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NTP technical report on the toxicity studies of Cupric Sulfate (CAS No. 7758-99-8) Administered in Drinking Water and Feed to F344/N Rats and B6C3F1 Mice. 国家毒理学规划(NTP)关于饮用水和饲料中硫酸铜对F344/N大鼠和B6C3F1小鼠毒性研究的技术报告(CAS No. 7758-99-8)。
Pub Date : 1993-07-01
Charles Hebert

Cupric sulfate is an inorganic salt which is widely used in industry, agriculture, and veterinary medicine. Its applications include use as an algicide in potable waters and as a feed additive and therapeutic agent in swine, sheep, and cattle. Because copper salts are found in human water supplies, toxicity studies of cupric sulfate pentahydrate were conducted in male and female F344/N rats and B6C3F1 mice by the drinking water (2-week studies only) and dosed feed routes (2-week and 13-week studies). Animals were evaluated for hematology, clinical chemistry, urinalysis, reproductive toxicity, tissue metal accumulation, and histopathology. In the 2-week drinking water studies, groups of five rats and five mice per sex received cupric sulfate at concentrations of 300 to 30,000 ppm for 15 days. One female rat, one male mouse, and three female mice in the 3000 ppm groups and all rats and mice in the 10,000 and 30,000 ppm groups died before the end of the studies. The remaining mice and rats in the 3000 ppm groups gained little or lost weight. Water consumption in the three highest dose groups of both species was reduced by more than 65%. Clinical signs observed in these groups were typical of those seen in moribund animals and were attributed to dehydration. The only gross or microscopic change specifically related to cupric sulfate toxicity was an increase in the size and number of cytoplasmic protein droplets in the epithelium of the renal proximal convoluted tubule in male rats from the 300 and 1000-ppm groups. In the 2-week feed studies, groups of five rats and five mice per sex were fed diets containing 1000 to 16,000 ppm cupric sulfate. No chemical-related deaths occurred in any dose group. Compared to the controls, rats and mice in the two highest dose groups had reduced body weight gains which were attributed to decreased feed consumption. Hyperplasia with hyperkeratosis of the squamous epithelium on the limiting ridge of the forestomach was seen in rats and mice of each sex; this lesion was more severe in rats than in mice. Inflammation of the liver, periportal to midzonal in distribution, occurred in rats in the 8000 and 16,000 ppm groups. Depletion of hematopoietic cells was evident in rats of each sex in the bone marrow (8000 and 16,000 ppm) and spleen (16,000 ppm). Kidneys of male and female rats in the 4000, 8000, and 16,000 ppm groups had an increased number and size of protein droplets in the epithelia of the renal cortical tubules. In the 13-week feed studies, groups of 10 rats per sex received diets containing 500 to 8000 ppm cupric sulfate, and groups of 10 mice per sex received diets containing 1000 to 16,000 ppm cupric sulfate for 92 days; estimates of cupric sulfate consumption ranged from 32 to 551 mg/kg per day for rats and 173 to 4157 mg/kg per day for mice. There were no chemical-related deaths in rats or mice, and no clinical signs of cupric sulfate toxicity were recorded. Final mean body weights were lower than those

硫酸铜是一种无机盐,广泛应用于工业、农业和兽医学。其应用包括在饮用水中作为杀藻剂,在猪、羊和牛中作为饲料添加剂和治疗剂。由于在人类供水中发现了铜盐,因此通过饮用水(仅2周研究)和给药饲料途径(2周和13周研究)对雄性和雌性F344/N大鼠和B6C3F1小鼠进行了五水硫酸铜的毒性研究。对动物进行血液学、临床化学、尿液分析、生殖毒性、组织金属积累和组织病理学评估。在为期两周的饮用水研究中,每一组5只大鼠和5只小鼠连续15天接受浓度为300至30,000 ppm的硫酸铜。3000 ppm组的1只雌性大鼠、1只雄性小鼠和3只雌性小鼠,以及10000 ppm和30000 ppm组的所有大鼠和小鼠在研究结束前死亡。3000 ppm组中剩余的小鼠和大鼠体重几乎没有增加或减少。两个物种的三个最高剂量组的用水量减少了65%以上。在这些组中观察到的临床症状是在垂死动物中看到的典型症状,并归因于脱水。与硫酸铜毒性相关的唯一肉眼或显微镜变化是300和1000 ppm组雄性大鼠肾近曲小管上皮内细胞质蛋白滴的大小和数量增加。在为期两周的饲料研究中,每性别5只大鼠和5只小鼠被喂食含有1000至16000 ppm硫酸铜的饲料。任何剂量组均未发生与化学品相关的死亡。与对照组相比,两个最高剂量组的大鼠和小鼠体重增加减少,这是由于饲料消耗量减少。大鼠、小鼠均见前胃限定脊鳞状上皮增生伴角化过度;这种损伤在大鼠中比在小鼠中更严重。8000 ppm组和16000 ppm组的大鼠肝脏出现门静脉周围至中区分布的炎症。在骨髓(8000 ppm和16000 ppm)和脾脏(16000 ppm)中,各性别大鼠的造血细胞明显减少。4000ppm、8000 ppm和16000 ppm组的雄性和雌性大鼠肾皮质小管上皮蛋白滴的数量和大小都有所增加。在为期13周的饲料研究中,每性别10只大鼠每组接受含有500至8000 ppm硫酸铜的饲料,每性别10只小鼠每组接受含有1000至16000 ppm硫酸铜的饲料,为期92天;估计大鼠每天的硫酸铜消耗量为32至551毫克/公斤,小鼠为173至4157毫克/公斤。在大鼠或小鼠中没有与化学物质相关的死亡,也没有记录硫酸铜毒性的临床症状。接受4000 ppm及以上硫酸铜剂量的两种动物的最终平均体重低于对照组。在为期13周的研究中,小鼠的肝脏重量出现了剂量相关的下降。在为期13周的研究中,对大鼠的血液学、临床化学和尿液分析评估显示,在大多数情况下,4000和8000 ppm组的化学相关变化是可变的。两性血清丙氨酸转氨酶和山梨醇脱氢酶活性的增加表明肝细胞损伤,男性5'-核苷酸酶和胆盐的增加也是如此。平均细胞体积、红细胞压积和血红蛋白的减少表明发生了小细胞性贫血,而在同一时间点网织红细胞数量的增加表明骨髓对贫血的代偿反应。尿葡萄糖、n -乙酰- β - d -氨基葡萄糖酶(一种溶酶体酶)和天冬氨酸转氨酶(α -胞质酶)升高提示肾小管上皮损伤。铜的剂量相关增加发生在所有被检查的雄性大鼠组织(检查的器官(肝脏、肾脏、血浆和睾丸))。这些增加伴随着肝脏和肾脏中锌的增加。在4000ppm和8000ppm组中,血浆钙明显减少,肾脏和睾丸中的钙也有减少的趋势。在8000ppm组中,血浆镁相对于对照组显著增加。三个最高剂量组大鼠出现前胃增生和角化过度,肝脏炎症,上皮细胞质和近曲小管腔内蛋白滴数量和大小增加。这些影响与在2周饲料研究中看到的相似,并且这些病变的发生率和严重程度与剂量有关。雄性大鼠肾脏中的许多液滴很大,呈不规则的结晶形状。 这些液滴对蛋白质染色呈强烈阳性,但对铁、PAS和抗酸(脂褐素)染色呈阴性。-2-微球蛋白存在于雄性大鼠的滴液中,但该蛋白的含量没有剂量相关的定性差异。在4000ppm和8000ppm组中,铜在肝脏呈门静脉周围到中区分布,仅限于肾近曲小管上皮的细胞质。铜存在于部分(但不是全部)蛋白质液滴中。通过透射电镜观察,雌雄大鼠肝脏门静脉周围区肝细胞次级溶酶体数量均有增加。在为期13周的研究中,在接受4000 ppm硫酸铜或更高剂量的小鼠中,前胃限制脊上的鳞状黏膜过度角化增生与剂量相关。肝脏中存在微量的铜阳性染色,仅限于高剂量(16,000 ppm)的雄性和雌性小鼠。硫酸铜对大鼠或小鼠的任何生殖参数均无不良影响。综上所述,在饲料或饮用水中给予硫酸铜可导致大鼠胃发生明显变化,并造成肝、肾损害。大鼠的原发性病变是近曲小管上皮细胞质和管腔内蛋白滴的大小和数量增加。在为期13周的研究中,大鼠肾脏组织学损伤证据的未观察到不良反应水平(NOAEL)雄性为1000 ppm,雌性为500 ppm,而肝脏炎症的NOAEL为1000 ppm,雌性为2000 ppm。各性别大鼠均见前胃与腺胃交界脊处上皮增生伴角化过度,该变化的NOAEL为饲料中硫酸铜含量为1000-ppm。此外,在13周的研究中发现的临床病理改变,以及在2周的饲料研究中发现的骨髓组织学变化,表明小细胞性贫血具有代偿性骨髓反应。小鼠似乎比大鼠更能抵抗硫酸铜的毒性作用。小鼠的主要靶组织是前胃限制脊的上皮。小鼠该部位增生和角化过度的NOAEL为饲料中2000 ppm硫酸铜。同义词:胆矾;硫酸铜;五水硫酸铜;青石;蓝矾;罗马硫酸盐;萨尔茨堡硫酸盐。(注:这些研究的部分资金来自《综合环境反应、赔偿和责任法案》信托基金(超级基金),并与美国公共卫生服务局有毒物质和疾病登记处达成了机构间协议。)
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引用次数: 0
NTP technical report on the toxicity studies of Glutaraldehyde (CAS No. 111-30-8) Adminstered by Inhalation to F344/N Rats and B6C3F1 Mice. 国家毒理学规划关于吸入戊二醛对F344/N大鼠和B6C3F1小鼠毒性研究的技术报告(CAS No. 111-30-8)。
Pub Date : 1993-03-01
Frank Kari

Glutaraldehyde is a potent sensory irritant with the capability to cross-link, or fix, proteins. It is used industrially as an antimicrobial agent and as a cold sterilant in hospitals, and it has a variety of other industrial uses. The toxicity of glutaraldehyde was evaluated in 2-week and 13-week inhalation exposure studies in F344/N rats and B6C3F1 mice. In addition to histopathology, evaluations included clinical pathology and assessments of sperm morphology and estrous cycle length. In vitro genetic toxicity studies included assessments of mutagenicity in Salmonella typhimurium and in mouse lymphoma L5178Y cells and analysis of chromosomal aberrations and sister chromatid exchanges in Chinese hamster ovary cells. The ability of glutaraldehyde to induce sex-linked recessive lethal mutations was also studied in vivo in Drosophila melanogaster. In 2-week inhalation studies, groups of five rats and five mice of each sex were exposed to glutaraldehyde by whole-body inhalation at concentrations of 0, 0.16, 0.5, 1.6, 5, and 16 ppm for 6 hours per day, 5 days per week. All rats and mice exposed to 5 or 16 ppm glutaraldehyde died before the end of the studies; all mice exposed to 1.6 ppm also died. Rats exposed to 1.6 ppm did not gain weight. Deaths were attributed to severe respiratory distress. Mice appeared to be more sensitive than rats because the small airways of the nasal passage of mice were more easily blocked by cell debris and keratin. Lesions noted in the nasal passage and larynx of rats and mice included necrosis, inflammation, and squamous metaplasia. At higher exposure concentrations, similar lesions were present in the trachea of rats and mice and in the lung and on the tongue of rats. In 13-week studies, groups of 10 rats and 10 mice of each sex were exposed to glutaraldehyde by whole-body inhalation at concentrations of 0, 62.5, 125, 250, 500, and 1000 ppb for 6 hours per day, 5 days per week. There were no exposure-related deaths in rats, but all mice exposed to 1000 ppb and two female mice exposed to 500 ppb died before the end of the study. Body weight gains were reduced in male rats exposed to 1000 ppb and in female rats exposed to 500 or 1000 ppb. Body weight gains of male mice exposed to 125, 250, or 500 ppb and female mice exposed to 250 or 500 ppb were reduced in a concentration-related manner. There was no clear evidence of systemic toxicity in rats or mice by histopathologic or clinical pathology assessments; however, exposure-related lesions in the respiratory tract were observed, and resembled those noted in the 2-week studies. In rats, the most severe lesions occurred in the anterior portions of the nasal passages and involved both the respiratory and olfactory epithelium. Hyperplasia and squamous metaplasia were most commonly noted on the lateral wall of the nasal cavity and on the tips of the nasoturbinates. Lesions were most extensive in rats exposed to 1000 ppb, but were also noted in the 250 and 500 ppb groups

戊二醛是一种强效的感官刺激物,具有交联或固定蛋白质的能力。它在工业上用作抗菌剂和医院的冷消毒剂,并有各种其他工业用途。在F344/N大鼠和B6C3F1小鼠的2周和13周吸入暴露研究中评估戊二醛的毒性。除了组织病理学,评估还包括临床病理学和精子形态和发情周期长度的评估。体外遗传毒性研究包括鼠伤寒沙门菌和小鼠淋巴瘤L5178Y细胞的致突变性评估,以及中国仓鼠卵巢细胞染色体畸变和姐妹染色单体交换分析。我们还研究了戊二醛在黑腹果蝇体内诱导性连锁隐性致死突变的能力。在为期两周的吸入研究中,每组5只大鼠和5只小鼠,每组5只,每周5天,每天6小时,通过全身吸入浓度为0、0.16、0.5、1.6、5和16 ppm的戊二醛。所有暴露于5或16 ppm戊二醛的大鼠和小鼠在研究结束前死亡;所有暴露在PPM浓度为1.6的小鼠也均死亡。暴露在1.6 ppm中的老鼠没有体重增加。死亡原因是严重的呼吸窘迫。小鼠似乎比大鼠更敏感,因为小鼠的鼻腔通道的小气道更容易被细胞碎片和角蛋白堵塞。在大鼠和小鼠的鼻通道和喉部发现的病变包括坏死、炎症和鳞状化生。在较高的暴露浓度下,在大鼠和小鼠的气管、大鼠的肺部和舌头上也出现了类似的损伤。在为期13周的研究中,每组10只大鼠和10只小鼠,每个性别,通过全身吸入浓度为0、62.5、125、250、500和1000 ppb的戊二醛,每天6小时,每周5天。在大鼠中没有与暴露相关的死亡,但所有暴露于1000 ppb的小鼠和两只暴露于500 ppb的雌性小鼠在研究结束前死亡。暴露于1000 ppb的雄性大鼠和暴露于500或1000 ppb的雌性大鼠体重增加减少。暴露于125、250或500 ppb的雄性小鼠和暴露于250或500 ppb的雌性小鼠的体重增加以浓度相关的方式减少。经组织病理学或临床病理学评估,未发现大鼠或小鼠的系统性毒性的明确证据;然而,在呼吸道中观察到与暴露相关的病变,并且与2周研究中注意到的相似。在大鼠中,最严重的病变发生在鼻通道的前部,并累及呼吸和嗅觉上皮。增生和鳞状化生最常见于鼻腔侧壁和鼻鼻甲尖端。在暴露于1000 ppb的大鼠中,病变最广泛,但在250和500 ppb组以及一只暴露于125 ppb的雄性中也发现了病变。在小鼠中,1000 ppb组动物呼吸道的组织病理学病变最严重,包括喉部上皮的轻微至轻度鳞状化生,鼻腔前部的化脓性炎症和鼻鼻甲尖端的轻微鳞状化生。坏死和炎症在较低浓度时被注意到,主要在鼻通道的前部。在遗传毒性研究中,戊二醛对鼠伤寒沙门氏菌菌株TA100、TA102和TA104具有诱变作用,无论是否具有S9代谢激活。戊二醛在不含S9的小鼠L5178Y淋巴瘤细胞中具有诱变作用,在含S9和不含S9的中国仓鼠卵巢细胞中诱导姐妹染色单体交换。在一个实验室中,戊二醛在没有S9的情况下诱导中国仓鼠卵巢细胞染色体畸变;在第二个实验室中,无论有无S9,均未观察到染色体畸变的增加。戊二醛对雄性黑腹果蝇生殖细胞的性连锁隐性致死性突变无诱导作用。总之,大鼠和小鼠吸入戊二醛长达13周,导致上呼吸道的一系列坏死、炎症和再生病变。小鼠比大鼠更敏感,因为小鼠鼻腔通道的小气道更容易被细胞碎片、细菌和角蛋白堵塞。对大鼠呼吸道病变,未观察到的不良反应水平(NOAEL)为125 ppb。小鼠没有达到NOAEL,因为在浓度低至62.5 ppb时,在前鼻通道发现了炎症。同义词:1、5-Pentanedial;glutaral;戊二醛;1, 3-diformylpropane。
{"title":"NTP technical report on the toxicity studies of Glutaraldehyde (CAS No. 111-30-8) Adminstered by Inhalation to F344/N Rats and B6C3F1 Mice.","authors":"Frank Kari","doi":"","DOIUrl":"","url":null,"abstract":"<p><p>Glutaraldehyde is a potent sensory irritant with the capability to cross-link, or fix, proteins. It is used industrially as an antimicrobial agent and as a cold sterilant in hospitals, and it has a variety of other industrial uses. The toxicity of glutaraldehyde was evaluated in 2-week and 13-week inhalation exposure studies in F344/N rats and B6C3F1 mice. In addition to histopathology, evaluations included clinical pathology and assessments of sperm morphology and estrous cycle length. In vitro genetic toxicity studies included assessments of mutagenicity in Salmonella typhimurium and in mouse lymphoma L5178Y cells and analysis of chromosomal aberrations and sister chromatid exchanges in Chinese hamster ovary cells. The ability of glutaraldehyde to induce sex-linked recessive lethal mutations was also studied in vivo in Drosophila melanogaster. In 2-week inhalation studies, groups of five rats and five mice of each sex were exposed to glutaraldehyde by whole-body inhalation at concentrations of 0, 0.16, 0.5, 1.6, 5, and 16 ppm for 6 hours per day, 5 days per week. All rats and mice exposed to 5 or 16 ppm glutaraldehyde died before the end of the studies; all mice exposed to 1.6 ppm also died. Rats exposed to 1.6 ppm did not gain weight. Deaths were attributed to severe respiratory distress. Mice appeared to be more sensitive than rats because the small airways of the nasal passage of mice were more easily blocked by cell debris and keratin. Lesions noted in the nasal passage and larynx of rats and mice included necrosis, inflammation, and squamous metaplasia. At higher exposure concentrations, similar lesions were present in the trachea of rats and mice and in the lung and on the tongue of rats. In 13-week studies, groups of 10 rats and 10 mice of each sex were exposed to glutaraldehyde by whole-body inhalation at concentrations of 0, 62.5, 125, 250, 500, and 1000 ppb for 6 hours per day, 5 days per week. There were no exposure-related deaths in rats, but all mice exposed to 1000 ppb and two female mice exposed to 500 ppb died before the end of the study. Body weight gains were reduced in male rats exposed to 1000 ppb and in female rats exposed to 500 or 1000 ppb. Body weight gains of male mice exposed to 125, 250, or 500 ppb and female mice exposed to 250 or 500 ppb were reduced in a concentration-related manner. There was no clear evidence of systemic toxicity in rats or mice by histopathologic or clinical pathology assessments; however, exposure-related lesions in the respiratory tract were observed, and resembled those noted in the 2-week studies. In rats, the most severe lesions occurred in the anterior portions of the nasal passages and involved both the respiratory and olfactory epithelium. Hyperplasia and squamous metaplasia were most commonly noted on the lateral wall of the nasal cavity and on the tips of the nasoturbinates. Lesions were most extensive in rats exposed to 1000 ppb, but were also noted in the 250 and 500 ppb groups","PeriodicalId":23116,"journal":{"name":"Toxicity report series","volume":"25 ","pages":"1-E10"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"1993-03-01","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"21971444","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
NTP technical report on the toxicity studies of 1,6-Hexanediamine Dihydrochloride (CAS No. 6055-52-3) Administered by Drinking Water and Inhalation to F344/N Rats and B6C3F1 Mice. 国家毒理学规划关于1,6-己二胺盐酸(CAS No. 6055-52-3)饮水和吸入给药对F344/N大鼠和B6C3F1小鼠毒性研究的技术报告。
Pub Date : 1993-03-01
Charles Hebert

1,6-Hexanediamine (HDA) is an aliphatic amine that is produced in large volumes in the United States. HDA is widely used as a corrosion inhibitor in lubricants and as an intermediate in the industrial synthesis of paints, resins, inks, and textiles. Toxicity studies of the dihydrochloride salt of HDA (HDDC) were conducted in male and female Fischer 344/N rats and B6C3F1 mice by the drinking water (2-week studies only) and whole-body inhalation routes (2-week and 13-week studies). Animals were evaluated for histopathology, clinical chemistry, hematology, and reproductive toxicity. In addition, the genetic toxicity of HDA was assessed in Salmonella typhimurium and in Chinese hamster ovary cells in vitro; HDDC was evaluated in the mouse micronucleus assay in vivo. In the 2-week drinking water studies, groups of 5 rats of each sex received HDDC at doses of 0.75 to 6.7 mg/mL, and groups of 5 mice of each sex received doses of 0.2 to 3.0 mg/mL for 14 or 15 days. All animals survived to the end of the studies. No gross or microscopic pathologic changes and no clinical abnormalities related to HDDC consumption were seen in any dose group. The only statistically significant change was a slight decrease in absolute and/or relative liver weights of female rats in the 1.7, 5.0, and 6.7-mg/mL treatment groups, in male rats in the 3.0 mg/mL treatment group, and in female mice in the 0.8 mg/mL treatment group. Because there was no significant toxicity in these studies, 13-week drinking water studies were not conducted. In the 2-week inhalation studies, 5 rats and 5 mice of each sex were exposed to 0, 10, 30, 89, 267, or 800 mg HDDC/m(3) for 6-hours per day for 12 days. In the highest exposure group (800 mg/m(3)), all male and female rats, all female mice, and 2 male mice died before the end of the studies. In the remaining groups, there was a dose-dependent depression in body weight gain in male and female mice, but not in rats. Clinical signs were primarily related to upper respiratory tract irritation and included dyspnea and nasal discharge in rats and mice. Absolute and relative liver weights were reduced in some male mice, but this did not occur in a dose- dependent manner. In rats, histopathologic lesions that were considered related to chemical exposure included inflammation and necrosis of laryngeal epithelium as well as focal inflammation and ulceration of the respiratory and olfactory nasal mucosa. In mice, focal areas of inflammation and necrosis were present in the respiratory mucosa of the larynx and trachea in the 2 highest exposure groups. Nasal lesions, including focal inflammation and ulceration, and degeneration and necrosis of the olfactory and respiratory epithelium were also seen in mice. In addition, mild testicular degeneration was present in 2 mice from the highest exposure group (800 mg/m(3)). In the 13-week inhalation studies, 10 rats and 10 mice of each sex were exposed to 0, 1.6, 5, 16, 50, or 160 mg HDDC/m(3) for 6 hours per d

1,6-己二胺(HDA)是一种脂肪胺,在美国大量生产。HDA被广泛用作润滑剂中的缓蚀剂,并作为油漆、树脂、油墨和纺织品工业合成的中间体。采用饮水(仅2周研究)和全身吸入(2周和13周研究)两种方法对雄性和雌性Fischer 344/N大鼠和B6C3F1小鼠进行盐酸HDA (HDDC)的毒性研究。对动物进行组织病理学、临床化学、血液学和生殖毒性评估。并对鼠伤寒沙门菌和中国仓鼠卵巢细胞进行遗传毒性评价;用小鼠体内微核试验评价HDDC。在为期2周的饮用水研究中,每性别5只大鼠每组接受0.75 - 6.7 mg/mL剂量的HDDC,每性别5只小鼠每组接受0.2 - 3.0 mg/mL剂量的HDDC,持续14或15天。所有的动物都活到了研究结束。在任何剂量组均未见HDDC消耗相关的肉眼或显微镜病理改变和临床异常。唯一有统计学意义的变化是1.7、5.0和6.7 mg/mL处理组雌性大鼠、3.0 mg/mL处理组雄性大鼠和0.8 mg/mL处理组雌性大鼠的绝对和/或相对肝脏重量略有下降。因为在这些研究中没有明显的毒性,所以没有进行为期13周的饮用水研究。在为期2周的吸入研究中,各性别5只大鼠和5只小鼠分别暴露于0、10、30、89、267或800 mg HDDC/m(3),每天6小时,持续12天。在最高暴露组(800 mg/m)中,所有雄性和雌性大鼠、所有雌性小鼠和2只雄性小鼠在研究结束前死亡。在其余组中,雄性和雌性小鼠的体重增加都有剂量依赖性的抑制,但在大鼠中没有。临床症状主要与上呼吸道刺激有关,包括大鼠和小鼠呼吸困难和流鼻水。在一些雄性小鼠中,绝对和相对肝脏重量减轻,但这种情况不以剂量依赖的方式发生。在大鼠中,被认为与化学暴露有关的组织病理学病变包括喉部上皮的炎症和坏死,以及呼吸道和嗅觉鼻粘膜的局灶性炎症和溃疡。在小鼠中,在2个最高暴露组中,喉部和气管的呼吸粘膜出现局灶性炎症和坏死。小鼠的鼻腔病变,包括局灶性炎症和溃疡,以及嗅觉和呼吸上皮的变性和坏死。此外,最高暴露组(800 mg/m)的2只小鼠出现轻度睾丸变性(3)。在为期13周的吸入研究中,各性别10只大鼠和10只小鼠分别暴露于0、1.6、5、16、50或160 mg HDDC/m(3),每天6小时,每周5天,持续13周。此外,在每种暴露水平下,包括20只雄性和40只雌性大鼠和小鼠(交配试验动物)的特殊组,以评估HDDC对生殖的影响。基础研究组中的所有大鼠和小鼠都存活到研究结束,并且体重没有与暴露相关的变化。在交配试验中,暴露于16 mg/m(3)的3只雌性小鼠和暴露于50 mg/m(3)的1只雌性和1只雄性小鼠在预定终止前死亡。然而,这些死亡被认为与化学物质无关。在基础研究的雄性小鼠中,在两个最高暴露组中,肝脏重量相对于对照组增加。两种动物均未见绝对或相对器官重量的暴露相关变化,也未见暴露相关的临床症状或大体病变。在雌性大鼠中,观察到白细胞计数的剂量相关减少。在两个最高暴露组中,雄性和雌性大鼠和小鼠的化学相关显微病变仅限于上呼吸道(喉部和鼻道),并且在两个物种中相似。这些病变包括轻微到轻度的局灶性糜烂/溃疡、炎症、喉上皮增生以及嗅觉和呼吸性鼻上皮变性。HDDC对大鼠或小鼠的精子形态和发情周期长度没有显著影响。在交配试验中,HDDC对大鼠的繁殖没有不良影响。50 mg/m(3)和160 mg/m(3)剂量组小鼠的妊娠期长度略有增加,最高剂量组小鼠第21天的平均幼仔体重有所下降,这是小鼠生殖参数有统计学意义的变化。这些变化被认为没有生物学意义。1,6-己二胺对4株鼠伤寒沙门菌无诱变作用,对培养的中国仓鼠卵巢细胞无姐妹染色单体交换或染色体畸变。 这些体外试验在有和没有外源性代谢激活的情况下进行(S9)。在测量雄性和雌性小鼠外周血微核红细胞频率的体内试验中也获得了阴性结果。总之,HDDC对大鼠和小鼠的毒性是由于该化学物质的刺激性,并且与吸入其他刺激性化学物质的作用一致。这种毒性仅限于鼻子和呼吸道。在为期2周的吸入研究中,在最高暴露水平(800 mg/m)下,大鼠和小鼠均发生死亡。在为期13周的研究中,大鼠和小鼠的呼吸损伤的未观察到不良反应水平(NOAEL)为5 mg/m(3)。HDDC对两种物种的繁殖均无不良影响,也无遗传毒性。二盐酸己二胺;1、6-diaminohexane盐酸盐;1、6-hexamethylenediamine盐酸盐;1,6-二盐酸己二胺;1、6-diamino-n-hexane盐酸盐;HMDA;,注重科技进步HDDC。
{"title":"NTP technical report on the toxicity studies of 1,6-Hexanediamine Dihydrochloride (CAS No. 6055-52-3) Administered by Drinking Water and Inhalation to F344/N Rats and B6C3F1 Mice.","authors":"Charles Hebert","doi":"","DOIUrl":"","url":null,"abstract":"<p><p>1,6-Hexanediamine (HDA) is an aliphatic amine that is produced in large volumes in the United States. HDA is widely used as a corrosion inhibitor in lubricants and as an intermediate in the industrial synthesis of paints, resins, inks, and textiles. Toxicity studies of the dihydrochloride salt of HDA (HDDC) were conducted in male and female Fischer 344/N rats and B6C3F1 mice by the drinking water (2-week studies only) and whole-body inhalation routes (2-week and 13-week studies). Animals were evaluated for histopathology, clinical chemistry, hematology, and reproductive toxicity. In addition, the genetic toxicity of HDA was assessed in Salmonella typhimurium and in Chinese hamster ovary cells in vitro; HDDC was evaluated in the mouse micronucleus assay in vivo. In the 2-week drinking water studies, groups of 5 rats of each sex received HDDC at doses of 0.75 to 6.7 mg/mL, and groups of 5 mice of each sex received doses of 0.2 to 3.0 mg/mL for 14 or 15 days. All animals survived to the end of the studies. No gross or microscopic pathologic changes and no clinical abnormalities related to HDDC consumption were seen in any dose group. The only statistically significant change was a slight decrease in absolute and/or relative liver weights of female rats in the 1.7, 5.0, and 6.7-mg/mL treatment groups, in male rats in the 3.0 mg/mL treatment group, and in female mice in the 0.8 mg/mL treatment group. Because there was no significant toxicity in these studies, 13-week drinking water studies were not conducted. In the 2-week inhalation studies, 5 rats and 5 mice of each sex were exposed to 0, 10, 30, 89, 267, or 800 mg HDDC/m(3) for 6-hours per day for 12 days. In the highest exposure group (800 mg/m(3)), all male and female rats, all female mice, and 2 male mice died before the end of the studies. In the remaining groups, there was a dose-dependent depression in body weight gain in male and female mice, but not in rats. Clinical signs were primarily related to upper respiratory tract irritation and included dyspnea and nasal discharge in rats and mice. Absolute and relative liver weights were reduced in some male mice, but this did not occur in a dose- dependent manner. In rats, histopathologic lesions that were considered related to chemical exposure included inflammation and necrosis of laryngeal epithelium as well as focal inflammation and ulceration of the respiratory and olfactory nasal mucosa. In mice, focal areas of inflammation and necrosis were present in the respiratory mucosa of the larynx and trachea in the 2 highest exposure groups. Nasal lesions, including focal inflammation and ulceration, and degeneration and necrosis of the olfactory and respiratory epithelium were also seen in mice. In addition, mild testicular degeneration was present in 2 mice from the highest exposure group (800 mg/m(3)). In the 13-week inhalation studies, 10 rats and 10 mice of each sex were exposed to 0, 1.6, 5, 16, 50, or 160 mg HDDC/m(3) for 6 hours per d","PeriodicalId":23116,"journal":{"name":"Toxicity report series","volume":"24 ","pages":"1-D8"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"1993-03-01","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"21971445","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
NTP technical report on the toxicity studies of Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide (CAS No. 1338-23-4) in Dimethyl Phthalate (CAS No. 131-11-3) (45:55) Administered Topically in F344/N Rats and B6C3F1 Mice. 过氧化甲基乙酮(CAS No. 1338-23-4)在邻苯二甲酸二甲酯(CAS No. 131-11-3)(45:55)中局部给药F344/N大鼠和B6C3F1小鼠的毒性研究的NTP技术报告。
Pub Date : 1993-02-01
Errol Zeiger

Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide (MEKP) is an unstable organic peroxide used in the manufacture of acrylic resins, as a hardening agent for fiberglass-reinforced plastics, and as a curing agent for unsaturated polyester resins. It is commercially available as a 40% to 60% solution in dimethyl phthalate (DMP). Because exposure to MEKP is typically through dermal contact, 2-week and 13-week toxicity studies were conducted by topical application of MEKP in DMP (45:55 w/w) to the clipped dorsal region of male and female Fischer 344/N rats and mice. Animals were evaluated for histopathology and for reproductive endpoints. In vitro genetic toxicity studies of MEKP included assessments of mutagenicity in Salmonella typhimurium and in mouse lymphoma L5178Y cells and analysis of chromosomal aberrations and sister chromatid exchanges in Chinese hamster ovary cells. In addition, the peripheral blood of mice from the 13-week study was evaluated in the micronucleus assay. In the 2-week studies, groups of 5 animals of each species and sex were administered MEKP in DMP for 5 days per week at doses of 50.6, 101.3, 202.5, 405, and 810 mg/kg body weight per day for rats and 112.5, 225, 450, 900, and 1800 mg/kg body weight per day for mice. Control groups received DMP or no treatment. No rats died during the studies, but at least 1 mouse in each group receiving MEKP died. Body weight gains of rats decreased with increasing doses of MEKP; body weight gains of mice were not affected by treatment. The primary effects of topical administration of MEKP in both rats and mice were an extensive coagulative necrosis of the epidermis and dermis, variable degrees of inflammation of the adnexa, and epidermal regeneration and hyperplasia at the application site. Lesions considered secondary to the dermal lesions included increased hematopoiesis in the spleen in rats and mice and increased myeloid hyperplasia of the bone marrow in mice, primarily at the higher doses. Mice showed a marked, dose-related increase in liver weight. In the 13-week dermal studies, groups of 10 rats and 10 mice of each sex were administered MEKP in DMP for 5 days per week at doses of 1.07, 3.57, 10.7, 35.7, and 107 mg/rat and 0.357, 1.19, 3.57, 11.9, and 35.7 mg/mouse. All high-dose mice, 3 high-dose female rats, and 1 female mouse in the 11.9 mg/animal group died or were sacrificed during the first week of the studies. Skin lesions similar to those seen in the 2-week studies were judged of sufficient severity to warrant early termination of surviving rats and mice in the 2 highest dose groups. All rats and mice in the remaining dose groups survived to the end of the studies, and weight gains were generally lower with increasing doses of MEKP. Skin lesions at the application site for the remaining animals (rats and mice) in the 10.7 mg/rat and 3.57 mg/mouse dose groups involved a spectrum of necrosis, inflammation, and acanthosis (epidermal hyperplasia). Lesions in the lower dose groups were limited t

甲基乙基酮过氧化物(MEKP)是一种不稳定的有机过氧化物,用于制造丙烯酸树脂,作为玻璃纤维增强塑料的硬化剂,以及作为不饱和聚酯树脂的固化剂。它在商业上以40%至60%的邻苯二甲酸二甲酯(DMP)溶液出售。由于MEKP的暴露通常是通过皮肤接触,因此将MEKP在DMP中(45:55 w/w)局部应用于雄性和雌性Fischer 344/N大鼠和小鼠的剪短背区,进行了2周和13周的毒性研究。评估动物的组织病理学和生殖终点。MEKP的体外遗传毒性研究包括鼠伤寒沙门菌和小鼠淋巴瘤L5178Y细胞的诱变性评估以及中国仓鼠卵巢细胞的染色体畸变和姐妹染色单体交换分析。此外,在13周的研究中,用微核测定法评估小鼠外周血。在为期2周的研究中,每组5只动物,每个物种和性别,在DMP中按50.6、101.3、202.5、405和810 mg/kg体重每天给药大鼠,112.5、225、450、900和1800 mg/kg体重每天给药小鼠,每周5天。对照组给予DMP或不给予治疗。研究期间没有大鼠死亡,但每组至少有1只小鼠死亡。大鼠体重增加随MEKP剂量的增加而减少;治疗对小鼠的体重增加没有影响。在大鼠和小鼠中,外用MEKP的主要作用是表皮和真皮的广泛凝固性坏死,附件的不同程度的炎症,以及表皮再生和增生。被认为继发于皮肤病变的病变包括大鼠和小鼠脾脏造血功能增加,小鼠骨髓骨髓增生增加,主要是在较高剂量下。小鼠的肝脏重量表现出明显的剂量相关性增加。在为期13周的皮肤研究中,每组10只大鼠和10只小鼠,每组10只,按1.07、3.57、10.7、35.7和107 mg/只大鼠和0.357、1.19、3.57、11.9和35.7 mg/只小鼠的剂量,每周给药5天。11.9 mg/动物组的所有高剂量小鼠、3只高剂量雌性大鼠和1只雌性小鼠在研究的第一周死亡或牺牲。与2周研究中类似的皮肤损伤被判断为足够严重,可以保证在2个最高剂量组中存活的大鼠和小鼠的早期终止。其余剂量组的所有大鼠和小鼠都存活到研究结束,并且随着MEKP剂量的增加,体重增加通常较低。在10.7 mg/大鼠和3.57 mg/小鼠剂量组中,其余动物(大鼠和小鼠)的应用部位皮肤病变包括一系列坏死、炎症和棘层增生(表皮增生)。低剂量组的病变仅限于大鼠棘层增生和角化过度(1.07和3.57 mg/只)和小鼠棘层增生(0.357和1.19 mg/只)。虽然在13周研究中早期死亡的动物以及出现溃疡性或坏死性损伤的大鼠和小鼠中发现了与2周研究中描述的相似的脾和骨髓病变,但在没有出现溃疡性皮肤病变的动物中没有发现其他全身性变化。在遗传毒性研究中,无论是否激活s9, DMP中的MEKP (45:55 w/w)对鼠伤寒沙门氏菌菌株TA100、TA1535、TA1537或TA98都没有诱变作用。在小鼠淋巴瘤试验中,对不含S9的L5178Y细胞诱导三氟胸苷耐药获得了阳性反应。在中国仓鼠卵巢细胞的细胞遗传学试验中,MEKP诱导姐妹染色单体交换和染色体畸变,不论有无S9。在13周的毒性研究结束时,雄性和雌性小鼠的外周血样本中微核红细胞的频率未见增加。综上所述,外用MEKP于DM或MEKP于DMP可导致局限于应用部位的一系列坏死、炎症和再生皮肤病变。在溃疡性皮肤损伤的大鼠和小鼠中,脾脏和骨髓的组织病理学改变也被观察到,被认为是继发性反应。从这些研究中无法确定组织病理学皮肤病变的无观察到的不良反应水平(NOAEL),因为观察到病变时,大鼠的日剂量低至1.07毫克,小鼠为0.357毫克。过氧化甲基乙基酮同义词:过氧化2-丁酮。邻苯二甲酸二甲酯同义词:1,2-苯二甲酸二甲酯;邻苯二甲酸二甲酯;邻苯二甲酸二甲酯;1,2-苯二羧酸二甲基;DMP
{"title":"NTP technical report on the toxicity studies of Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide (CAS No. 1338-23-4) in Dimethyl Phthalate (CAS No. 131-11-3) (45:55) Administered Topically in F344/N Rats and B6C3F1 Mice.","authors":"Errol Zeiger","doi":"","DOIUrl":"","url":null,"abstract":"<p><p>Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide (MEKP) is an unstable organic peroxide used in the manufacture of acrylic resins, as a hardening agent for fiberglass-reinforced plastics, and as a curing agent for unsaturated polyester resins. It is commercially available as a 40% to 60% solution in dimethyl phthalate (DMP). Because exposure to MEKP is typically through dermal contact, 2-week and 13-week toxicity studies were conducted by topical application of MEKP in DMP (45:55 w/w) to the clipped dorsal region of male and female Fischer 344/N rats and mice. Animals were evaluated for histopathology and for reproductive endpoints. In vitro genetic toxicity studies of MEKP included assessments of mutagenicity in Salmonella typhimurium and in mouse lymphoma L5178Y cells and analysis of chromosomal aberrations and sister chromatid exchanges in Chinese hamster ovary cells. In addition, the peripheral blood of mice from the 13-week study was evaluated in the micronucleus assay. In the 2-week studies, groups of 5 animals of each species and sex were administered MEKP in DMP for 5 days per week at doses of 50.6, 101.3, 202.5, 405, and 810 mg/kg body weight per day for rats and 112.5, 225, 450, 900, and 1800 mg/kg body weight per day for mice. Control groups received DMP or no treatment. No rats died during the studies, but at least 1 mouse in each group receiving MEKP died. Body weight gains of rats decreased with increasing doses of MEKP; body weight gains of mice were not affected by treatment. The primary effects of topical administration of MEKP in both rats and mice were an extensive coagulative necrosis of the epidermis and dermis, variable degrees of inflammation of the adnexa, and epidermal regeneration and hyperplasia at the application site. Lesions considered secondary to the dermal lesions included increased hematopoiesis in the spleen in rats and mice and increased myeloid hyperplasia of the bone marrow in mice, primarily at the higher doses. Mice showed a marked, dose-related increase in liver weight. In the 13-week dermal studies, groups of 10 rats and 10 mice of each sex were administered MEKP in DMP for 5 days per week at doses of 1.07, 3.57, 10.7, 35.7, and 107 mg/rat and 0.357, 1.19, 3.57, 11.9, and 35.7 mg/mouse. All high-dose mice, 3 high-dose female rats, and 1 female mouse in the 11.9 mg/animal group died or were sacrificed during the first week of the studies. Skin lesions similar to those seen in the 2-week studies were judged of sufficient severity to warrant early termination of surviving rats and mice in the 2 highest dose groups. All rats and mice in the remaining dose groups survived to the end of the studies, and weight gains were generally lower with increasing doses of MEKP. Skin lesions at the application site for the remaining animals (rats and mice) in the 10.7 mg/rat and 3.57 mg/mouse dose groups involved a spectrum of necrosis, inflammation, and acanthosis (epidermal hyperplasia). Lesions in the lower dose groups were limited t","PeriodicalId":23116,"journal":{"name":"Toxicity report series","volume":"18 ","pages":"1-C10"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"1993-02-01","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"21971519","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
NTP technical report on the toxicity studies of Tetrachlorophthalic Anhydride (CAS No. 117-08-8) Administered by Gavage to F344/N Rats and B6C3F1 Mice. 四氯眼酸酐灌胃给药F344/N大鼠和B6C3F1小鼠毒性研究技术报告(CAS No. 117-08-8)。
Pub Date : 1993-01-01
Joel Mahler

Tetrachlorophthalic anhydride (TCPA) is primarily used as a flame retardant in plastics. Toxicology studies were conducted by administering TCPA by oral gavage to F344/N rats and B6C3F1 mice for 13 weeks. Evaluations included histopathology, clinical pathology, and analyses of reproductive system parameters. The genetic toxicity of TCPA was assessed with in vitro tests of mutagenicity in Salmonella typhimurium and induction of sister chromatid exchanges and chromosomal aberrations in Chinese hamster ovary cells; sister chromatid exchanges and chromosomal aberrations were also determined in mouse bone marrow cells following in vivo exposure. The ability of TCPA to induce sex-linked recessive lethal mutations was also studied in vivo in Drosophila melanogaster. Groups of 10 rats and 10 mice of each sex received TCPA in corn oil vehicle by oral gavage (5 days/week) at doses of 0, 94, 187, 375, 750, and 1500 mg/kg. The deaths of 5 male rats and 1 female rat in the 1500 mg/kg dose group and 1 female rat in the 750 mg/kg dose group were considered due to chemical toxicity. Mean final body weights and body weight gains were depressed in male rats in the 375, 750, and 1500 mg/kg groups and in all groups of female rats receiving TCPA. Relative liver weights were slightly increased in males and females at doses of 187 mg/kg and higher, although a dose relationship was not apparent. Heart weights of surviving male rats in the high-dose group were also increased. Male and female rats exhibited dose-dependent increases in kidney weights and in the incidence and severity of renal tubule necrosis and/or dilation. No clinical pathology changes were clearly associated with chemical exposure. There were no chemical-related effects on survival, body weights, or organ weights in dosed mice. No chemical-related lesions were identified in organs examined microscopically. Decreases in red blood cell parameters consistent with a mild, poorly regenerative anemia were the only evidence of possible compound toxicity in dosed mice. Sperm morphology and vaginal cytology evaluations in rats and mice revealed no adverse changes related to TCPA exposure. In genetic toxicology studies, TCPA, tested with and without exogenous metabolic activation (S9), was not mutagenic in Salmonella typhimurium and did not induce sister chromatid exchanges or chromosomal aberrations in Chinese hamster ovary cells. In the Drosophila melanogaster sex-linked recessive lethal test, TCPA gave equivocal results when administered by feeding and negative results when administered by injection. No induction of chromosomal aberrations was observed in bone marrow cells of mice 17 hours after intraperitoneal injection of TCPA, although an increase in sister chromatid exchanges was detected in these cells 23 hours after injection. In summary, clear evidence of organ toxicity following administration of TCPA in corn oil by gavage for 13 weeks was limited to the kidney of rats. The no-observed-adverse-ef

四氯眼酸酐(TCPA)主要用作塑料的阻燃剂。采用TCPA灌胃F344/N大鼠和B6C3F1小鼠13周进行毒理学研究。评估包括组织病理学、临床病理学和生殖系统参数分析。通过鼠伤寒沙门菌体外诱变试验和对中国仓鼠卵巢细胞姊妹染色单体交换和染色体畸变的诱导,评价TCPA的遗传毒性;姐妹染色单体交换和染色体畸变也在小鼠骨髓细胞体内暴露后测定。TCPA在果蝇体内诱导性连锁隐性致死突变的能力也进行了研究。各组大鼠和小鼠各10只,按0、94、187、375、750、1500 mg/kg的剂量,在玉米油培养液中灌胃TCPA (5 d /周)。1500 mg/kg剂量组有5只雄性大鼠和1只雌性大鼠,750 mg/kg剂量组有1只雌性大鼠因化学毒性死亡。375、750和1500 mg/kg组的雄性大鼠和所有接受TCPA的雌性大鼠的平均最终体重和体重增加均受到抑制。当剂量为187 mg/kg或更高时,男性和女性的相对肝脏重量略有增加,但剂量关系不明显。高剂量组存活雄性大鼠心脏重量也增加。雄性和雌性大鼠的肾脏重量以及肾小管坏死和/或扩张的发生率和严重程度均呈剂量依赖性增加。没有临床病理变化与化学物质暴露明显相关。给药小鼠的生存、体重或器官重量没有化学相关的影响。在显微镜下检查的器官中未发现化学相关病变。红细胞参数的减少与轻度再生障碍性贫血一致,这是给药小鼠可能存在复合毒性的唯一证据。大鼠和小鼠的精子形态和阴道细胞学评估未发现与TCPA暴露有关的不良变化。在遗传毒理学研究中,TCPA在有或没有外源性代谢激活(S9)的情况下,对鼠伤寒沙门菌没有诱变作用,也不会引起中国仓鼠卵巢细胞的姐妹染色单体交换或染色体畸变。在黑腹果蝇性别连锁隐性致死试验中,TCPA饲喂时结果模棱两可,注射时结果阴性。腹腔注射TCPA后17小时,小鼠骨髓细胞未观察到染色体畸变的诱导,但注射后23小时,这些细胞中检测到姐妹染色单体交换增加。总之,在玉米油中灌胃TCPA 13周后,器官毒性的明确证据仅限于大鼠的肾脏。当剂量低至每天94 mg/kg时,该组织的组织病理学病变未观察到不良反应水平。在连续13周每天给予高达1500mg /kg剂量的小鼠中,未见明显的不良反应。同义词:4、5、6、7-Tetrachloro-1 3-isobenzofurandione;1、3-dioxy - 4、5、6,7-tetrachloroisobenzofuran;3,4,5,6-四氯-1,2-苯二羧酸酐;niagathal;tetrathal。
{"title":"NTP technical report on the toxicity studies of Tetrachlorophthalic Anhydride (CAS No. 117-08-8) Administered by Gavage to F344/N Rats and B6C3F1 Mice.","authors":"Joel Mahler","doi":"","DOIUrl":"","url":null,"abstract":"<p><p>Tetrachlorophthalic anhydride (TCPA) is primarily used as a flame retardant in plastics. Toxicology studies were conducted by administering TCPA by oral gavage to F344/N rats and B6C3F1 mice for 13 weeks. Evaluations included histopathology, clinical pathology, and analyses of reproductive system parameters. The genetic toxicity of TCPA was assessed with in vitro tests of mutagenicity in Salmonella typhimurium and induction of sister chromatid exchanges and chromosomal aberrations in Chinese hamster ovary cells; sister chromatid exchanges and chromosomal aberrations were also determined in mouse bone marrow cells following in vivo exposure. The ability of TCPA to induce sex-linked recessive lethal mutations was also studied in vivo in Drosophila melanogaster. Groups of 10 rats and 10 mice of each sex received TCPA in corn oil vehicle by oral gavage (5 days/week) at doses of 0, 94, 187, 375, 750, and 1500 mg/kg. The deaths of 5 male rats and 1 female rat in the 1500 mg/kg dose group and 1 female rat in the 750 mg/kg dose group were considered due to chemical toxicity. Mean final body weights and body weight gains were depressed in male rats in the 375, 750, and 1500 mg/kg groups and in all groups of female rats receiving TCPA. Relative liver weights were slightly increased in males and females at doses of 187 mg/kg and higher, although a dose relationship was not apparent. Heart weights of surviving male rats in the high-dose group were also increased. Male and female rats exhibited dose-dependent increases in kidney weights and in the incidence and severity of renal tubule necrosis and/or dilation. No clinical pathology changes were clearly associated with chemical exposure. There were no chemical-related effects on survival, body weights, or organ weights in dosed mice. No chemical-related lesions were identified in organs examined microscopically. Decreases in red blood cell parameters consistent with a mild, poorly regenerative anemia were the only evidence of possible compound toxicity in dosed mice. Sperm morphology and vaginal cytology evaluations in rats and mice revealed no adverse changes related to TCPA exposure. In genetic toxicology studies, TCPA, tested with and without exogenous metabolic activation (S9), was not mutagenic in Salmonella typhimurium and did not induce sister chromatid exchanges or chromosomal aberrations in Chinese hamster ovary cells. In the Drosophila melanogaster sex-linked recessive lethal test, TCPA gave equivocal results when administered by feeding and negative results when administered by injection. No induction of chromosomal aberrations was observed in bone marrow cells of mice 17 hours after intraperitoneal injection of TCPA, although an increase in sister chromatid exchanges was detected in these cells 23 hours after injection. In summary, clear evidence of organ toxicity following administration of TCPA in corn oil by gavage for 13 weeks was limited to the kidney of rats. The no-observed-adverse-ef","PeriodicalId":23116,"journal":{"name":"Toxicity report series","volume":"28 ","pages":"1-D10"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"1993-01-01","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"21971441","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
NTP Technical report on the toxicity studies of ortho-, meta-, and para- Nitrotoluenes (CAS Nos. 88-72-2, 99-08-1, 99-99-0) Administered in Dosed Feed to F344/N Rats And B6C3F1 Mice. 国家毒理学规划(NTP):对邻硝基甲苯、间硝基甲苯和对硝基甲苯的毒性研究技术报告(CAS编号:88-72-2,99-08-1,99-99-0)给药于F344/N大鼠和B6C3F1小鼠。
Pub Date : 1992-11-01
J Dunnick

Nitrotoluenes are high production volume chemicals used in the synthesis of agricultural and rubber chemicals and in various dyes. Because of differences in the metabolism of the 3 isomers and their capability to bind to DNA, comparative toxicity studies of o-, m-, or p-nitrotoluene were conducted in F344 rats and B6C3F1 mice. Animals were evaluated for histopathology, clinical pathology, and toxicity to the reproductive system. The nitrotoluenes were also studied in several in vitro and in vivo assays for genetic toxicity. In 14-day studies, o-nitrotoluene, m-nitrotoluene, or p-nitrotoluene was administered in the feed to male and female rats and mice at concentrations ranging from 388 to 20000 ppm (5 animals/chemical/species/sex/dose). There were no effects on survival or clinical signs of toxicity in these studies, although animals at the higher doses showed decreases in body weight gains relative to controls. In the 13-week studies, o-, m-, or p-nitrotoluene was given to male and female rats and mice (10 animals/chemical/species/ sex/dose) in the feed at concentrations between 625 and 10000 ppm. The estimated daily doses based on measures of feed consumption were 40 to 900 mg nitrotoluene/kg body weight/day for rats and 100 to 2000 mg/kg/day for mice and were similar for each of the 3 isomers when compared for each dietary level/sex/species. There were no effects on survival in any of the studies, and clinical signs of toxicity were limited to decreases in feed consumption. Decreased body weight gains occurred in dosed rats and mice in all studies at the higher dose levels and were most pronounced in rats receiving o-nitrotoluene. In rats, histopathologic analyses after 13 weeks of dosing showed toxicity to kidney, spleen, and testis in animals receiving any of the 3 isomers, and toxicity to the liver and mesothelium in male rats given o-nitrotoluene. Kidney toxicity observed in male rats was characterized by the presence of hyaline droplets in tubular epithelial cells, attributed to an increase in the level of alpha-2μ-globulin. Pigment, possibly lipofuscin, and karyomegaly in the p-nitrotoluene study were present in the renal tubular epithelium of dosed male and female rats. In the spleen of treated male and female rats, there was a mild increase in hematopoiesis, hemosiderin deposition, and/or congestion; this effect was most severe with the para-isomer, followed by the ortho- and then the meta-isomer. Administration of o-, m-, or p-nitrotoluene impaired testicular function of the rat, shown by degeneration of the testis and reduction in sperm concentration, motility, and spermatid number. All 3 isomers increased the length of the estrous cycle in rats. Hepatic toxicity was characterized by cytoplasmic vacuolization and oval cell hyperplasia and by an increase in the level of serum bile acids, SDH, and ALT activities in male rats given o-nitrotoluene. There was no histopathologic evidence for liver toxicity in male or female rats wit

硝基甲苯是一种大批量生产的化学品,用于合成农业和橡胶化学品以及各种染料。由于3种异构体的代谢和它们与DNA结合能力的差异,我们在F344大鼠和B6C3F1小鼠中进行了o-、m-或对硝基甲苯的毒性比较研究。对动物进行组织病理学、临床病理学和对生殖系统的毒性评估。对硝基甲苯进行了体外和体内遗传毒性研究。在为期14天的研究中,将邻硝基甲苯、间硝基甲苯或对硝基甲苯以388至20000ppm(5只动物/化学物质/物种/性别/剂量)的浓度添加到雄性和雌性大鼠和小鼠的饲料中。在这些研究中,没有对生存或临床毒性症状产生影响,尽管与对照组相比,较高剂量的动物体重增加有所减少。在为期13周的研究中,以625至10000 ppm的浓度给雄性和雌性大鼠和小鼠(10只动物/化学物质/物种/性别/剂量)喂食o-、m-或对硝基甲苯。根据饲料消耗测量估计的日剂量,大鼠为40至900毫克/公斤体重/天,小鼠为100至2000毫克/公斤/天,在不同的饮食水平/性别/物种中,三种异构体的剂量是相似的。在任何研究中都没有对生存产生影响,并且毒性的临床症状仅限于饲料消耗量的减少。在所有研究中,高剂量的大鼠和小鼠体重增加减少,在接受邻硝基甲苯的大鼠中最明显。在大鼠中,13周后的组织病理学分析显示,接受这3种异构体中的任何一种的动物对肾脏、脾脏和睾丸都有毒性,给予邻硝基甲苯的雄性大鼠对肝脏和间皮也有毒性。在雄性大鼠中观察到的肾毒性的特征是在小管上皮细胞中存在透明液滴,归因于α -2μ-球蛋白水平的增加。在对硝基甲苯的研究中,雄性和雌性大鼠的肾小管上皮中存在色素(可能是脂褐素)和核肿大。在雄性和雌性大鼠的脾脏中,造血、含铁血黄素沉积和/或充血轻度增加;对异构体的影响最为严重,其次是邻位异构体,然后是间位异构体。给药o-、m-或对硝基甲苯会损害大鼠睾丸功能,表现为睾丸退化、精子浓度、活力和精子数量减少。3种异构体均能延长大鼠的发情周期。给予邻硝基甲苯的雄性大鼠肝毒性表现为细胞质空泡化和卵形细胞增生,血清胆汁酸水平、SDH和ALT活性升高。没有组织病理学证据表明,含有m-或p-异构体的雄性或雌性大鼠,或含有o-异构体的雌性大鼠有肝毒性;但在这些组中观察到肝损伤的证据,表明肝脏相对重量增加,血清中胆汁酸和肝酶升高。5000ppm邻硝基甲苯作用下,3/10雄性大鼠阴道膜出现间皮瘤,10000 ppm邻硝基甲苯作用下,2/10雄性大鼠阴道膜间皮细胞增生。在13周的研究中,小鼠的毒性的唯一组织病理学证据发生在接受邻硝基甲苯治疗的小鼠的嗅上皮中,化学物质引起变性和化生。小鼠未见肝脏损伤,但3种异构体引起肝脏相对重量增加。任何一种硝基甲苯异构体对雄性或雌性小鼠的生殖系统均无毒性作用。3种硝基甲苯异构体对鼠伤寒沙门菌TA100、TA1535、TA1537和TA98均无诱变作用。在培养的中国仓鼠卵巢(CHO)细胞中,只有对硝基甲苯引起染色体畸变,这需要代谢激活。暴露于每种异构体后,CHO细胞中的姐妹染色单体交换增加;对代谢激活的要求各不相同。小鼠淋巴瘤L5178Y试验只研究对硝基甲苯;它引起了代谢激活的突变。单次口服邻硝基甲苯后,大鼠和小鼠分离的肝细胞体外培养的非计划性DNA合成(UDS)增加。在一项类似的研究中,雄性大鼠给予间硝基甲苯或对硝基甲苯时,UDS没有增加。邻硝基甲苯还能诱导大鼠肝细胞的s期DNA合成,但对小鼠肝细胞无诱导作用。综上所述,3种硝基甲苯异构体对大鼠肾、脾和/或生殖系统均有毒性;邻硝基甲苯还会对雄性大鼠的肝脏造成损伤。 除邻硝基甲苯引起的嗅上皮变性外,小鼠未见治疗相关病变。肝脏相对重量的增加和肝脏中UDS的增加表明,尽管没有观察到组织病理病变,但所有3种异构体都影响了雌性大鼠和雄性和雌性小鼠的肝脏。总的来说,在大鼠和小鼠中,o型异构体的毒性程度最严重。在为期13周的研究中,邻硝基甲苯对雄性大鼠具有致癌性,基于给药组中间皮瘤和间皮细胞增生的发生。同义词:o-NT、2NT、2-硝基甲苯、2-甲基硝基苯、2-硝基甲苯;m-NT、3NT、3-硝基甲苯、3-甲基硝基苯、3-硝基甲苯;p-NT, 4NT, 4-硝基甲苯,4-甲基硝基苯,4-硝基甲苯。
{"title":"NTP Technical report on the toxicity studies of ortho-, meta-, and para- Nitrotoluenes (CAS Nos. 88-72-2, 99-08-1, 99-99-0) Administered in Dosed Feed to F344/N Rats And B6C3F1 Mice.","authors":"J Dunnick","doi":"","DOIUrl":"","url":null,"abstract":"<p><p>Nitrotoluenes are high production volume chemicals used in the synthesis of agricultural and rubber chemicals and in various dyes. Because of differences in the metabolism of the 3 isomers and their capability to bind to DNA, comparative toxicity studies of o-, m-, or p-nitrotoluene were conducted in F344 rats and B6C3F1 mice. Animals were evaluated for histopathology, clinical pathology, and toxicity to the reproductive system. The nitrotoluenes were also studied in several in vitro and in vivo assays for genetic toxicity. In 14-day studies, o-nitrotoluene, m-nitrotoluene, or p-nitrotoluene was administered in the feed to male and female rats and mice at concentrations ranging from 388 to 20000 ppm (5 animals/chemical/species/sex/dose). There were no effects on survival or clinical signs of toxicity in these studies, although animals at the higher doses showed decreases in body weight gains relative to controls. In the 13-week studies, o-, m-, or p-nitrotoluene was given to male and female rats and mice (10 animals/chemical/species/ sex/dose) in the feed at concentrations between 625 and 10000 ppm. The estimated daily doses based on measures of feed consumption were 40 to 900 mg nitrotoluene/kg body weight/day for rats and 100 to 2000 mg/kg/day for mice and were similar for each of the 3 isomers when compared for each dietary level/sex/species. There were no effects on survival in any of the studies, and clinical signs of toxicity were limited to decreases in feed consumption. Decreased body weight gains occurred in dosed rats and mice in all studies at the higher dose levels and were most pronounced in rats receiving o-nitrotoluene. In rats, histopathologic analyses after 13 weeks of dosing showed toxicity to kidney, spleen, and testis in animals receiving any of the 3 isomers, and toxicity to the liver and mesothelium in male rats given o-nitrotoluene. Kidney toxicity observed in male rats was characterized by the presence of hyaline droplets in tubular epithelial cells, attributed to an increase in the level of alpha-2μ-globulin. Pigment, possibly lipofuscin, and karyomegaly in the p-nitrotoluene study were present in the renal tubular epithelium of dosed male and female rats. In the spleen of treated male and female rats, there was a mild increase in hematopoiesis, hemosiderin deposition, and/or congestion; this effect was most severe with the para-isomer, followed by the ortho- and then the meta-isomer. Administration of o-, m-, or p-nitrotoluene impaired testicular function of the rat, shown by degeneration of the testis and reduction in sperm concentration, motility, and spermatid number. All 3 isomers increased the length of the estrous cycle in rats. Hepatic toxicity was characterized by cytoplasmic vacuolization and oval cell hyperplasia and by an increase in the level of serum bile acids, SDH, and ALT activities in male rats given o-nitrotoluene. There was no histopathologic evidence for liver toxicity in male or female rats wit","PeriodicalId":23116,"journal":{"name":"Toxicity report series","volume":"23 ","pages":"1-E4"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"1992-11-01","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"21971446","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
NTP technical report on the toxicity studies of N,N-Dimethylformamide (CAS No. 68-12-2) Administered by Inhalation to F344/N Rats and B6C3F1 Mice. 国家毒理学规划关于吸入给药N,N-二甲基甲酰胺(CAS No. 68-12-2)对F344/N大鼠和B6C3F1小鼠毒性研究的技术报告。
Pub Date : 1992-11-01
Dennis Lynch

N,N-Dimethylformamide (DMF), a colorless liquid with a high boiling point, is a solvent used in a large number of industrial processes. Male and female F344/N rats (30/sex/group) and B6C3F1 mice (10/sex/group) were exposed to DMF vapors at concentrations of 0, 50, 100, 200, 400, or 800 ppm, 6 hours/day, 5 days/week, for 13 weeks in whole body exposure inhalation studies. In addition to histopathology, sperm morphology, and vaginal cytology, which were evaluated in both species, the studies examined clinical pathology, cardiovascular, and renal function in rats only. In genetic toxicity studies, DMF was not mutagenic in Salmonella typhimurium strains TA100, TA1535, TA1537, or TA98, with or without S9 activation, nor did it induce germ cell mutations in male Drosophila melanogaster treated by feeding or injection. No induction of sister chromatid exchanges or chromosomal aberrations was noted in cultured Chinese hamster ovary cells treated in vitro with DMF, with or without an S9 metabolic activation system. In one laboratory, a marginal increase in mutant colonies was observed after treatment of mouse lymphoma L5178Y/TK+/- cells with DMF in the absence of S9; results from studies in 2 other laboratories were negative. In the 13-week studies, all rats survived exposures to DMF. Body weight gains were reduced by 50-65% in rats exposed at 800 ppm and to a lesser extent in the 400 ppm group. Evidence of hepatocellular injury was noted as early as day 4, based on increases in activities of liver-specific enzymes in serum in rats of both sexes exposed at 200-800 ppm. Serum cholesterol levels were increased at all exposure concentrations. Relative liver weights were increased in male rats exposed at 100 ppm and higher concentrations, and in female rats at all concentrations. Minimal to moderate centrilobular hepatocellular necrosis was seen in rats of both sexes exposed at 400 and 800 ppm; the lesion was more severe in females. There were no clear, adverse effects seen in urinalyses, in electrocardiographic studies, or in male reproductive system evaluations that could be related to DMF exposure. Hematologic studies showed mild hemoconcentration in males and females. Prolonged diestrus was observed in females exposed at 800 ppm. Among mice exposed to DMF for 13 weeks, there was no chemically related mortality. Body weight gains were approximately 30% less than controls in females exposed at 800 ppm. Relative liver weights were increased in males and females at all exposure concentrations. Centrilobular hepatocellular hypertrophy (minimal to mild) was found in all groups of male mice exposed to DMF, and in female mice exposed at 100 ppm and higher concentrations. The length of the estrous cycle in mice increased with increasing DMF exposure. In summary, DMF-related effects were seen in the liver of both rats and mice, with rats being more severely affected. For rats of both sexes, the no-observed-adverse-effect level (NOAEL) was 200 ppm, based on th

N,N-二甲基甲酰胺(DMF)是一种高沸点的无色液体,是大量工业生产过程中使用的溶剂。在全身暴露吸入研究中,雄性和雌性F344/N大鼠(30只/性别/组)和B6C3F1小鼠(10只/性别/组)暴露于浓度为0、50、100、200、400或800 ppm的DMF蒸气中,每天6小时,每周5天,持续13周。除了组织病理学、精子形态和阴道细胞学,这两个物种都进行了评估,研究还检查了大鼠的临床病理学、心血管和肾功能。在遗传毒性研究中,DMF对鼠伤寒沙门氏菌菌株TA100、TA1535、TA1537和TA98,无论是否激活S9,都没有致突变性,也没有诱导喂食或注射雄性黑腹果蝇的生殖细胞突变。DMF对体外培养的中国仓鼠卵巢细胞,不论有无S9代谢激活系统,均未引起姐妹染色单体交换或染色体畸变。在一个实验室中,在没有S9的情况下,用DMF治疗小鼠淋巴瘤L5178Y/TK+/-细胞后,观察到突变菌落的边际增加;另外两个实验室的研究结果为阴性。在为期13周的研究中,所有大鼠暴露于DMF后都存活了下来。暴露在800 ppm浓度下的大鼠体重增加减少了50-65%,而暴露在400 ppm浓度下的大鼠体重增加减少的程度较小。早在第4天就注意到肝细胞损伤的证据,这是基于暴露在200-800 ppm的两性大鼠血清中肝脏特异性酶活性的增加。血清胆固醇水平在所有暴露浓度下均升高。暴露于100ppm及以上浓度的雄性大鼠和所有浓度的雌性大鼠的相对肝脏重量均增加。暴露于400ppm和800ppm的两性大鼠均可见轻度至中度小叶中心肝细胞坏死;病变在女性中更为严重。在尿液分析、心电图研究或男性生殖系统评估中均未发现与DMF暴露有关的明显不良反应。血液学研究显示男性和女性均有轻度血浓缩。在暴露于800 ppm的雌性中观察到长时间的死亡。在接触DMF 13周的小鼠中,没有化学相关的死亡率。暴露在ppm浓度为800的女性体重增加比对照组少约30%。在所有暴露浓度下,男性和女性的相对肝脏重量均有所增加。在暴露于DMF的所有雄性小鼠组和暴露于100ppm及更高浓度的雌性小鼠中均发现小叶中心肝细胞肥大(轻微至轻度)。小鼠的发情周期长度随着DMF暴露量的增加而增加。总之,在大鼠和小鼠的肝脏中都观察到dmf相关的影响,大鼠受到的影响更严重。对于雌雄大鼠,未观察到的不良反应水平(NOAEL)为200ppm,基于没有肝脏组织病理学,尽管肝功能测定和肝脏重量显示在所有暴露水平(低至50ppm)下都发生了变化。对于小鼠,在所有暴露浓度下均发生肝细胞肥大或肝脏重量增加。同义词:DMF, DMFA
{"title":"NTP technical report on the toxicity studies of N,N-Dimethylformamide (CAS No. 68-12-2) Administered by Inhalation to F344/N Rats and B6C3F1 Mice.","authors":"Dennis Lynch","doi":"","DOIUrl":"","url":null,"abstract":"<p><p>N,N-Dimethylformamide (DMF), a colorless liquid with a high boiling point, is a solvent used in a large number of industrial processes. Male and female F344/N rats (30/sex/group) and B6C3F1 mice (10/sex/group) were exposed to DMF vapors at concentrations of 0, 50, 100, 200, 400, or 800 ppm, 6 hours/day, 5 days/week, for 13 weeks in whole body exposure inhalation studies. In addition to histopathology, sperm morphology, and vaginal cytology, which were evaluated in both species, the studies examined clinical pathology, cardiovascular, and renal function in rats only. In genetic toxicity studies, DMF was not mutagenic in Salmonella typhimurium strains TA100, TA1535, TA1537, or TA98, with or without S9 activation, nor did it induce germ cell mutations in male Drosophila melanogaster treated by feeding or injection. No induction of sister chromatid exchanges or chromosomal aberrations was noted in cultured Chinese hamster ovary cells treated in vitro with DMF, with or without an S9 metabolic activation system. In one laboratory, a marginal increase in mutant colonies was observed after treatment of mouse lymphoma L5178Y/TK+/- cells with DMF in the absence of S9; results from studies in 2 other laboratories were negative. In the 13-week studies, all rats survived exposures to DMF. Body weight gains were reduced by 50-65% in rats exposed at 800 ppm and to a lesser extent in the 400 ppm group. Evidence of hepatocellular injury was noted as early as day 4, based on increases in activities of liver-specific enzymes in serum in rats of both sexes exposed at 200-800 ppm. Serum cholesterol levels were increased at all exposure concentrations. Relative liver weights were increased in male rats exposed at 100 ppm and higher concentrations, and in female rats at all concentrations. Minimal to moderate centrilobular hepatocellular necrosis was seen in rats of both sexes exposed at 400 and 800 ppm; the lesion was more severe in females. There were no clear, adverse effects seen in urinalyses, in electrocardiographic studies, or in male reproductive system evaluations that could be related to DMF exposure. Hematologic studies showed mild hemoconcentration in males and females. Prolonged diestrus was observed in females exposed at 800 ppm. Among mice exposed to DMF for 13 weeks, there was no chemically related mortality. Body weight gains were approximately 30% less than controls in females exposed at 800 ppm. Relative liver weights were increased in males and females at all exposure concentrations. Centrilobular hepatocellular hypertrophy (minimal to mild) was found in all groups of male mice exposed to DMF, and in female mice exposed at 100 ppm and higher concentrations. The length of the estrous cycle in mice increased with increasing DMF exposure. In summary, DMF-related effects were seen in the liver of both rats and mice, with rats being more severely affected. For rats of both sexes, the no-observed-adverse-effect level (NOAEL) was 200 ppm, based on th","PeriodicalId":23116,"journal":{"name":"Toxicity report series","volume":"22 ","pages":"1-D20"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"1992-11-01","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"21971447","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
NTP technical report on the toxicity studies of 2-Hydroxy-4-methoxybenzophenone (CAS No. 131-57-7) Adminstered Topically and in Dosed Feed to F344/N Rats and B6C3F1 Mice. 2-羟基-4-甲氧基二苯甲酮(CAS No. 131-57-7)对F344/N大鼠和B6C3F1小鼠外用和给药的毒性研究技术报告。
Pub Date : 1992-10-01
J.E. French

2-Hydroxy-4-methoxybenzophenone (HMB) occurs naturally in flower pigments and is synthesized for use in sunscreens, as a UV stabilizer in various cosmetic products, and in plastic surface coatings and polymers. Toxicity studies of HMB were performed in F344/N rats and B6C3F1 mice, by administering HMB in feed and by topical application, in studies of 2 weeks' (5 animals/sex, dose and species) and 13 weeks' (10 animals/sex, dose and species) duration. Assessments included hematology, clinical chemistry, urinalysis, reproductive toxicity, and histopathologic evaluations. In both 2- and 13-week dosed feed studies, rats received diets containing 0, 3125, 6250, 12500, 25000, or 50000 ppm HMB. One high-dose female rat died during the 2-week study. Body weight gains of high-dose male and female rats were reduced in the 13-week study. Liver and kidney weights were increased in dosed rats in both studies. In the 2-week studies, enlarged livers were associated with a marked hepatocyte cytoplasmic vacuolization in rats receiving diets containing concentrations of 6250 ppm HMB or higher; renal lesions, consisting of dilated tubules and regeneration of tubular epithelial cells, were found primarily in high-dose rats. In the 13-week studies, kidney lesions progressed to include papillary degeneration, or necrosis, and inflammation, while the liver lesion appeared to regress; liver enzymes in serum remained elevated. Rats receiving a diet with 50000 ppm HMB showed markedly lower epididymal sperm density and an increase in the length of the estrous cycle at the end of the 13-week studies. In 2-week dermal studies, rats received topical applications of 1.25 to 20 mg of HMB in an acetone or lotion vehicle. The only effects noted were small and variable increases in liver and kidney weights, reaching statistical significance primarily in the higher dose groups. In 13-week studies, rats received topical doses from 12.5 to 200 mg/kg HMB in acetone. Kidney weights were elevated in dosed groups of female rats. No other findings were attributed to HMB treatment. In 2- and 13-week dosed feed studies, mice received feed containing 0, 3125, 6250, 12500, 25000, or 50000 ppm HMB. A dose- related increase in liver weight associated with hepatocyte cytoplasmic vacuolization was the only finding in mice in the 2- week studies. Decreased body weight gains were dose-related in mice in the 13-week studies; mild increases in liver weights were seen in dosed mice of both sexes. Kidney weights were increased variably in dosed females. Microscopic lesions were noted only in the kidneys of males receiving 50000 ppm HMB; these included eosinophilic protein casts in dilated renal tubules and a mild inflammation associated with the dilated tubules. Mice in the highest dose group exhibited a decrease in epididymal sperm density and an increase in length of the estrous cycle. In 2-week dermal studies, mice received topical applications from 0.5 to 8 mg HMB in an acetone or lotion vehi

2-羟基-4-甲氧基二苯甲酮(HMB)天然存在于花色素中,被合成用于防晒霜、各种化妆品中的紫外线稳定剂、塑料表面涂层和聚合物中。在F344/N大鼠和B6C3F1小鼠中进行了HMB的毒性研究,分别在饲料中给药和外用HMB,研究时间为2周(5只动物/性别、剂量和物种)和13周(10只动物/性别、剂量和物种)。评估包括血液学、临床化学、尿液分析、生殖毒性和组织病理学评估。在2周和13周的剂量饲料研究中,大鼠喂食含有0、3125、6250、12500、25000或50000 ppm HMB的饲料。1只高剂量雌性大鼠在2周的研究中死亡。在为期13周的研究中,高剂量雄性和雌性大鼠的体重增加都有所减少。在两项研究中,给药大鼠的肝脏和肾脏重量均有所增加。在为期2周的研究中,大鼠的肝脏增大与肝细胞细胞质空泡化显著相关,这些大鼠的饮食中含有6250 ppm或更高的HMB浓度;肾损害主要发生在高剂量大鼠,包括肾小管扩张和肾小管上皮细胞再生。在为期13周的研究中,肾脏病变进展为乳头状变性、坏死和炎症,而肝脏病变似乎有所消退;血清中肝酶保持升高。在13周的研究结束时,喂食50000 ppm HMB的大鼠显示附睾精子密度明显降低,发情周期长度增加。在为期2周的皮肤研究中,大鼠在丙酮或洗剂载体中局部应用1.25至20 mg HMB。唯一注意到的影响是肝脏和肾脏重量的小而可变的增加,主要在高剂量组达到统计学意义。在为期13周的研究中,大鼠接受12.5至200 mg/kg HMB丙酮外用剂量。给药组雌性大鼠肾脏重量升高。没有其他发现归因于HMB治疗。在2周和13周的剂量饲料研究中,小鼠接受含有0、3125、6250、12500、25000或50000 ppm HMB的饲料。在为期2周的研究中,小鼠肝脏重量的剂量相关性增加与肝细胞细胞质空泡化有关。在为期13周的研究中,小鼠体重增加的减少与剂量有关;在给药的雌雄小鼠中,肝脏重量都有轻微的增加。在给药的女性中,肾脏重量有不同程度的增加。显微镜下的病变只出现在接受50000 ppm HMB的男性肾脏中;这些包括扩张的肾小管中的嗜酸性蛋白铸型和与扩张的小管相关的轻度炎症。高剂量组小鼠附睾精子密度降低,发情周期延长。在为期2周的皮肤研究中,小鼠在丙酮或洗剂载体中局部应用0.5至8 mg HMB。唯一注意到的影响是肝脏和肾脏重量的微小、可变的增加,主要是在高剂量组。在为期13周的研究中,小鼠接受22.75至364 mg/kg的丙酮局部剂量。给药雄性小鼠的肾脏重量有不同程度的增加。在所有3种剂量水平(22.75、91和200 mg/kg)下,附睾精子密度均降低。鼠伤寒沙门菌致突变性研究、中国仓鼠卵巢细胞(CHO)细胞遗传学研究以及13周小鼠外周血涂片微核红细胞评价均对HMB的遗传毒性进行了评价。HMB在代谢激活的沙门氏菌中具有弱诱变作用,在代谢激活系统存在的情况下诱导CHO细胞的姐妹染色单体交换和染色体畸变。接受HMB治疗的小鼠血液中微核红细胞的频率没有增加。总之,HMB对大鼠和小鼠外用和口服后产生的效果大致相似。一致的发现包括附睾精子密度降低,发情周期延长,肝脏和肾脏重量增加。小鼠在剂量饲料研究中表现出肾脏的微观变化,包括嗜酸性蛋白铸型的小管扩张。大鼠肾脏出现扩张、肾小管再生、乳头变性和炎症;肝损伤包括明显可逆的肝细胞细胞质空泡化发生在大鼠和小鼠。在大鼠和小鼠的饮食中,显微镜下病变的未观察到的不良反应水平(NOAEL)为6250 ppm HMB。在13周的小鼠皮肤研究中,没有达到降低附睾精子密度的NOAEL (<23 mg/kg/天)。同义词:氧苯酮;4-Methoxy-2-hydroxy-benzophenone;Cyasorb紫外线;Uvinul m40;(2-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl) phenyl-methanone;nsc - 7778;Spectra-sorb紫外线;Syntase 62;佛罗里达大学3;美国空军CY-9;NCI-C60957。
{"title":"NTP technical report on the toxicity studies of 2-Hydroxy-4-methoxybenzophenone (CAS No. 131-57-7) Adminstered Topically and in Dosed Feed to F344/N Rats and B6C3F1 Mice.","authors":"J.E. French","doi":"","DOIUrl":"","url":null,"abstract":"<p><p>2-Hydroxy-4-methoxybenzophenone (HMB) occurs naturally in flower pigments and is synthesized for use in sunscreens, as a UV stabilizer in various cosmetic products, and in plastic surface coatings and polymers. Toxicity studies of HMB were performed in F344/N rats and B6C3F1 mice, by administering HMB in feed and by topical application, in studies of 2 weeks' (5 animals/sex, dose and species) and 13 weeks' (10 animals/sex, dose and species) duration. Assessments included hematology, clinical chemistry, urinalysis, reproductive toxicity, and histopathologic evaluations. In both 2- and 13-week dosed feed studies, rats received diets containing 0, 3125, 6250, 12500, 25000, or 50000 ppm HMB. One high-dose female rat died during the 2-week study. Body weight gains of high-dose male and female rats were reduced in the 13-week study. Liver and kidney weights were increased in dosed rats in both studies. In the 2-week studies, enlarged livers were associated with a marked hepatocyte cytoplasmic vacuolization in rats receiving diets containing concentrations of 6250 ppm HMB or higher; renal lesions, consisting of dilated tubules and regeneration of tubular epithelial cells, were found primarily in high-dose rats. In the 13-week studies, kidney lesions progressed to include papillary degeneration, or necrosis, and inflammation, while the liver lesion appeared to regress; liver enzymes in serum remained elevated. Rats receiving a diet with 50000 ppm HMB showed markedly lower epididymal sperm density and an increase in the length of the estrous cycle at the end of the 13-week studies. In 2-week dermal studies, rats received topical applications of 1.25 to 20 mg of HMB in an acetone or lotion vehicle. The only effects noted were small and variable increases in liver and kidney weights, reaching statistical significance primarily in the higher dose groups. In 13-week studies, rats received topical doses from 12.5 to 200 mg/kg HMB in acetone. Kidney weights were elevated in dosed groups of female rats. No other findings were attributed to HMB treatment. In 2- and 13-week dosed feed studies, mice received feed containing 0, 3125, 6250, 12500, 25000, or 50000 ppm HMB. A dose- related increase in liver weight associated with hepatocyte cytoplasmic vacuolization was the only finding in mice in the 2- week studies. Decreased body weight gains were dose-related in mice in the 13-week studies; mild increases in liver weights were seen in dosed mice of both sexes. Kidney weights were increased variably in dosed females. Microscopic lesions were noted only in the kidneys of males receiving 50000 ppm HMB; these included eosinophilic protein casts in dilated renal tubules and a mild inflammation associated with the dilated tubules. Mice in the highest dose group exhibited a decrease in epididymal sperm density and an increase in length of the estrous cycle. In 2-week dermal studies, mice received topical applications from 0.5 to 8 mg HMB in an acetone or lotion vehi","PeriodicalId":23116,"journal":{"name":"Toxicity report series","volume":"21 ","pages":"1-E14"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"1992-10-01","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"21971448","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
NTP technical report on the toxicity studies of Diethanolamine (CAS No. 111-42-2) Administered Topically and in Drinking Water to F344/N Rats and B6C3F1 Mice. 国家毒理学规划关于饮用水和外用二乙醇胺对F344/N大鼠和B6C3F1小鼠毒性研究的技术报告(CAS No. 111-42-2)。
Pub Date : 1992-10-01
Ronald Melnick

Diethanolamine is a high-production chemical used in cosmetics, in cutting fluids, as a dispersing agent for agricultural chemicals, and as an absorbent for acidic gases. Toxicology studies of diethanolamine were conducted in F344/N rats and B6C3F1 mice of both sexes for 2 weeks (5/sex/species/dose) and 13 weeks (10/sex/species/dose) to characterize and compare the effects of oral and dermal exposure. In addition to histopathology, evaluations included clinical pathology, urinalyses, and sperm morphology or vaginal cytology. In vitro genetic toxicity studies included assessments of mutagenicity in Salmonella typhimurium and mouse lymphoma L5178Y cells, analysis of chromosomal aberrations and sister chromatid exchange in Chinese hamster ovary cells, and determination of micronuclei formed in mice during the 13-week dermal exposure study. Groups of rats and mice received drinking water containing diethanolamine at concentrations of up to 10000 ppm during studies of 2 or 13 weeks duration. In the 2-week studies, rats and mice of both sexes received in the were 0, 630, 1250, 5000, and 10000 ppm diethanolamine in the drinking water. In the 13-week studies, rats received 0, 320, 630, 1250, 2500, and 5000 ppm (males) or 0, 160, 320, 630, 1250, and 2500 ppm (females) in drinking water; male and female mice received 0, 630, 1250, 2500, 5000, and 10000 ppm. All female rats in the 2 highest dose groups and 2 males in the 10000 ppm group in the 2-week study died before the end of the study. In the 13-week study, deaths of mice occurred in the 3 highest dose groups; 2 male rats in the top dose group also died. Surviving animals in the higher concentration groups in both studies exhibited depressed weight gains. Rats receiving diethanolamine developed a poorly regenerative, microcytic anemia in both studies. In the 2-week study, dosed male and female rats had increased kidney weights, renal tubular cell necrosis, and decreased renal function; rats in the 13-week study also showed increased incidences or severity of nephropathy, tubular necrosis, and mineralization. Degeneration of the seminiferous tubules of the testis was noted in dosed males in both the 2- and 13-week studies, and sperm motility and count were decreased in the 13-week study. Demyelination in the brain (medulla oblongata) and spinal cord was observed in male and female rats in the 13-week study. In mice, dose-dependent increases in liver weight were observed in males and females in the 2-week study; cytologic alteration and necrosis of individual hepatocytes were observed in the highest dose group. In the 13-week drinking water study in mice, nephropathy and tubular necrosis were observed in males, and degeneration of cardiac myocytes, and hepatocellular necrosis were seen in males and females. Cytologic alteration in the submandibular salivary gland was noted in male and female mice. Hepatocyte cytologic alteration also was noted in all dosed groups of mice. In the 2-week dermal studie

二乙醇胺是一种高产化学品,用于化妆品、切削液、农用化学品的分散剂和酸性气体的吸收剂。对F344/N大鼠和B6C3F1小鼠进行了为期2周(5个性别/种/剂量)和13周(10个性别/种/剂量)的二乙醇胺毒理学研究,以表征和比较口服和皮肤暴露的影响。除组织病理学外,评估还包括临床病理学、尿液分析、精子形态或阴道细胞学。体外遗传毒性研究包括鼠伤寒沙门菌和小鼠淋巴瘤L5178Y细胞的致突变性评估,中国仓鼠卵巢细胞染色体畸变和姐妹染色单体交换分析,以及小鼠在13周皮肤暴露研究中形成的微核测定。在为期2周或13周的研究中,各组大鼠和小鼠接受含有浓度高达10000 ppm的二乙醇胺的饮用水。在为期两周的研究中,男女大鼠和小鼠在饮用水中分别摄入了0、630、1250、5000和10000 ppm的二乙醇胺。在为期13周的研究中,大鼠接受0、320、630、1250、2500和5000 ppm(雄性)或0、160、320、630、1250和2500 ppm(雌性)的饮用水;雄性和雌性小鼠分别接受0、630、1250、2500、5000和10000 ppm。在为期两周的研究中,两个最高剂量组的所有雌性大鼠和10000 ppm组的2只雄性大鼠在研究结束前死亡。在13周的研究中,3个最高剂量组均有小鼠死亡;高剂量组2只雄性大鼠死亡。在两项研究中,高浓度组中存活的动物体重增加受到抑制。在两项研究中,接受二乙醇胺治疗的大鼠都出现了再生能力差的小细胞性贫血。在2周的研究中,给药的雄性和雌性大鼠肾脏重量增加,肾小管细胞坏死,肾功能下降;在为期13周的研究中,大鼠还表现出肾病、肾小管坏死和矿化的发生率或严重程度增加。在第2周和第13周的研究中,在给药的男性中都发现了睾丸精管的退化,在第13周的研究中,精子活力和数量减少。在13周的研究中,雌雄大鼠均观察到脑(延髓)和脊髓脱髓鞘。在小鼠中,在2周的研究中观察到雄性和雌性肝脏重量的剂量依赖性增加;高剂量组肝细胞发生细胞学改变和坏死。在小鼠13周的饮水研究中,雄性小鼠出现肾病和肾小管坏死,雌雄小鼠心肌细胞变性和肝细胞坏死。雌雄小鼠下颌下唾液腺均有细胞学改变。肝细胞细胞学改变也在所有给药组小鼠中被注意到。在为期2周的皮肤研究中,各组大鼠和小鼠每天服用95%乙醇中的二乙醇胺,小鼠剂量为160至2500 mg/kg,大鼠剂量为125至2000 mg/kg,每周5天。在为期13周的研究中,大鼠的皮肤剂量为32至500 mg/kg,小鼠为80至1250 mg/kg。在2周的研究中,最高剂量组出现雄性大鼠和雌雄小鼠的早期死亡,2个最高剂量组(1000和2000 mg/kg)出现雌性大鼠的早期死亡。高剂量组的大鼠和小鼠体重增加减少。在为期13周的研究中,在最高剂量组大鼠(500 mg/kg)和小鼠(1250 mg/kg)中观察到早期死亡。给予较高剂量的大鼠和小鼠体重增加减少。皮肤研究中的大鼠表现出与饮用水研究中观察到的大鼠相似的剂量依赖性血液学和肾功能变化。此外,在为期2周的研究中,大鼠在施用部位出现溃疡性皮肤病变,并伴有炎症细胞浸润、角化过度和表皮真皮棘层增生。在一些动物中观察到角化过度,无溃疡。在雄性和雌性小鼠中观察到应用部位的溃疡。在所有低剂量组小鼠中均观察到棘皮增生,无溃疡或炎症细胞浸润。在为期13周的研究中,涂抹部位的皮肤病变包括溃疡和炎症、角化过度和棘层增生。雄性和雌性大鼠的肝脏重量增加,但没有相关的组织病理学改变。在大鼠中观察到的其他治疗相关效应包括脑和脊髓脱髓鞘、肾病、肾小管坏死和/或肾小管矿化;小鼠表现出肝脏和/或肝细胞坏死、肾小管上皮坏死和心肌细胞变性的细胞学改变。 在体外遗传毒性研究中,二乙醇胺对鼠伤寒沙门菌和小鼠L5178Y TK&plusmn没有诱变作用;细胞。二乙醇胺未引起中国仓鼠卵巢细胞的姐妹染色单体交换或染色体畸变,也未引起外用13周小鼠外周血红细胞微核。所有的体外研究都是在S9激活和不激活的情况下进行的。在这些研究中确定的二乙醇胺毒性靶器官包括大鼠的骨髓、肾脏、脑、脊髓、睾丸和皮肤,以及小鼠的肝脏、肾脏、心脏、唾液腺和皮肤。在饮用水研究中,大鼠血液学改变或肾病(160 ppm)或小鼠肝脏细胞学改变(630 ppm)未达到未观察到的不良反应水平(NOAEL)。在皮肤研究中,大鼠血液学改变、肾病或皮肤角化过度(32 mg/kg)或小鼠肝脏细胞学改变或皮肤棘层增生(80 mg/kg)均未达到NOAEL。同义词:2 2 &vprime; -iminodiethanol;2、2 &vprime; -iminobisethanol;diethylolamine;bis(羟乙基)胺;2、2 'dihydroxydiethylamine;2、2 &vprime; -aminodiethanol。
{"title":"NTP technical report on the toxicity studies of Diethanolamine (CAS No. 111-42-2) Administered Topically and in Drinking Water to F344/N Rats and B6C3F1 Mice.","authors":"Ronald Melnick","doi":"","DOIUrl":"","url":null,"abstract":"<p><p>Diethanolamine is a high-production chemical used in cosmetics, in cutting fluids, as a dispersing agent for agricultural chemicals, and as an absorbent for acidic gases. Toxicology studies of diethanolamine were conducted in F344/N rats and B6C3F1 mice of both sexes for 2 weeks (5/sex/species/dose) and 13 weeks (10/sex/species/dose) to characterize and compare the effects of oral and dermal exposure. In addition to histopathology, evaluations included clinical pathology, urinalyses, and sperm morphology or vaginal cytology. In vitro genetic toxicity studies included assessments of mutagenicity in Salmonella typhimurium and mouse lymphoma L5178Y cells, analysis of chromosomal aberrations and sister chromatid exchange in Chinese hamster ovary cells, and determination of micronuclei formed in mice during the 13-week dermal exposure study. Groups of rats and mice received drinking water containing diethanolamine at concentrations of up to 10000 ppm during studies of 2 or 13 weeks duration. In the 2-week studies, rats and mice of both sexes received in the were 0, 630, 1250, 5000, and 10000 ppm diethanolamine in the drinking water. In the 13-week studies, rats received 0, 320, 630, 1250, 2500, and 5000 ppm (males) or 0, 160, 320, 630, 1250, and 2500 ppm (females) in drinking water; male and female mice received 0, 630, 1250, 2500, 5000, and 10000 ppm. All female rats in the 2 highest dose groups and 2 males in the 10000 ppm group in the 2-week study died before the end of the study. In the 13-week study, deaths of mice occurred in the 3 highest dose groups; 2 male rats in the top dose group also died. Surviving animals in the higher concentration groups in both studies exhibited depressed weight gains. Rats receiving diethanolamine developed a poorly regenerative, microcytic anemia in both studies. In the 2-week study, dosed male and female rats had increased kidney weights, renal tubular cell necrosis, and decreased renal function; rats in the 13-week study also showed increased incidences or severity of nephropathy, tubular necrosis, and mineralization. Degeneration of the seminiferous tubules of the testis was noted in dosed males in both the 2- and 13-week studies, and sperm motility and count were decreased in the 13-week study. Demyelination in the brain (medulla oblongata) and spinal cord was observed in male and female rats in the 13-week study. In mice, dose-dependent increases in liver weight were observed in males and females in the 2-week study; cytologic alteration and necrosis of individual hepatocytes were observed in the highest dose group. In the 13-week drinking water study in mice, nephropathy and tubular necrosis were observed in males, and degeneration of cardiac myocytes, and hepatocellular necrosis were seen in males and females. Cytologic alteration in the submandibular salivary gland was noted in male and female mice. Hepatocyte cytologic alteration also was noted in all dosed groups of mice. In the 2-week dermal studie","PeriodicalId":23116,"journal":{"name":"Toxicity report series","volume":"20 ","pages":"1-D10"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"1992-10-01","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"21971449","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
NTP technical report on the toxicity studies of Black Newsprint Inks Administered Topically to F344/N Rats and C3H Mice. 国家毒理学计划关于黑色新闻纸油墨局部给药对F344/N大鼠和C3H小鼠毒性研究的技术报告。
Pub Date : 1992-07-01
Joel Mahler

Toxicity studies were conducted by applying black newsprint inks or mineral oils to clipped skin of the dorsal interscapular area of C3H mice and F344/N rats of both sexes, to determine systemic and local effects. Four lots of both letterpress and offset types of newsprint ink were studied, either as composite mixtures or as individual lots. An industrial grade mineral oil, used as an extender for newsprint ink formulation, and USP medicinal grade mineral oil also were studied. Analyses for the presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were conducted on composite ink mixtures and mineral oils; letterpress and offset ink mixtures were found to have cumulative concentrations of 206 and 105 ppm, respectively; the concentration of PAHs in the printing ink mineral oil sample was 208 ppm, while none were detected in the USP grade mineral oil. In genetic toxicity studies, letterpress and offset newsprint ink composite mixtures were each mutagenic in Salmonella typhimurium strains TA98 and TA100 when tested in a preincubation protocol with added hamster liver S9. With rat liver S9, results for both inks were positive in strain TA98 and negative in strain TA100. Neither type of ink was mutagenic in the absence of S9 activation. In 30-day studies, 5 rats and mice per sex were given single, daily dermal applications of letterpress or offset newsprint inks, 5 days per week, for a total of 21 - 22 applications. Dose groups for each type of ink received either the neat (undiluted) composite ink mixture, or the 3:1, 1:1, or 1:3 dilutions (ink:USP mineral oil), with a total dose volume of 100 (mice) or 250 (rats) &mgr;l. All animals survived until the end of the studies. Toxicity attributed to ink administration was limited to decreased body weight gains in female rats treated with neat and the 3:1 dilution of letterpress ink, and to scaliness at the site of application in 1 or more mice in each letterpress ink treatment group. As a result of grooming activity and the large amount of test chemical applied, chemicals were spread over the body, and there was evidence that some oral ingestion had occurred. In 13-week studies, various ink and mineral oil formulations were administered dermally to 10 rats and mice per sex. To prevent accumulation of inks and distribution over the body as seen in the 30-day studies, the frequency of application was reduced to twice weekly and the total dose volume was decreased to 20 microliters for mice and 50 microliters for rats. Treatment groups for rats consisted of letterpress ink mixture, offset ink mixture, printing ink mineral oil, USP mineral oil, and clipped, untreated controls. Groups of mice were administered each of the 4 individual lots of both letterpress and offset inks, the composite mixtures of each, and printing ink and USP mineral oils; clipped, untreated groups served as controls. All rats, all male mice, and all female mice except one administered offset ink-lot E survived to the end of the studi

通过将黑色新闻纸油墨或矿物油应用于C3H小鼠和F344/N大鼠背部肩背间区剪断的皮肤进行毒性研究,以确定全身和局部效应。研究了四批凸版和胶版新闻纸油墨,作为复合混合物或单独批次。还研究了工业级矿物油作为新闻纸油墨配方的填充剂,以及USP药用级矿物油。分析了复合油墨混合物和矿物油中多环芳烃(PAHs)的含量;活版和胶版油墨混合物的累积浓度分别为206和105 ppm;印刷油墨矿物油样品中多环芳烃含量为208 ppm,而USP级矿物油中未检测到多环芳烃。在遗传毒性研究中,在添加仓鼠肝脏S9的孵育前试验中,凸版印刷和胶版新闻纸油墨复合混合物对鼠伤寒沙门氏菌菌株TA98和TA100均具有诱变作用。在大鼠肝脏S9中,两种油墨对菌株TA98均呈阳性,对菌株TA100均呈阴性。在没有S9激活的情况下,两种油墨都不具有诱变性。在为期30天的研究中,每个性别5只大鼠和小鼠,每周5天,每天给皮肤注射凸版或胶版新闻纸油墨,总共21 - 22次。每种油墨的剂量组接受纯(未稀释)复合油墨混合物,或3:1,1:1或1:3稀释(油墨:USP矿物油),总剂量体积为100(小鼠)或250(大鼠)。所有的动物都存活到了研究结束。油墨给药的毒性仅限于用纯活版油墨和3:1稀释的活版油墨处理雌性大鼠的体重增加减少,以及每个活版油墨处理组中1只或更多小鼠的涂抹部位出现鳞屑。由于梳理活动和大量的测试化学物质的应用,化学物质遍布全身,并且有证据表明已经发生了一些口服摄入。在为期13周的研究中,各性别10只大鼠和小鼠皮下注射了各种墨水和矿物油配方。为了防止油墨在体内的积聚和分布,如30天研究中所见,应用频率减少到每周两次,总剂量体积减少到小鼠20微升和大鼠50微升。大鼠处理组包括活版油墨混合物、胶印油墨混合物、印刷油墨矿物油、USP矿物油和剪断的未处理对照组。各组小鼠分别给予4个单独批次的凸版和胶版油墨,每种油墨的复合混合物,以及印刷油墨和USP矿物油;剪短的未治疗组作为对照组。所有的大鼠,所有的雄性小鼠,以及所有的雌性小鼠,除了一只给予胶印油墨E组外,都存活到研究结束。复方给药对大鼠的影响仅限于用印刷油墨矿物油和凸版油墨混合物治疗的雌性大鼠体重增加减少,而暴露于USP矿物油的雄性和雌性大鼠肝脏和肾脏重量增加;施用部位无局部毒性作用。在小鼠中,对体重没有影响,但在大多数墨水和矿物油处理组中,肝脏重量增加了。用USP矿物油和凸版油墨(lot c)处理后,小鼠的皮肤毒性表现为两性涂抹部位的鳞屑和刺激,显微镜下,在所有治疗组小鼠的涂抹部位观察到局部毒性,并以棘皮和炎症为特征。总之,这些研究结果表明,黑色新闻纸油墨和矿物油局部给药在小鼠的应用部位产生局部毒性;该物种对皮肤的毒性作用与主要皮肤刺激物的毒性作用一致。在大鼠中,可能的毒性证据仅限于用凸版油墨配方治疗的雌性体重增加减少。
{"title":"NTP technical report on the toxicity studies of Black Newsprint Inks Administered Topically to F344/N Rats and C3H Mice.","authors":"Joel Mahler","doi":"","DOIUrl":"","url":null,"abstract":"<p><p>Toxicity studies were conducted by applying black newsprint inks or mineral oils to clipped skin of the dorsal interscapular area of C3H mice and F344/N rats of both sexes, to determine systemic and local effects. Four lots of both letterpress and offset types of newsprint ink were studied, either as composite mixtures or as individual lots. An industrial grade mineral oil, used as an extender for newsprint ink formulation, and USP medicinal grade mineral oil also were studied. Analyses for the presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were conducted on composite ink mixtures and mineral oils; letterpress and offset ink mixtures were found to have cumulative concentrations of 206 and 105 ppm, respectively; the concentration of PAHs in the printing ink mineral oil sample was 208 ppm, while none were detected in the USP grade mineral oil. In genetic toxicity studies, letterpress and offset newsprint ink composite mixtures were each mutagenic in Salmonella typhimurium strains TA98 and TA100 when tested in a preincubation protocol with added hamster liver S9. With rat liver S9, results for both inks were positive in strain TA98 and negative in strain TA100. Neither type of ink was mutagenic in the absence of S9 activation. In 30-day studies, 5 rats and mice per sex were given single, daily dermal applications of letterpress or offset newsprint inks, 5 days per week, for a total of 21 - 22 applications. Dose groups for each type of ink received either the neat (undiluted) composite ink mixture, or the 3:1, 1:1, or 1:3 dilutions (ink:USP mineral oil), with a total dose volume of 100 (mice) or 250 (rats) &mgr;l. All animals survived until the end of the studies. Toxicity attributed to ink administration was limited to decreased body weight gains in female rats treated with neat and the 3:1 dilution of letterpress ink, and to scaliness at the site of application in 1 or more mice in each letterpress ink treatment group. As a result of grooming activity and the large amount of test chemical applied, chemicals were spread over the body, and there was evidence that some oral ingestion had occurred. In 13-week studies, various ink and mineral oil formulations were administered dermally to 10 rats and mice per sex. To prevent accumulation of inks and distribution over the body as seen in the 30-day studies, the frequency of application was reduced to twice weekly and the total dose volume was decreased to 20 microliters for mice and 50 microliters for rats. Treatment groups for rats consisted of letterpress ink mixture, offset ink mixture, printing ink mineral oil, USP mineral oil, and clipped, untreated controls. Groups of mice were administered each of the 4 individual lots of both letterpress and offset inks, the composite mixtures of each, and printing ink and USP mineral oils; clipped, untreated groups served as controls. All rats, all male mice, and all female mice except one administered offset ink-lot E survived to the end of the studi","PeriodicalId":23116,"journal":{"name":"Toxicity report series","volume":"17 ","pages":"1-E2"},"PeriodicalIF":0.0,"publicationDate":"1992-07-01","publicationTypes":"Journal Article","fieldsOfStudy":null,"isOpenAccess":false,"openAccessPdf":"","citationCount":null,"resultStr":null,"platform":"Semanticscholar","paperid":"21971520","PeriodicalName":null,"FirstCategoryId":null,"ListUrlMain":null,"RegionNum":0,"RegionCategory":"","ArticlePicture":[],"TitleCN":null,"AbstractTextCN":null,"PMCID":"","EPubDate":null,"PubModel":null,"JCR":null,"JCRName":null,"Score":null,"Total":0}
引用次数: 0
Toxicity report series
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