Background: The common cold is a frequent, acute, and mild upper respiratory human disease. Nasal congestion has been considered the most bothersome symptom in the common cold, impacting quality of life (QoL). Topical decongestants containing steroids benefit QoL in allergic rhinitis, but no published research has assessed the impact of topical decongestants on QoL in the common cold.
Objective: To evaluate the effects of xylometazoline hydrochloride 0.1% (Otrivin, GSK Consumer Healthcare SARL, Switzerland) for up to 7 days on QoL in participants with nasal congestion associated with the common cold.
Design: This was a decentralized, longitudinal, open-label study.
Methods: The study enrolled 136 participants (⩾18 years) with early symptoms of the common cold, of which 102 were included in the modified intention-to-treat (mITT) population. Within 24 h of study product receipt, participants confirmed a 'plugged nose' and ⩾1 other common cold symptom. Primary endpoints were Wisconsin Upper Respiratory Symptom Survey-21 (WURSS-21) total score, total and individual symptom scores, and total QoL score. Secondary endpoints were additional QoL scores. Exploratory and post hoc analyses included median days to resolution for each QoL factor and analyses of five QoL categories.
Results: Consistent improvements in symptoms and QoL were seen in the mITT population. From day 1, improvements were seen in the 'plugged nose' symptom (p = 0.0023), WURSS-21 total QoL score, and all individual QoL scores (p < 0.0001 for all). After the last dose needed, significant improvements were seen in sleep quality (73%), vitality (76%), physical activity (71%), social activity (80%), and sensation (81%). No serious or unexpected adverse events were reported.
Conclusion: This study is the first to demonstrate in a real-life setting that treating nasal congestion in adults with xylometazoline hydrochloride 0.1% during the common cold positively impacts QoL factors relevant to daily living [Otrivin: Quality of Life (QoL) Impact in a Real-World Setting;].