An education programme at North Shore Hospital is tackling intensive care nurses' fears and negative attitudes about mental health patients to improve the quality of care patients receive.
An education programme at North Shore Hospital is tackling intensive care nurses' fears and negative attitudes about mental health patients to improve the quality of care patients receive.
Coping with serious incidents is a reality for many mental health nurses. Support through debriefing can help lessen the toll these traumatic events take.
MentaL health nursing needs to find its voice and a shared vision, if it is to become an effective advocate for services and patients.
An experienced mental health nurse reflects on her practice and the wider context within which she works, including the social issues now causing more stress and anxiety for people.
SEPSIS IS a leading cause of preventable death, the incidence of which has increased markedly over the past 40 years. While mortality rates are improving, one-fifth of patients with severe sepsis die. Early identification and intervention arekey to survival - delayed care for inpatients who develop sepsis is the main reason why this group has a higher mortality rate than people admitted with sepsis. Internationally, the Surviving Sepsis Campaign promotes screening of "every patient, every shift, every day" for sepsis, while new United Kingdom guidelines recommend health practitioners ask, "Could this be sepsis?" for any patient with signs of a possible infection. Nurses are best placed to identify sepsis early and ensure timely treatment. A thorough understanding of the events underlying development of sepsis, and its risks, will help nurses in this life-saving role. The goal is that all nurses, in all settings, consider, as a first priority, the possibility of sepsis in any infant, child or adult presenting with an infection.