The study includes 50 patients with duodenal peptic ulcer who are classified into 2 groups: 1 gr. of 30 patients to whom biopsy was performed twice at a 14 day interval in order to study the reproducibility of the method in relation to the histological diagnosis; II group of 20 patients served for determination of the percentage of full value biopsies suitable for diagnosis. The results showed that the histological diagnosis based on the second examination coincided with the diagnosis from the first examination in 78% of the cases and by the single examination 33% of the biopsies showed gastritis of different severity from the rest. Most of the biopsies were of full value--84%, and the material of 19 mg obtained from mean 10 biopsies to a patient was sufficient. The endoscopic control following the biopsies revealed artificial erosions of incomplete type localized in the corpus and rarely single erosions in the antrum. The difference in the percentage of antral biopsies found by gastroscopy--6% and that found by histological examination--0.6% is a proof for the fundalization of the antral glands. The proposed method for multiple aspiration biopsy is informative, noninvasive and technically easy to perform.