison between models. To address these limitations, we developed Baymer, a regularized Bayesian hierarchical tree model that captures the heterogeneous effect of sequence contexts on polymorphism probabilities. Baymer implements an adaptive Metropolis-within-Gibbs Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling scheme to estimate the posterior distributions of sequence-context based probabilities that a site is polymorphic. We show that Baymer accurately infers polymorphism probabilities and well-calibrated posterior distributions, robustly handles data sparsity, appropriately regularizes to return parsimonious models, and scales computationally at least up to 9-mer context windows. We demonstrate application of Baymer in three ways-first, identifying differences in polymorphism probabilities between continental populations in the 1000 Genomes Phase 3 dataset, second, in a sparse data setting to examine the use of polymorphism models as a proxy for de novo mutation probabilities as a function of variant age, sequence context window size, and demographic history, and third, comparing model concordance between different great ape species. We find a shared context-dependent mutation rate architecture underlying our models, enabling a transfer-learning inspired strategy for modeling germline mutations. In summary, Baymer is an accurate polymorphism probability estimation algorithm that automatically adapts to data sparsity at different sequence context levels, thereby making efficient use of the available data.
Mutations in subunits of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase cause mitochondrial complex I deficiency, a group of severe neurological diseases that can result in death in infancy. The pathogenesis of complex I deficiency remain poorly understood, and as a result there are currently no available treatments. To better understand the underlying mechanisms, we modelled complex I deficiency in Drosophila using knockdown of the mitochondrial complex I subunit ND-75 (NDUFS1) specifically in neurons. Neuronal complex I deficiency causes locomotor defects, seizures and reduced lifespan. At the cellular level, complex I deficiency does not affect ATP levels but leads to mitochondrial morphology defects, reduced endoplasmic reticulum-mitochondria contacts and activation of the endoplasmic reticulum unfolded protein response (UPR) in neurons. Multi-omic analysis shows that complex I deficiency dramatically perturbs mitochondrial metabolism in the brain. We find that expression of the yeast non-proton translocating NADH dehydrogenase NDI1, which reinstates mitochondrial NADH oxidation but not ATP production, restores levels of several key metabolites in the brain in complex I deficiency. Remarkably, NDI1 expression also reinstates endoplasmic reticulum-mitochondria contacts, prevents UPR activation and rescues the behavioural and lifespan phenotypes caused by complex I deficiency. Together, these data show that metabolic disruption due to loss of neuronal NADH dehydrogenase activity cause UPR activation and drive pathogenesis in complex I deficiency.
Spermatozoa in animal species are usually highly elongated cells with a long motile tail attached to a head that contains the haploid genome in a compact and often elongated nucleus. In Drosophila melanogaster, the nucleus is compacted two hundred-fold in volume during spermiogenesis and re-modeled into a needle that is thirty-fold longer than its diameter. Nuclear elongation is preceded by a striking relocalization of nuclear pore complexes (NPCs). While NPCs are initially located throughout the nuclear envelope (NE) around the spherical nucleus of early round spermatids, they are later confined to one hemisphere. In the cytoplasm adjacent to this NPC-containing NE, the so-called dense complex with a strong bundle of microtubules is assembled. While this conspicuous proximity argued for functional significance of NPC-NE and microtubule bundle, experimental confirmation of their contributions to nuclear elongation has not yet been reported. Our functional characterization of the spermatid specific Mst27D protein now resolves this deficit. We demonstrate that Mst27D establishes physical linkage between NPC-NE and dense complex. The C-terminal region of Mst27D binds to the nuclear pore protein Nup358. The N-terminal CH domain of Mst27D, which is similar to that of EB1 family proteins, binds to microtubules. At high expression levels, Mst27D promotes bundling of microtubules in cultured cells. Microscopic analyses indicated co-localization of Mst27D with Nup358 and with the microtubule bundles of the dense complex. Time-lapse imaging revealed that nuclear elongation is accompanied by a progressive bundling of microtubules into a single elongated bundle. In Mst27D null mutants, this bundling process does not occur and nuclear elongation is abnormal. Thus, we propose that Mst27D permits normal nuclear elongation by promoting the attachment of the NPC-NE to the microtubules of the dense complex, as well as the progressive bundling of these microtubules.
Many filamentous fungi produce plant-polysaccharide-degrading enzymes (PPDE); however, the regulatory mechanism of this process is poorly understood. A Gal4-like transcription factor, CxrA, is essential for mycelial growth and PPDE production in Penicillium oxalicum. Its N-terminal region, CxrAΔ207-733 is required for the regulatory functions of whole CxrA, and contains a DNA-binding domain (CxrAΔ1-16&Δ59-733) and a methylated arginine (R) 94. Methylation of R94 is mediated by an arginine N-methyltransferase, PRMT2 and appears to induce dimerization of CxrAΔ1-60. Overexpression of prmt2 in P. oxalicum increases PPDE production by 41.4-95.1% during growth on Avicel, compared with the background strain Δku70;hphR+. Another arginine N-methyltransferase, PRMT3, appears to assist entry of CxrA into the nucleus, and interacts with CxrAΔ1-60 in vitro under Avicel induction. Deletion of prmt3 resulted in 67.0-149.7% enhanced PPDE production by P. oxalicum. These findings provide novel insights into the regulatory mechanism of fungal PPDE production.
Adaptation of organisms to environmental change may be facilitated by the creation of new genes. New genes without homologs in other lineages are known as taxonomically-restricted orphan genes and may result from divergence or de novo formation. Previously, we have extensively characterized the evolution and origin of such orphan genes in the nematode model organism Pristionchus pacificus. Here, we employ large-scale transcriptomics to establish potential functional associations and to measure the degree of transcriptional plasticity among orphan genes. Specifically, we analyzed 24 RNA-seq samples from adult P. pacificus worms raised on 24 different monoxenic bacterial cultures. Based on coexpression analysis, we identified 28 large modules that harbor 3,727 diplogastrid-specific orphan genes and that respond dynamically to different bacteria. These coexpression modules have distinct regulatory architecture and also exhibit differential expression patterns across development suggesting a link between bacterial response networks and development. Phylostratigraphy revealed a considerably high number of family- and even species-specific orphan genes in certain coexpression modules. This suggests that new genes are not attached randomly to existing cellular networks and that integration can happen very fast. Integrative analysis of protein domains, gene expression and ortholog data facilitated the assignments of biological labels for 22 coexpression modules with one of the largest, fast-evolving module being associated with spermatogenesis. In summary, this work presents the first functional annotation for thousands of P. pacificus orphan genes and reveals insights into their integration into environmentally responsive gene networks.