Abstract: Poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) is a nontoxic, hydrophilic polymer that is often covalently attached to proteins, drugs, tissues, or materials; a procedure commonly referred to as PEGylation. PEGylation improves solubility, circulation time, and reduces immunogenicity of therapeutic molecules. Currently, there are 21 PEGylated drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and more in the developmental stage. In addition to the polymer's applications in the clinic, PEG is widely used as a solvent and emulsifying agent in the formulation of cosmetics, cleaning, and personal care products. Due to the ubiquitous presence of the polymer in everyday products, patients can develop antibodies against PEG (αPEG Abs) that can be problematic when a PEGylated drug is administered. These αPEG Abs can provoke hypersensitivity reactions, accelerated drug clearance, and decreased therapeutic efficacy. Herein, we review how the prevalence of PEG in everyday products has induced αPEG Abs within the general public as well as the effect of these Abs on the performance of PEGylated therapeutics. We will focus on clinical manifestations following the administration of PEGylated drugs.
Lay summary: Poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) is a polymer found in products including cosmetics, personal care products, cleaning agents, medicine, and food. Due to the prevalence of PEG, people can develop antibodies (αPEG Abs) against the polymer, which recognize PEG as foreign. Of note, PEG is frequently incorporated into drug formulations to improve therapeutic efficacy. Complications can arise when a patient receiving a PEGylated drug has previously developed αPEG Abs from interactions with PEG in everyday products. The presence of high concentrations of αPEG Abs in blood can result in decreased treatment efficacy and allergic reactions to a wide range of therapeutics.
Abstract: Organ or cell transplantation is medically evaluated for end-stage failure saving or extending the lives of thousands of patients who are suffering from organ failure disorders. The unavailability of adequate organs for transplantation to meet the existing demand is a major challenge in the medical field. This led to day-day-increase in the number of patients on transplant waiting lists as well as in the number of patients dying while on the queue. Recently, technological advancements in the field of biogenerative engineering have the potential to regenerate tissues and, in some cases, create new tissues and organs. In this context, major advances and innovations are being made in the fields of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine which have a huge impact on the scientific community is three-dimensional bioprinting (3D bioprinting) of tissues and organs. Besides this, the decellularization of organs and using this as a scaffold for generating new organs through the recellularization process shows promising results. This review discussed about current approaches for tissue and organ engineering including methods of scaffold designing, recent advances in 3D bioprinting, organs regenerated successfully using 3D printing, and extended application of 3D bioprinting technique in the field of medicine. Besides this, information about commercially available 3D printers has also been included in this article.
Lay summary: Today's need for organs for the transplantation process in order to save a patient's life or to enhance the survival rate of diseased one is the prime concern among the scientific community. Recent, advances in the field of biogenerative engineering have the potential to regenerate tissues and create organs compatible with the patient's body. In this context, major advances and innovations are being made in the fields of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine which have a huge impact on the scientific community is three-dimensional bioprinting (3D bioprinting) of tissues and organs. Besides this, the decellularization of organs and using this as a scaffold for generating new organs through the recellularization process shows promising results. This review dealt with the current approaches for tissue and organ engineering including methods of scaffold designing, recent advances in 3D bioprinting, organs regenerated successfully using 3D printing, and extended application of 3D bioprinting technique in the field of medicine. Furthermore, information about commercially available 3D printers has also been included in this article.
Abstract: Most of maternal deaths are preventable, and one-quarter of maternal deaths are due to pre-eclampsia and eclampsia. Prenatal screening is essential for detecting and managing pre-eclampsia. However, pre-eclampsia screening is solely based on maternal risk factors and has low (< 5% in the USA) detection rates. This review looks at pre-eclampsia from engineering, public health, and medical points of view. First, pre-eclampsia is defined clinically, and the biological basis of established risk factors is described. The multiple theories behind pre-eclampsia etiology should serve as the scientific basis behind established risk factors for pre-eclampsia; however, African American race does not have sufficient evidence as a risk factor. We then briefly describe predictive statistical models that have been created to improve screening detection rates, which use a combination of biophysical and biochemical biomarkers, as well as aspects of patient medical history as inputs. Lastly, technologies that aid in advancing pre-eclampsia screening worldwide are explored. The review concludes with suggestions for more robust pre-eclampsia research, which includes diversifying study sites, improving biomarker analytical tools, and for researchers to consider studying patients before they become pregnant to improve pre-eclampsia detection rates. Additionally, researchers must acknowledge the systemic racism involved in using race as a risk factor and include qualitative measures in study designs to capture the effects of racism on patients.
Lay summary: Pre-eclampsia is a pregnancy-specific hypertensive disorder that can affect almost every organ system and complicates 2-8% of pregnancies globally. Here, we focus on the biological basis of the risk factors that have been identified for the condition. African American race currently does not have sufficient evidence as a risk factor and has been poorly studied. Current clinical methods poorly predict a patient's likelihood of developing pre-eclampsia; thus, researchers have made statistical models that are briefly described in this review. Then, low-cost technologies that aid in advancing pre-eclampsia screening are discussed. The review ends with suggestions for research direction to improve pre-eclampsia screening in all settings.Overall, we suggest that the future of pre-eclampsia screening should aim to identify those at risk before they become pregnant. We also suggest that the clinical standard of assessing patient risk solely on patient characteristics needs to be reevaluated, that study locations of pre-eclampsia research need to be expanded beyond a few high-income countries, and that low-cost technologies should be developed to increase access to prenatal screening.
Abstract: The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 has led to the worldwide pandemic named coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). It has caused a significant increase in the number of cases and mortalities since its first diagnosis in December 2019. Although COVID-19 primarily affects the respiratory system, neurological involvement of the central and peripheral nervous system has been also reported. Herein, the higher risk of neurodegenerative diseases in COVID-19 patients in future is also imaginable. Neurological complications of COVID-19 infection are more commonly seen in severely ill individuals; but, earlier diagnosis and treatment can lead to better long-lasting results. In this respect, stem cell biotechnologies with considerable self-renewal and differentiation capacities have experienced great progress in the field of neurological disorders whether in finding out their underlying processes or proving them promising therapeutic approaches. Herein, many neurological disorders have been found to benefit from stem cell medicine strategies. Accordingly, in the present review, the authors are trying to discuss stem cell-based biotechnologies as promising therapeutic options for neurological disorders secondary to COVID-19 infection through reviewing neurological manifestations of COVID-19 and current stem cell-based biotechnologies for neurological disorders.
Lay summary: Due to the substantial burden of neurological disorders in the health, economic, and social system of society, the emergence of neurological manifestations following COVID-19 (as a life-threatening pandemic) creates the need to use efficient and modern methods of treatment. Since stem cell-based methods have been efficient for a large number of neurological diseases, it seems that the use of mentioned methods is also effective in the process of improving neurological disorders caused by COVID-19. Hereupon, the current review aims to address stem cell-based approaches as treatments showing promise to neurological disorders related to COVID-19.
Abstract: The COVID-19 disease, which is caused by the novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, has affected the world by increasing the mortality rate in 2020. Currently, there is no definite treatment for COVID-19 patients. Several clinical trials have been proposed to overcome this disease and many are still under investigation. In this review, we will be focusing on the potency of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and MSC-derived secretome for treating COVID-19 patients. Fever, cough, headache, dizziness, and fatigue are the common clinical manifestations in COVID-19 patients. In mild and severe cases, cytokines are released hyper-actively which causes a cytokine storm leading to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). In order to maintain the lung microenvironment in COVID-19 patients, MSCs are used as cell-based therapy approaches as they can act as cell managers which accelerate the immune system to prevent the cytokine storm and promote endogenous repair. Besides, MSCs have shown minimal expression of ACE2 or TMPRSS2, and hence, MSCs are free from SARS-CoV-2 infection. Numerous clinical studies have started worldwide and demonstrated that MSCs have great potential for ARDS treatment in COVID-19 patients. Preliminary data have shown that MSCs and MSC-derived secretome appear to be promising in the treatment of COVID-19.
Lay summary: The COVID-19 disease is an infection disease which affects the world in 2020. Currently, there is no definite treatment for COVID-19 patients. However, several clinical trials have been proposed to overcome this disease and one of them is using mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and MSC-derived secretome for treating COVID-19 patients. During the infection, cytokines are released hyper-actively which causes a cytokine storm. MSCs play an important role in maintaining the lung microenvironment in COVID-19 patients. They can act as cell managers which accelerate the immune system to prevent the cytokine storm and promote the endogenous repair. Therefore, it is important to explore the clinical trial in the world for treating the COVID-19 disease using MSCs and MSC-derived secretome.