This paper describes a modification of the traditional fascial tongue surgical approach to the distal humerus. In particular, we describe the reflection and utilisation of radial and ulnar triceps bundles to allow complete visualisation of the distal humerus. This extensile technique allows access to the entirety of the distal humerus and provides excellent visualisation to the operating surgeon. Indications for the surgical approach include open reduction with internal fixation of fractures (both intra- and extra-articular) and total elbow replacement. Whilst standard approaches to the distal humerus are well described, this modification describes a new surgical approach that improves access and visualisation of the traditional fascial tongue technique. Alternative approaches to improve visualisation include an olecranon osteotomy; the triceps bundle modification allows excellent exposure to the distal humerus whilst avoiding complications associated with an olecranon osteotomy. The surgical technique is illustrated with intra-operative photographs, which aim to aid in guiding the surgeon in undertaking critical steps of this approach.
How to cite this article: Rankin IA, Dixon J, Goffin J, et al. A Modified Surgical Approach to the Distal Humerus: The Triceps Bundle Technique. Strategies Trauma Limb Reconstr 2024;19(2):99-103.