Aim and objective: Genu recurvatum is a rare deformity for which minimal literature exists. Non-operative management typically gives unsatisfactory results. This study aims to evaluate the treatment of genu recurvatum with a hexapod frame.
Materials and methods: A single-center retrospective chart review of genu recurvatum cases treated with a hexapod fixator application was performed. Radiographic parameters included the following: leg length discrepancy (LLD), angle of recurvatum, angle of tilt of the tibial plateau, patellar height and anatomic proximal posterior tibial angle (aPPTA). Radiographic and functional results were evaluated.
Results: A total of five patients with six limbs corrected with a hexapod frame were found. Aetiology included post-traumatic (2), post-infectious (1) and idiopathic (3). The mean age at application was 13.36 (5.5-18.0) years. The total mean time in the fixator was 225 (160-412) days. The LLD decreased from a mean of 35.6 mm (0.7-50) preoperatively to a mean of 14.8 (1.0-39.3) postoperatively. The average patellar height remained similar 0.97 (0.69-1.2)-0.97 (0.51-1.6). The angle of the tilt of the tibial plateau improved from a preoperative mean of 66° (58.5-73.5°)-92.5° (80-98.5°). The angle of recurvatum improved from a preoperative mean of 26.4° (18.5-31°)-5.0° (0-9°). The aPTTA improved from (102-118°)-85.5° (77-96°).
Conclusion: Osteotomy distal to the tibial tuberosity and deformity correction using a hexapod frame allows for multiplanar correction. Throughout treatment, soft tissue management with physical therapy remained key to prevent knee contracture.
Clinical significance: A hexapod frame is a safe and accurate technique that allows correction of genu recurvatum along with concomitant deformities with low risk of complications.
How to cite this article: Johnson L, McCammon J, Cooper A. Correction of Genu Recurvatum Deformity Using a Hexapod Frame: A Case Series and Review of the Literature. Strategies Trauma Limb Reconstr 2021;16(2):116-119.