There were studied the skin specimen from 40 dead persons, aged from 23 to 87 yrs, (52 ± 15.6) yrs at average, with the objective to investigate the biochemical properties and establishment of experimental deformation angles. Basing on the biomechanical tissues background of the anterior abdominal wall topographo-anatomic regions there were analyzed the results of treatment in the patients, оperated on for the anterior wall deformities and defects, concerning biomechanical possibilities of the flaps and classic methods of the tissues mobilization applied. There was established, that in borders of possible plastic deformity the tissues pressure distribution have persisted in normal range, and this have promoted the cicatricial tissue formation, which did not differ in characteristics from the adjacent connective tissues structures, what have had guaranteed the uncomplicated course of the wound process. Biomechanical properties of adiposo-cutaneous flaps must be taken into account while manipulating with them with the objective of obtaining an optimal distribution of pressure along the flaps and conditions for obtaining of the tissues adequate reaction on operative trauma, while performing interventions on the anterior abdominal wall for its defects and deformities, guaranteeing better esthetic result of treatment, reduction of postoperative morbidity and stationary stay.