This article describes the author's experiences growing up in a family of traditional healers, an account of early guidance by her grandmother, a severe illness that influenced her to become a healer and the values that are central to her own work as a traditional healer who specialises in treatment of mental health problems. The impact of colonisation on traditional healing practices in Africa is highlighted.
Australia was one of the first countries to develop a national mental health strategy. This article reviews the progress of reform, outlining some strengths, weaknesses and prospective challenges.
People with psychosis in Malawi have very limited access to timely assessment and evidence-based care, leading to a long duration of untreated psychosis and persistent disability. Most people with psychosis in the country consult traditional or religious healers. Stigmatising attitudes are common and services have limited capacity, particularly in rural areas. This paper, focusing on pathways to care for psychosis in Malawi, is based on the Wellcome Trust Psychosis Flagship Report on the Landscape of Mental Health Services for Psychosis in Malawi. Its purpose is to inform Psychosis Recovery Orientation in Malawi by Improving Services and Engagement (PROMISE), a longitudinal study that aims to build on existing services to develop sustainable psychosis detection systems and management pathways to promote recovery.
Norway has, according to the World Health Organization, more psychiatrists engaged in public health services per head of population than any other country, and the proportionate numbers of psychologists and others engaged in mental healthcare are also among the world's highest. Approximately 10% of Norway's gross domestic product is spent on health, expenditure per capita that is the fourth highest internationally. We discuss how this wealth of expertise translates into the delivery of services to the public.
Stepping down after a decade of service as editor of this journal, this brief testimonial recognises the pivotal contributions made by Professor David Skuse and highlights his stellar career achievements as an academic.